module Hcompta.Balance where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..)) import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Bool import Data.Data import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Eq (Eq(..)) import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Ord (Ord(..)) import Data.TreeMap.Strict (TreeMap(..)) import Data.Tuple (fst) import Data.Typeable () import Prelude (seq, undefined) import Text.Show (Show(..)) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT import qualified Data.Sequences as Seqs import qualified Data.Strict.Maybe as Strict import qualified Data.TreeMap.Strict as TM import Hcompta.Data import Hcompta.Quantity import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Foldable as Fold import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Strict as Strict -- * Type 'Balance' -- | 'BalByAccount' and 'BalByUnit' of some @post@s. -- -- NOTE: to reduce memory consumption -- when applying ('+=') incrementally, -- the fields are explicitely stricts. data Balance name unit qty = Balance { balByAccount :: !(BalByAccount name unit qty) , balByUnit :: !(BalByUnit name unit qty) } deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable) instance (NFData name, NFData unit, NFData qty, Ord name) => NFData (Balance name unit qty) where rnf (Balance a u) = rnf a `seq` rnf u instance Zeroable (Balance name unit qty) where zero = Balance TM.empty Map.empty instance Nullable qty => Nullable (Balance name unit qty) where null (Balance a u) = TM.null a && null u instance (Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty) => Addable (Balance name unit qty) where Balance xa xu + Balance ya yu = Balance (xa + ya) (xu + yu) instance (Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty) => Sumable (Balance name unit qty) (TM.Path name, SumByAccount unit qty) where Balance a u += x = Balance (a += x) (u += x) -- * Type 'BalByAccount' type BalByAccount name unit qty = TreeMap name (SumByAccount unit qty) -- ** Type 'SumByAccount' -- | A sum of quantities, concerning a single account. type SumByAccount = Map -- * Type 'BalByUnit' type BalByUnit name unit qty = Map unit (SumByUnit (TM.Path name) qty) -- ** Type 'SumByUnit' -- | A sum of quantities with their accounts involved, -- concerning a single @unit@. data SumByUnit acct qty = SumByUnit { sumByUnit_quantity :: !qty -- ^ The sum of quantities for a single @unit@. , sumByUnit_accounts :: !(Map acct ()) -- ^ The accounts involved to build 'sumByUnit_quantity'. } deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance (NFData acct, NFData qty) => NFData (SumByUnit acct qty) where rnf (SumByUnit q a) = rnf q `seq` rnf a instance Zeroable qty => Zeroable (SumByUnit acct qty) where zero = SumByUnit zero zero instance Nullable qty => Nullable (SumByUnit acct qty) where null (SumByUnit q a) = null q && Map.null a instance (Ord acct, Addable qty) => Addable (SumByUnit acct qty) where x + y = SumByUnit (sumByUnit_quantity x + sumByUnit_quantity y) (sumByUnit_accounts x + sumByUnit_accounts y) instance (Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty) => Sumable (BalByUnit name unit qty) (TM.Path name, Map unit qty) where bal += (acct, amts) = (+) ((`` amts) $ \qty -> SumByUnit { sumByUnit_quantity = qty , sumByUnit_accounts = Map.singleton acct () }) bal -- * Type 'DeviationByUnit' -- | The 'BalByUnit' whose 'sumByUnit_quantity' -- is not zero and possible account to 'equilibrium'. newtype DeviationByUnit name unit qty = DeviationByUnit (BalByUnit name unit qty) deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Show, Typeable) -- | Return the 'balByUnit' of the given 'Balance' with: -- -- * @unit@s whose 'sumByUnit_quantity' verifying 'zero' are removed, -- -- * and remaining @unit@s have their 'sumByUnit_accounts' -- complemented with the 'balByAccount' of the given 'Balance' -- (i.e. now mapping to the accounts __not__ involved to build the 'SumByUnit'). deviationByUnit :: (Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty, Nullable qty) => Balance name unit qty -> DeviationByUnit name unit qty deviationByUnit Balance{balByAccount, balByUnit} = let all_accounts = TM.flatten (const ()) balByAccount in let max_accounts = Map.size all_accounts in DeviationByUnit $ Map.foldlWithKey (\m unit SumByUnit{..} -> if null sumByUnit_quantity then m else case Map.size sumByUnit_accounts of n | n == max_accounts -> Map.insert unit SumByUnit { sumByUnit_quantity , sumByUnit_accounts = Map.empty } m _ -> let diff = all_accounts `Map.difference` sumByUnit_accounts in Map.insert unit SumByUnit { sumByUnit_quantity , sumByUnit_accounts = diff } m ) zero balByUnit -- ** Balance 'equilibrium' -- | Return the 'Balance' (adjusted by inferred quantities) -- of the given @post@s and either: -- -- * 'Left': the @unit@s which have a non null 'SumByUnit' -- and for which no equibrating account can be inferred. -- * 'Right': the given @post@s with inferred quantities inserted. equilibrium :: ( post ~ MT.Element posts , Seqs.IsSequence posts , Sumable (Balance name unit qty) post , Get acct post , Has (Map unit qty) post , To acct (TM.Path name) , Ord acct , Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty , Nullable qty, Negable qty ) => Map acct posts -> ( Balance name unit qty , Either [(unit, SumByUnit (TM.Path name) qty)] (Map acct posts) ) equilibrium postsByAcct = let bal_initial = Fold.foldr (flip $ MT.ofoldr (flip (+=))) zero postsByAcct in let DeviationByUnit dev = deviationByUnit bal_initial in let (bal_adjusted, eithers) = Map.foldrWithKey (\unit sbu@SumByUnit{..} (bal, lr) -> case Map.size $ sumByUnit_accounts of 1 -> let acct = fst $ Map.elemAt 0 sumByUnit_accounts in let qty = neg sumByUnit_quantity in let amts = Map.singleton unit qty in ( bal += (acct, amts) , Right (acct, unit, qty) : lr ) _ -> (bal, Left [(unit, sbu)] : lr)) (bal_initial, []) dev in let (l, r) = Fold.accumLeftsAndFoldrRights (\(acct, unit, qty) -> Map.adjust (Seqs.fromList . insAmount (unit, qty) . MT.otoList) (to acct)) -- NOTE: acct is within bal_initial, -- hence postsByAcct already has a mapping for acct. postsByAcct eithers in case l of [] -> (bal_adjusted, Right r) _ -> (bal_adjusted, Left l) where insAmount :: forall post unit qty. (Ord unit, Has (Map unit qty) post) => (unit, qty) -> [post] -> [post] insAmount amt@(unit, qty) l = case l of [] -> assert False [] -- NOTE: the acct being in bal_initial, -- hence there was at least one post for this acct. p:ps -> let amts :: Map unit qty = get p in if unit `Map.notMember` amts then set (Map.insert unit qty amts) p:ps else p:insAmount amt ps -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'DeviationByUnit' maps no @unit@. isEquilibrium :: DeviationByUnit name unit qty -> Bool isEquilibrium (DeviationByUnit dev) = Map.null dev -- | Return 'True' if and only if the given 'DeviationByUnit' -- maps only to 'SumByUnit's whose 'sumByUnit_accounts' -- maps exactly one account. isEquilibriumInferrable :: DeviationByUnit name unit qty -> Bool isEquilibriumInferrable (DeviationByUnit dev) = Fold.all ((== 1) . Map.size . sumByUnit_accounts) dev -- * Type 'ClusiveBalByAccount' -- | {Ex,In}clusive 'BalByAccount': -- descending propagation of quantities accross accounts. type ClusiveBalByAccount name unit qty = TreeMap name (ClusiveSumByAccount unit qty) -- ** Type 'ClusiveSumByAccount' -- | -- * 'Strict.exclusive': contains the original 'SumByAccount'. -- * 'Strict.inclusive': contains '(+)' folded -- over 'Strict.exclusive' and 'Strict.inclusive' -- of 'TM.node_descendants' type ClusiveSumByAccount unit qty = Strict.Clusive (SumByAccount unit qty) -- | Return the given 'BalByAccount' with: -- -- * all missing parent accounts inserted; -- * and every mapped @qty@ added with any @qty@ -- of the account for which it is a parent. clusiveBalByAccount :: (Addable qty, Ord name, Ord unit) => BalByAccount name unit qty -> ClusiveBalByAccount name unit qty clusiveBalByAccount = TM.map_by_depth_first (\descendants value -> let exclusive = Strict.fromMaybe Map.empty value in Strict.Clusive { Strict.exclusive , Strict.inclusive = Map.foldl' ( flip $ (+) . Strict.inclusive . Strict.fromMaybe (assert False undefined) . TM.node_value ) exclusive $ TM.nodes descendants }) -- | NOTE: also correct if the 'ClusiveBalByAccount' has been filtered. instance (Ord name, Ord unit, Addable qty) => Sumable (BalByUnit name unit qty) (ClusiveBalByAccount name unit qty) where (+=) = go [] where go p bal (TreeMap nodes) = Map.foldrWithKey (\k TM.Node{TM.node_value, TM.node_descendants} acc -> case node_value of Strict.Nothing -> go (k:p) acc node_descendants Strict.Just Strict.Clusive{Strict.inclusive=amts} -> let acct = Seqs.reverse $ TM.path k p in acc += (acct, amts)) bal nodes