]> Git — Sourcephile - comptalang.git/blob - lib/Hcompta/Format/Ledger/Read.hs
Modif : Calc.Balance.Equilibre : retourne ce qui n’est pas équilibré.
[comptalang.git] / lib / Hcompta / Format / Ledger / Read.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
8 module Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Read where
10 import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*))
11 import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
12 import Control.Arrow ((***))
13 import Control.Monad (guard, join, liftM, (>=>))
14 import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
15 import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), throwE)
16 import qualified Data.Char
17 import qualified Data.Decimal
18 import qualified Data.Either
19 import qualified Data.List
20 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map
21 import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
22 import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time
23 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
24 import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time
25 import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone(..))
26 import Data.Typeable ()
27 import qualified Text.Parsec as R
28 import Text.Parsec (Stream, ParsecT, (<|>), (<?>))
29 import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO (readFile)
30 import qualified Data.Text as Text (pack)
31 import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Path
33 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Account as Account
34 import Hcompta.Model.Account (Account)
35 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount as Amount
36 import Hcompta.Model.Amount (Amount)
37 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Style as Style
38 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit as Unit
39 import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit (Unit)
40 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction as Transaction
41 import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Transaction, Comment)
42 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction.Posting as Posting
43 import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Posting)
44 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Transaction.Tag as Tag
45 import Hcompta.Model.Transaction (Tag)
46 import qualified Hcompta.Model.Date as Date
47 import Hcompta.Model.Date (Date)
48 import Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Journal as Journal
49 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Regex as Regex
50 import Hcompta.Lib.Regex (Regex)
51 import Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R
52 import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Path as Path
54 data Context
55 = Context
56 { context_account_prefix :: !Account
57 , context_aliases_exact :: !(Data.Map.Map Account Account)
58 , context_aliases_joker :: ![(Account.Joker, Account)]
59 , context_aliases_regex :: ![(Regex, Account)]
60 , context_date :: !Date
61 , context_unit_and_style :: !(Maybe (Amount.Unit, Amount.Style))
62 , context_journal :: !Journal
63 , context_year :: !Date.Year
64 } deriving (Show)
66 nil_Context :: Context
67 nil_Context =
68 Context
69 { context_account_prefix = []
70 , context_aliases_exact = Data.Map.empty
71 , context_aliases_joker = []
72 , context_aliases_regex = []
73 , context_date = Date.nil
74 , context_unit_and_style = Nothing
75 , context_journal = Journal.nil
76 , context_year = (\(year, _ , _) -> year) $
77 Time.toGregorian $ Time.utctDay $
78 Journal.last_read_time Journal.nil
79 }
81 -- | Parse either '-' into 'negate', or '+' or '' into 'id'.
82 sign :: (Stream s m Char, Num i) => ParsecT s u m (i -> i)
83 sign =
84 (R.char '-' >> return negate)
85 <|> (R.char '+' >> return id)
86 <|> return id
88 -- * Parsing 'Account'
90 account_name_sep :: Char
91 account_name_sep = ':'
93 -- | Parse an 'Account'.
94 account :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account
95 account = do
96 R.notFollowedBy $ space_horizontal
97 many1_separated account_name $ R.char account_name_sep
99 -- | Parse an Account.'Account.Name'.
100 account_name :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account.Name
101 account_name = do
102 Text.pack <$> do
103 R.many1 $ R.try account_name_char
104 where
105 account_name_char :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
106 account_name_char = do
107 c <- R.anyChar
108 case c of
109 _ | c == comment_begin -> R.parserZero
110 _ | c == account_name_sep -> R.parserZero
111 _ | c == posting_type_virtual_end
112 || c == posting_type_virtual_balanced_end ->
113 return c <* (R.lookAhead $ R.try $ account_name_char)
114 _ | is_space_horizontal c -> do
115 _ <- R.notFollowedBy $ space_horizontal
116 return c <* (R.lookAhead $ R.try $
117 ( R.try (R.char account_name_sep)
118 <|> account_name_char
119 ))
120 _ | not (Data.Char.isSpace c) -> return c
121 _ -> R.parserZero
123 -- | Parse an Account.'Account.Joker_Name'.
124 account_joker_name :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account.Joker_Name
125 account_joker_name = do
126 n <- R.option Nothing $ (Just <$> account_name)
127 case n of
128 Nothing -> R.char account_name_sep >> (return $ Account.Joker_Any)
129 Just n' -> return $ Account.Joker_Name n'
131 -- | Parse an Account.'Account.Joker'.
132 account_joker :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account.Joker
133 account_joker = do
134 R.notFollowedBy $ space_horizontal
135 many1_separated account_joker_name $ R.char account_name_sep
137 -- | Parse a 'Regex'.
138 account_regex :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Regex
139 account_regex = do
140 re <- R.many1 $ R.satisfy (not . is_space_horizontal)
141 Regex.of_StringM re
143 -- | Parse an Account.'Account.Filter'.
144 account_pattern :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Account.Pattern
145 account_pattern = do
146 R.choice_try
147 [ Account.Pattern_Exact <$> (R.char '=' >> account)
148 , Account.Pattern_Joker <$> (R.char '*' >> account_joker)
149 , Account.Pattern_Regex <$> (R.option '~' (R.char '~') >> account_regex)
150 ]
152 -- * Parsing 'Amount'
154 -- | Parse an 'Amount'.
155 amount :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Amount
156 amount = do
157 left_signing <- sign
158 left_unit <-
159 R.option Nothing $ do
160 u <- unit
161 s <- R.many $ space_horizontal
162 return $ Just $ (u, not $ null s)
163 (quantity_, style) <- do
164 signing <- sign
165 Quantity
166 { integral
167 , fractional
168 , fractioning
169 , grouping_integral
170 , grouping_fractional
171 } <-
172 R.choice_try
173 [ quantity '_' ',' '_' <* (R.notFollowedBy $ R.oneOf ",._")
174 , quantity '_' '.' '_' <* (R.notFollowedBy $ R.oneOf ",._")
175 , quantity ',' '.' '_' <* (R.notFollowedBy $ R.oneOf ",._")
176 , quantity '.' ',' '_' <* (R.notFollowedBy $ R.oneOf ",._")
177 ] <?> "quantity"
178 let int = Data.List.concat integral
179 let frac_flat = Data.List.concat fractional
180 let frac = reverse $ Data.List.dropWhile (== '0') $ reverse $ frac_flat
181 let place = length frac
182 guard (place <= 255)
183 let mantissa = R.integer_of_digits 10 $ int ++ frac
184 return $
185 ( Data.Decimal.Decimal
186 (fromIntegral place)
187 (signing mantissa)
188 , Style.nil
189 { Style.fractioning
190 , Style.grouping_integral
191 , Style.grouping_fractional
192 , Style.precision = fromIntegral $ length frac_flat
193 }
194 )
195 (unit_, unit_side, unit_spaced) <-
196 case left_unit of
197 Just (u, s) ->
198 return (u, Just Style.Side_Left, Just s)
199 Nothing ->
200 R.option (Unit.nil, Nothing, Nothing) $ do
201 s <- R.many $ space_horizontal
202 u <- unit
203 return $ (u, Just Style.Side_Right, Just $ not $ null s)
204 return $
205 Amount.Amount
206 { Amount.quantity = left_signing $ quantity_
207 , Amount.style = style
208 { Style.unit_side
209 , Style.unit_spaced
210 }
211 , Amount.unit = unit_
212 }
214 data Quantity
215 = Quantity
216 { integral :: [String]
217 , fractional :: [String]
218 , fractioning :: Maybe Style.Fractioning
219 , grouping_integral :: Maybe Style.Grouping
220 , grouping_fractional :: Maybe Style.Grouping
221 }
223 -- | Parse a 'Quantity'.
224 quantity
225 :: Stream s m Char
226 => Char -- ^ Integral grouping separator.
227 -> Char -- ^ Fractioning separator.
228 -> Char -- ^ Fractional grouping separator.
229 -> ParsecT s u m Quantity
230 quantity int_group_sep frac_sep frac_group_sep = do
231 (integral, grouping_integral) <- do
232 h <- R.many R.digit
233 case h of
234 [] -> return ([], Nothing)
235 _ -> do
236 t <- R.many $ R.char int_group_sep >> R.many1 R.digit
237 let digits = h:t
238 return (digits, grouping_of_digits int_group_sep digits)
239 (fractional, fractioning, grouping_fractional) <-
240 (case integral of
241 [] -> id
242 _ -> R.option ([], Nothing, Nothing)) $ do
243 fractioning <- R.char frac_sep
244 h <- R.many R.digit
245 t <- R.many $ R.char frac_group_sep >> R.many1 R.digit
246 let digits = h:t
247 return (digits, Just fractioning
248 , grouping_of_digits frac_group_sep $ reverse digits)
249 return $
250 Quantity
251 { integral
252 , fractional
253 , fractioning
254 , grouping_integral
255 , grouping_fractional
256 }
257 where
258 grouping_of_digits :: Char -> [String] -> Maybe Style.Grouping
259 grouping_of_digits group_sep digits =
260 case digits of
261 [] -> Nothing
262 [_] -> Nothing
263 _ -> Just $
264 Style.Grouping group_sep $
265 canonicalize_grouping $
266 map length $ digits
267 canonicalize_grouping :: [Int] -> [Int]
268 canonicalize_grouping groups =
269 Data.List.foldl -- NOTE: remove duplicates at beginning and reverse.
270 (\acc l0 -> case acc of
271 l1:_ -> if l0 == l1 then acc else l0:acc
272 _ -> l0:acc) [] $
273 case groups of -- NOTE: keep only longer at beginning.
274 l0:l1:t -> if l0 > l1 then groups else l1:t
275 _ -> groups
277 -- | Parse an 'Unit'.
278 unit :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Unit
279 unit =
280 (quoted <|> unquoted) <?> "unit"
281 where
282 unquoted :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Unit
283 unquoted =
284 Text.pack <$> do
285 R.many1 $
286 R.satisfy $ \c ->
287 case Data.Char.generalCategory c of
288 Data.Char.CurrencySymbol -> True
289 Data.Char.LowercaseLetter -> True
290 Data.Char.ModifierLetter -> True
291 Data.Char.OtherLetter -> True
292 Data.Char.TitlecaseLetter -> True
293 Data.Char.UppercaseLetter -> True
294 _ -> False
295 quoted :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Unit
296 quoted =
297 Text.pack <$> do
298 R.between (R.char '"') (R.char '"') $
299 R.many1 $
300 R.noneOf ";\n\""
302 -- * Directives
304 directive_alias :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m ()
305 directive_alias = do
306 _ <- R.string "alias"
307 R.skipMany1 $ space_horizontal
308 pattern <- account_pattern
309 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
310 _ <- R.char '='
311 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
312 repl <- account
313 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
314 case pattern of
315 Account.Pattern_Exact acct -> R.modifyState $ \ctx -> ctx{context_aliases_exact=
316 Data.Map.insert acct repl $ context_aliases_exact ctx}
317 Account.Pattern_Joker jokr -> R.modifyState $ \ctx -> ctx{context_aliases_joker=
318 (jokr, repl):context_aliases_joker ctx}
319 Account.Pattern_Regex regx -> R.modifyState $ \ctx -> ctx{context_aliases_regex=
320 (regx, repl):context_aliases_regex ctx}
321 return ()
323 -- | Parse the year, month and day separator: '/' or '-'.
324 date_separator :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
325 date_separator = R.satisfy (\c -> c == '/' || c == '-')
327 -- | Parse the hour, minute and second separator: ':'.
328 hour_separator :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
329 hour_separator = R.char ':'
331 -- * Parsing 'Date'
333 -- | Parse a 'Date' in [YYYY/]MM/DD [HH:MM[:SS][TZ]] format.
334 date :: Stream s m Char => Maybe Integer -> ParsecT s u m Date
335 date def_year = do
336 n0 <- R.many1 R.digit
337 day_sep <- date_separator
338 n1 <- R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit
339 n2 <- R.option Nothing $ R.try $ do
340 _ <- R.char day_sep
341 Just <$> do R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit
342 (year, m, d) <-
343 case (n2, def_year) of
344 (Nothing, Nothing) -> fail "year or day is missing"
345 (Nothing, Just year) -> return (year, n0, n1)
346 (Just d, _) -> return (R.integer_of_digits 10 n0, n1, d)
347 let month = fromInteger $ R.integer_of_digits 10 m
348 let day = fromInteger $ R.integer_of_digits 10 d
349 guard $ month >= 1 && month <= 12
350 guard $ day >= 1 && day <= 31
351 day_ <- case Time.fromGregorianValid year month day of
352 Nothing -> fail "invalid day"
353 Just day_ -> return day_
354 (hour, minu, sec, tz) <-
355 R.option (0, 0, 0, Time.utc) $ R.try $ do
356 R.skipMany1 $ space_horizontal
357 hour <- R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit
358 sep <- hour_separator
359 minu <- R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit
360 sec <- R.option Nothing $ R.try $ do
361 _ <- R.char sep
362 Just <$> (R.try (R.count 2 R.digit) <|> R.count 1 R.digit)
363 -- DO: timezone
364 tz <- R.option Time.utc $ R.try $ do
365 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
366 time_zone
367 return
368 ( R.integer_of_digits 10 hour
369 , R.integer_of_digits 10 minu
370 , maybe 0 (R.integer_of_digits 10) sec
371 , tz )
372 guard $ hour >= 0 && hour <= 23
373 guard $ minu >= 0 && minu <= 59
374 guard $ sec >= 0 && sec <= 60 -- NOTE: allow leap second
375 tod <- case Time.makeTimeOfDayValid
376 (fromInteger hour)
377 (fromInteger minu)
378 (fromInteger sec) of
379 Nothing -> fail "invalid time of day"
380 Just tod -> return tod
381 return $
382 Time.ZonedTime
383 (Time.LocalTime day_ tod)
384 tz
385 <?> "date"
387 time_zone :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m TimeZone
388 time_zone =
389 -- DOC: http://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/
390 -- TODO: only a few time zones are suported below.
391 -- TODO: check the timeZoneSummerOnly values
392 R.choice
393 [ R.char 'A' >> R.choice
394 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-4) * 60) False "AST")
395 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-3) * 60) True "ADT")
396 , return (TimeZone ((-1) * 60) False "A")
397 ]
398 , R.char 'B' >> R.choice
399 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-11) * 60) False "BST")
400 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-10) * 60) True "BDT")
401 ]
402 , R.char 'C' >> R.choice
403 [ R.char 'E' >> R.choice
404 [ R.string "T" >> return (TimeZone ((1) * 60) True "CET")
405 , R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((2) * 60) False "CEST")
406 ]
407 , R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) False "CST")
408 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) True "CDT")
409 ]
410 , R.char 'E' >> R.choice
411 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) False "EST")
412 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-4) * 60) True "EDT")
413 ]
414 , R.string "GMT" >> return (TimeZone 0 False "GMT")
415 , R.char 'H' >> R.choice
416 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-10) * 60) False "HST")
417 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone (( -9) * 60) True "HDT")
418 ]
419 , R.char 'M' >> R.choice
420 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) False "MST")
421 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) True "MDT")
422 , return (TimeZone ((-12) * 60) False "M")
423 ]
424 , R.char 'N' >> R.choice
425 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-3) * 60 - 30) False "NST")
426 , return (TimeZone (1 * 60) False "N")
427 ]
428 , R.char 'P' >> R.choice
429 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-8) * 60) False "PST")
430 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) True "PDT")
431 ]
432 , R.char 'Y' >> R.choice
433 [ R.string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-9) * 60) False "YST")
434 , R.string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-8) * 60) True "YDT")
435 , return (TimeZone (12 * 60) False "Y")
436 ]
437 , R.char 'Z' >> return (TimeZone 0 False "Z")
438 , time_zone_digits
439 ]
441 time_zone_digits :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m TimeZone
442 {-# INLINEABLE time_zone_digits #-}
443 time_zone_digits = do
444 sign_ <- sign
445 hour <- R.integer_of_digits 10 <$> R.count 2 R.digit
446 _ <- R.option ':' (R.char ':')
447 minute <- R.integer_of_digits 10 <$> R.count 2 R.digit
448 let tz = TimeZone
449 { timeZoneMinutes = sign_ (fromInteger hour * 60 + fromInteger minute)
450 , timeZoneSummerOnly = False
451 , timeZoneName = Time.timeZoneOffsetString tz
452 }
453 return tz
455 -- * Parsing 'Comment'
457 comment_begin :: Char
458 comment_begin = ';'
460 comment :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Comment
461 comment = do
462 _ <- R.char comment_begin
463 Text.pack <$> do
464 R.manyTill R.anyChar (R.lookAhead R.new_line <|> R.eof)
465 <?> "comment"
467 comments :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m [Comment]
468 comments = do
469 R.try $ do
470 R.skipMany $ R.satisfy Data.Char.isSpace
471 many1_separated comment $
472 Text.pack <$> do
473 R.many1 $ do
474 R.try space_horizontal
475 <|> (R.new_line >> space_horizontal)
476 <|> return []
478 -- * Parsing 'Tag'
480 tag_value_sep :: Char
481 tag_value_sep = ':'
483 tag_sep :: Char
484 tag_sep = ','
486 -- | Parse a 'Tag'.
487 tag :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Tag
488 tag = do
489 n <- tag_name
490 _ <- R.char tag_value_sep
491 v <- tag_value
492 return (n, v)
493 <?> "tag"
495 tag_name :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Tag.Name
496 tag_name = do
497 Text.pack <$> do
498 R.many1 $ R.satisfy (\c -> c /= tag_value_sep && not (Data.Char.isSpace c))
500 tag_value :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Tag.Value
501 tag_value = do
502 Text.pack <$> do
503 R.manyTill R.anyChar $ do
504 R.lookAhead $ do
505 R.try (R.char tag_sep >> R.many space_horizontal >> tag_name >> R.char tag_value_sep >> return ())
506 <|> R.try R.new_line
507 <|> R.eof
509 tags :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Tag.By_Name
510 tags = do
511 Tag.from_List <$> do
512 R.many_separated tag $ do
513 _ <- R.char tag_sep
514 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
515 return ()
517 not_tag :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m ()
518 not_tag = do
519 R.skipMany $ R.try $ do
520 R.skipMany $ R.satisfy
521 (\c -> c /= tag_value_sep
522 && not (Data.Char.isSpace c))
523 space_horizontal
525 -- * Parsing 'Posting'
527 -- | Parse a 'Posting'.
528 posting :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m (Posting, Posting.Type)
529 posting = do
530 ctx <- R.getState
531 sourcepos <- R.getPosition
532 comments_ <- comments
533 R.skipMany1 $ space_horizontal
534 status_ <- status
535 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
536 (account_, type_) <- account_with_posting_type
537 amounts_ <-
538 R.choice_try
539 [ do
540 _ <- R.count 2 (space_horizontal)
541 Amount.from_List <$> do
542 R.many_separated amount $ R.try $ do
543 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
544 _ <- R.char amount_sep
545 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
546 return ()
547 , return Data.Map.empty
548 ]
549 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
550 -- TODO: balance assertion
551 -- TODO: conversion
552 comments__ <- (comments_ ++) <$> comments
553 let tags_ = tags_of_comments comments__
554 dates_ <-
555 case Data.Map.lookup "date" tags_ of
556 Nothing -> return []
557 Just dates -> do
558 let date2s = Data.Map.lookup "date2" tags_ -- NOTE: support hledger's date2
559 dates_ <- (flip mapM) (dates ++ fromMaybe [] date2s) $
560 R.runParserT (date (Just $ context_year ctx) <* R.eof) () ""
561 >=> \case
562 Left err -> fail $ show err
563 Right x -> return x
564 case (dates, date2s) of -- NOTE: put hledger's date2 at least in second position
565 ([], Just (_:_)) ->
566 return $ context_date ctx:dates_
567 _ -> return $ dates_
568 return (Posting.Posting
569 { Posting.account=account_
570 , Posting.amounts=amounts_
571 , Posting.comments=comments__
572 , Posting.dates=dates_
573 , Posting.sourcepos=sourcepos
574 , Posting.status=status_
575 , Posting.tags=tags_
576 }, type_)
577 <?> "posting"
579 amount_sep :: Char
580 amount_sep = '+'
582 tags_of_comments :: [Comment] -> Tag.By_Name
583 tags_of_comments =
584 Data.Map.unionsWith (++)
585 . Data.List.map
586 ( Data.Either.either (const Data.Map.empty) id
587 . R.runParser (not_tag >> tags <* R.eof) () "" )
589 status :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Transaction.Status
590 status =
591 ( R.try $ do
592 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
593 _ <- (R.char '*' <|> R.char '!') <?> "status"
594 return True )
595 <|> return False
596 <?> "status"
598 -- | Parse an 'Account' with Posting.'Posting.Type'.
599 account_with_posting_type :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m (Account, Posting.Type)
600 account_with_posting_type = do
601 R.choice_try
602 [ (, Posting.Type_Virtual) <$> R.between (R.char posting_type_virtual_begin)
603 (R.char posting_type_virtual_end)
604 account
605 , (, Posting.Type_Virtual_Balanced) <$> R.between (R.char posting_type_virtual_balanced_begin)
606 (R.char posting_type_virtual_balanced_end)
607 account
608 , (, Posting.Type_Regular) <$> account
609 ]
611 posting_type_virtual_begin :: Char
612 posting_type_virtual_begin = '('
613 posting_type_virtual_balanced_begin :: Char
614 posting_type_virtual_balanced_begin = '['
615 posting_type_virtual_end :: Char
616 posting_type_virtual_end = ')'
617 posting_type_virtual_balanced_end :: Char
618 posting_type_virtual_balanced_end = ']'
620 -- * Parsing 'Transaction'
622 transaction :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m Transaction
623 transaction = do
624 sourcepos <- R.getPosition
625 ctx <- R.getState
626 comments_before <- comments
627 date_ <- date (Just $ context_year ctx)
628 dates_ <-
629 R.option [] $ R.try $ do
630 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
631 _ <- R.char date_sep
632 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
633 R.many_separated
634 (date (Just $ context_year ctx)) $
635 R.try $ do
636 R.many $ space_horizontal
637 >> R.char date_sep
638 >> (R.many $ space_horizontal)
639 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
640 status_ <- status
641 code_ <- R.option "" $ R.try code
642 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
643 description_ <- description
644 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
645 comments_after <- comments
646 let tags_ =
647 Data.Map.unionWith (++)
648 (tags_of_comments comments_before)
649 (tags_of_comments comments_after)
650 R.new_line
651 postings_ <- many1_separated posting R.new_line
652 let (postings, postings__) =
653 (Posting.from_List . Data.List.map fst) *** id $
654 Data.List.partition
655 ((Posting.Type_Regular ==) . snd)
656 postings_
657 let (virtual_postings, balanced_virtual_postings) =
658 join (***) (Posting.from_List . Data.List.map fst) $
659 Data.List.partition
660 ((Posting.Type_Virtual ==) . snd)
661 postings__
662 return $
663 Transaction.Transaction
664 { Transaction.code=code_
665 , Transaction.comments_before
666 , Transaction.comments_after
667 , Transaction.dates=(date_, dates_)
668 , Transaction.description=description_
669 , Transaction.postings
670 , Transaction.virtual_postings
671 , Transaction.balanced_virtual_postings
672 , Transaction.sourcepos
673 , Transaction.status=status_
674 , Transaction.tags=tags_
675 }
676 <?> "transaction"
678 date_sep :: Char
679 date_sep = '='
681 code :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m Transaction.Code
682 code = do
683 Text.pack <$> do
684 R.skipMany $ space_horizontal
685 R.between (R.char '(') (R.char ')') $
686 R.many $ R.satisfy (\c -> c /= ')' && not (is_space_horizontal c))
687 <?> "code"
689 description :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Transaction.Description
690 description = do
691 Text.pack <$> do
692 R.many $ R.try description_char
693 <?> "description"
694 where
695 description_char :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Char
696 description_char = do
697 c <- R.anyChar
698 case c of
699 _ | c == comment_begin -> R.parserZero
700 _ | is_space_horizontal c -> return c <* (R.lookAhead $ R.try $ description_char)
701 _ | not (Data.Char.isSpace c) -> return c
702 _ -> R.parserZero
704 -- * Parsing directives
706 default_year :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m ()
707 default_year = do
708 year <- R.integer_of_digits 10 <$> R.many1 R.digit
709 context_ <- R.getState
710 R.setState context_{context_year=year}
712 default_unit_and_style :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s Context m ()
713 default_unit_and_style = do
714 R.skipMany1 space_horizontal
715 amount_ <- amount
716 R.skipMany space_horizontal >> R.new_line >> R.skipMany space_horizontal
717 context_ <- R.getState
718 R.setState context_{context_unit_and_style=Just $
719 ( Amount.unit amount_
720 , Amount.style amount_ )}
722 include :: Stream s IO Char => ParsecT s Context IO ()
723 include = do
724 sourcepos <- R.getPosition
725 R.skipMany1 $ space_horizontal
726 filename <- R.manyTill R.anyChar (R.lookAhead R.new_line <|> R.eof)
727 context_ <- R.getState
728 let journal_ = context_journal context_
729 let cwd = Path.takeDirectory (R.sourceName sourcepos)
730 file_ <- liftIO $ Path.abs cwd filename
731 (journal_included, context_included) <- liftIO $
732 Exception.catch
733 (readFile file_)
734 (\ko -> fail $ concat -- TODO: i18n by using a custom data type
735 [ show sourcepos
736 , " reading "
737 , file_
738 , ":\n", show (ko::Exception.IOException)
739 ])
740 >>= R.runParserT (R.and_state $ journal_rec file_)
741 context_{context_journal = Journal.nil}
742 file_
743 >>= \case
744 Left ko -> fail $ show ko
745 Right ok -> return ok
746 R.setState $
747 context_included{context_journal=
748 journal_{Journal.includes=
749 journal_included{Journal.file=file_}
750 : Journal.includes journal_}}
751 <?> "include"
753 -- * Parsing 'Journal'
755 journal :: Stream s IO Char => FilePath -> ParsecT s Context IO Journal
756 journal file_ = do
757 currentLocalTime <- liftIO $
758 Time.utcToLocalTime
759 <$> Time.getCurrentTimeZone
760 <*> Time.getCurrentTime
761 let (currentLocalYear, _, _) = Time.toGregorian $ Time.localDay currentLocalTime
762 context_ <- R.getState
763 R.setState $ context_{context_year=currentLocalYear}
764 journal_rec file_
765 <?> "journal"
767 journal_rec :: Stream s IO Char => FilePath -> ParsecT s Context IO Journal
768 journal_rec file_ = do
769 last_read_time <- liftIO $ Time.getCurrentTime
770 R.skipMany $ do
771 R.skipMany1 R.space
772 <|> ((R.choice_try
773 [ R.string "Y" >> return default_year
774 , R.string "D" >> return default_unit_and_style
775 , R.string "!include" >> return include
776 ] <?> "directive") >>= id)
777 <|> do
778 t <- transaction
779 context_' <- R.getState
780 let j = context_journal context_'
781 R.setState $ context_'{context_journal=
782 j{Journal.transactions=
783 Data.Map.insertWith (flip (++))
784 -- NOTE: flip-ing preserves order but slows down
785 -- when many transactions have the very same date.
786 (Date.to_UTC $ fst $ Transaction.dates t) [t]
787 (Journal.transactions j)}}
788 R.new_line <|> R.eof
790 R.skipMany $ R.satisfy Data.Char.isSpace
791 R.eof
792 journal_ <- context_journal <$> R.getState
793 return $
794 journal_
795 { Journal.file = file_
796 , Journal.last_read_time
797 , Journal.includes = reverse $ Journal.includes journal_
798 }
800 -- ** Parsing 'Journal' from a file
802 file :: FilePath -> ExceptT String IO Journal
803 file path = do
804 ExceptT $
805 Exception.catch
806 (liftM Right $ Text.IO.readFile path) $
807 \ko -> return $ Left $ show (ko::Exception.IOException)
808 >>= liftIO . R.runParserT (journal path) nil_Context path
809 >>= \case
810 Left ko -> throwE $ show ko
811 Right ok -> ExceptT $ return $ Right ok