{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Write where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*)) -- import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..)) import qualified Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Fixed (showFixed) import qualified Data.Functor.Compose import qualified Data.Foldable import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Data.Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Time (toGregorian) import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Time import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Leijen as W import Hcompta.Lib.Leijen (Doc, (<>)) import System.IO (Handle) import qualified Text.Parsec as R hiding (satisfy, char) import Text.Parsec (Stream, ParsecT) import GHC.Exts (Int(..)) import GHC.Integer.Logarithms (integerLogBase#) import qualified Hcompta.Model.Account as Account import Hcompta.Model.Account (Account) import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount as Amount import Hcompta.Model.Amount (Amount) import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Quantity as Quantity import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Quantity (Quantity) import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Style as Amount.Style import qualified Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit as Unit import Hcompta.Model.Amount.Unit (Unit) import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger as Ledger import Hcompta.Format.Ledger ( Comment , Journal(..) , Posting(..), Posting_by_Account, Posting_Type(..) , Tag , Transaction(..) ) -- import qualified Hcompta.Model.Date as Date import Hcompta.Model.Date (Date) -- import Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Journal as Journal import qualified Hcompta.Format.Ledger.Read as Read import qualified Hcompta.Lib.Parsec as R -- * Printing 'Account' account :: Posting_Type -> Account -> Doc account type_ = case type_ of Posting_Type_Regular -> account_ Posting_Type_Virtual -> \acct -> W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_begin <> do account_ acct <> do W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_end Posting_Type_Virtual_Balanced -> \acct -> W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_balanced_begin <> do account_ acct <> do W.char Read.posting_type_virtual_balanced_end where account_ :: Account -> Doc account_ acct = W.align $ W.hcat $ Data.List.NonEmpty.toList $ Data.List.NonEmpty.intersperse (W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.char Read.account_name_sep) (Data.List.NonEmpty.map account_name acct) account_name :: Account.Name -> Doc account_name = W.strict_text -- ** Mesuring 'Account' account_length :: Posting_Type -> Account -> Int account_length type_ acct = Data.Foldable.foldl (\acc -> (1 +) . (acc +) . Text.length) (- 1) acct + case type_ of Posting_Type_Regular -> 0 Posting_Type_Virtual -> 2 Posting_Type_Virtual_Balanced -> 2 -- * Printing 'Amount' amount :: Amount -> Doc amount Amount.Amount { Amount.quantity=qty , Amount.style = sty@(Amount.Style.Style { Amount.Style.unit_side , Amount.Style.unit_spaced }) , Amount.unit=unit_ } = do case unit_side of Just Amount.Style.Side_Left -> (unit unit_) <> (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty }) _ -> W.empty <> quantity sty qty <> case unit_side of (Just Amount.Style.Side_Right) -> (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty }) <> unit unit_ Nothing -> (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> W.space; _ -> W.empty }) <> unit unit_ _ -> W.empty unit :: Unit -> Doc unit = W.yellow . W.strict_text . Unit.text quantity :: Amount.Style -> Quantity -> Doc quantity Amount.Style.Style { Amount.Style.fractioning , Amount.Style.grouping_integral , Amount.Style.grouping_fractional , Amount.Style.precision } qty = do let Decimal e n = Quantity.round precision qty let num = Prelude.show $ abs $ n let sign = W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.strict_text (if n < 0 then "-" else "") case e == 0 || precision == 0 of True -> sign <> do W.bold $ W.blue $ (W.strict_text $ Text.pack num) False -> do let num_len = length num let padded = Data.List.concat [ replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - num_len) '0' , num , replicate (fromIntegral precision - fromIntegral e) '0' ] let (int, frac) = Data.List.splitAt (max 1 (num_len - fromIntegral precision)) padded let default_fractioning = Data.List.head $ del_grouping_sep grouping_integral $ del_grouping_sep grouping_fractional $ ['.', ','] sign <> do W.bold $ W.blue $ do W.text (TL.pack $ maybe id (\g -> reverse . group g . reverse) grouping_integral $ int) <> do (W.yellow $ W.char (fromMaybe default_fractioning fractioning)) <> do W.text (TL.pack $ maybe id group grouping_fractional frac) where group :: Amount.Style.Grouping -> [Char] -> [Char] group (Amount.Style.Grouping sep sizes_) = Data.List.concat . reverse . Data.List.map reverse . fst . Data.List.foldl (flip (\digit -> \x -> case x of ([], sizes) -> ([[digit]], sizes) (digits:groups, []) -> ((digit:digits):groups, []) (digits:groups, curr_sizes@(size:sizes)) -> if length digits < size then ( (digit:digits):groups, curr_sizes) else ([digit]:[sep]:digits:groups, if sizes == [] then curr_sizes else sizes) )) ([], sizes_) del_grouping_sep grouping = case grouping of Just (Amount.Style.Grouping sep _) -> Data.List.delete sep _ -> id -- ** Mesuring 'Amount' amount_length :: Amount -> Int amount_length Amount.Amount { Amount.quantity = qty , Amount.style = sty@(Amount.Style.Style { Amount.Style.unit_spaced }) , Amount.unit = unit_ } = do Unit.length unit_ + (case unit_spaced of { Just True | unit_ /= "" -> 1; _ -> 0 }) + quantity_length sty qty amounts_length :: Amount.By_Unit -> Int amounts_length amts = if Data.Map.null amts then 0 else Data.Map.foldr (\n -> (3 +) . (+) (amount_length n)) (-3) amts quantity_length :: Amount.Style -> Quantity -> Int quantity_length Amount.Style.Style { Amount.Style.grouping_integral , Amount.Style.grouping_fractional , Amount.Style.precision } qty = let Decimal e n = Quantity.round precision qty in let sign_len = if n < 0 then 1 else 0 in let fractioning_len = if e > 0 then 1 else 0 in let num_len = if n == 0 then 0 else (1 +) $ I# (integerLogBase# 10 (abs n)) in let pad_left_len = max 0 (fromIntegral e + 1 - num_len) in let pad_right_len = max 0 (fromIntegral precision - fromIntegral e) in let padded_len = pad_left_len + num_len + pad_right_len in let int_len = max 1 (num_len - fromIntegral precision) in let frac_len = max 0 (padded_len - int_len) in ( sign_len + fractioning_len + padded_len + maybe 0 (group int_len) grouping_integral + maybe 0 (group frac_len) grouping_fractional ) where group :: Int -> Amount.Style.Grouping -> Int group num_len (Amount.Style.Grouping _sep sizes_) = if num_len <= 0 then 0 else loop 0 num_len sizes_ where loop :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int loop pad len = \x -> case x of [] -> 0 sizes@[size] -> let l = len - size in if l <= 0 then pad else loop (pad + 1) l sizes size:sizes -> let l = len - size in if l <= 0 then pad else loop (pad + 1) l sizes -- * Printing 'Date' date :: Date -> Doc date utc = do let (y, mo, d) = Time.toGregorian day (if y == 0 then W.empty else W.integer y <> sep '/') <> do int2 mo <> do sep '/' <> int2 d <> do (case tod of Time.TimeOfDay 0 0 0 -> W.empty Time.TimeOfDay h m s -> W.space <> int2 h <> do sep ':' <> int2 m <> do (case s of 0 -> W.empty _ -> sep ':' <> do (if s < 10 then W.char '0' else W.empty) <> do W.strict_text $ Text.pack $ showFixed True s)) <> do (case tz_min of 0 -> W.empty _ | tz_name /= "" -> W.space <> do W.strict_text $ Text.pack tz_name _ -> W.space <> do W.strict_text $ Text.pack $ Time.timeZoneOffsetString tz) where Time.ZonedTime (Time.LocalTime day tod) tz@(Time.TimeZone tz_min _ tz_name) = Time.utcToZonedTime Time.utc utc int2 :: Int -> Doc int2 i = if i < 10 then W.char '0' <> W.int i else W.int i sep :: Char -> Doc sep = W.bold . W.dullblack . W.char -- * Printing 'Comment' comment :: Comment -> Doc comment com = W.cyan $ do W.char Read.comment_begin <> (case Text.uncons com of Just (c, _) | not $ Data.Char.isSpace c -> W.space _ -> W.empty) <> do W.if_color colorize (W.strict_text com) where colorize :: Doc colorize = case R.runParser (do pre <- R.many $ R.try $ do ns <- R.many $ R.satisfy (\c -> c /= Read.tag_value_sep && not (Data.Char.isSpace c)) sh <- R.space_horizontal return (ns ++ [sh]) ((W.text $ TL.pack $ concat pre) <>) <$> tags <* R.eof) () "" com of Left _ -> W.strict_text com Right doc -> doc tags :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc tags = do x <- tag_ xs <- W.hcat <$> R.many (R.try (tag_sep >>= (\s -> (s <>) <$> tag_))) return $ x <> xs where tag_sep :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc tag_sep = do s <- R.char Read.tag_sep sh <- R.many R.space_horizontal return $ do W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char s <> do W.text $ TL.pack sh tag_ :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Doc tag_ = do n <- Read.tag_name s <- R.char Read.tag_value_sep v <- Read.tag_value return $ (W.yellow $ W.strict_text n) <> (W.bold $ W.dullblack $ W.char s) <> (W.red $ W.strict_text v) comments :: Doc -> [Comment] -> Doc comments prefix = W.hcat . Data.List.intersperse W.line . Data.List.map (\c -> prefix <> comment c) -- * Printing 'Tag' tag :: Tag -> Doc tag (n, v) = (W.dullyellow $ W.strict_text n) <> W.char Read.tag_value_sep <> (W.dullred $ W.strict_text v) -- * Printing 'Posting' posting :: Posting_Lengths -> Posting_Type -> Posting -> Doc posting max_posting_length type_ Posting { posting_account=acct , posting_amounts , posting_comments=cmts -- , posting_dates , posting_status=status_ -- , posting_tags } = W.char '\t' <> do status status_ <> do case Data.Map.null posting_amounts of True -> account type_ acct False -> let len_acct = account_length type_ acct in let len_amts = amounts_length posting_amounts in account type_ acct <> do W.fill (2 + max_posting_length - (len_acct + len_amts)) (W.space <> W.space) <> do W.intercalate (W.space <> (W.bold $ W.yellow $ W.char Read.amount_sep) <> W.space) amount posting_amounts <> (case cmts of [] -> W.empty [c] -> W.space <> comment c _ -> W.line <> do comments (W.text "\t ") cmts) status :: Ledger.Status -> Doc status = \x -> case x of True -> W.char '!' False -> W.empty -- ** Mesuring 'Posting' type Posting_Lengths = (Int) postings_lengths :: Posting_Type -> Posting_by_Account -> Posting_Lengths -> Posting_Lengths postings_lengths type_ ps pl = Data.Foldable.foldr (\p -> max ( account_length type_ (posting_account p) + amounts_length (posting_amounts p) ) ) pl (Data.Functor.Compose.Compose ps) -- * Printing 'Transaction' transaction :: Transaction -> Doc transaction t = transaction_with_lengths (transaction_lengths t 0) t transactions :: Foldable f => f Transaction -> Doc transactions ts = do let transaction_lengths_ = Data.Foldable.foldr transaction_lengths 0 ts Data.Foldable.foldr (\t doc -> transaction_with_lengths transaction_lengths_ t <> W.line <> (if W.is_empty doc then W.empty else W.line <> doc) ) W.empty ts transaction_with_lengths :: Transaction_Lengths -> Transaction -> Doc transaction_with_lengths posting_lengths_ Transaction { transaction_code=code_ , transaction_comments_before , transaction_comments_after , transaction_dates=(first_date, dates) , transaction_description , transaction_postings , transaction_virtual_postings , transaction_balanced_virtual_postings , transaction_status=status_ -- , transaction_tags } = do (case transaction_comments_before of [] -> W.empty _ -> comments W.space transaction_comments_before <> W.line) <> do (W.hcat $ Data.List.intersperse (W.char Read.date_sep) (Data.List.map date (first_date:dates))) <> do (case status_ of True -> W.space <> status status_ False -> W.empty) <> do code code_ <> do (case transaction_description of "" -> W.empty _ -> W.space <> (W.dullmagenta $ W.strict_text transaction_description)) <> do W.line <> do (case transaction_comments_after of [] -> W.empty _ -> comments W.space transaction_comments_after <> W.line) <> do W.vsep $ Data.List.map (\(type_, ps) -> W.intercalate W.line (W.intercalate W.line (W.vsep . Data.List.map (posting posting_lengths_ type_))) (Ledger.posting_by_Signs_and_Account ps)) [ (Posting_Type_Regular, transaction_postings) , (Posting_Type_Virtual, transaction_virtual_postings) , (Posting_Type_Virtual_Balanced, transaction_balanced_virtual_postings) ] code :: Ledger.Code -> Doc code = \x -> case x of "" -> W.empty t -> W.space <> W.char '(' <> W.strict_text t <> W.char ')' -- ** Mesuring 'Transaction' type Transaction_Lengths = Posting_Lengths transaction_lengths :: Transaction -> Posting_Lengths -> Posting_Lengths transaction_lengths Transaction { transaction_postings , transaction_virtual_postings , transaction_balanced_virtual_postings } posting_lengths_ = do Data.List.foldl (flip (\(type_, ps) -> postings_lengths type_ ps)) posting_lengths_ [ (Posting_Type_Regular, transaction_postings) , (Posting_Type_Virtual, transaction_virtual_postings) , (Posting_Type_Virtual_Balanced, transaction_balanced_virtual_postings) ] -- * Printing 'Journal' journal :: Journal -> Doc journal Journal { journal_transactions } = transactions (Data.Functor.Compose.Compose journal_transactions) -- * Rendering data Style = Style { style_align :: Bool , style_color :: Bool } style :: Style style = Style { style_align = True , style_color = True } show :: Style -> Doc -> TL.Text show Style{style_color, style_align} = W.displayT . if style_align then W.renderPretty style_color 1.0 maxBound else W.renderCompact style_color put :: Style -> Handle -> Doc -> IO () put Style{style_color, style_align} handle = W.displayIO handle . if style_align then W.renderPretty style_color 1.0 maxBound else W.renderCompact style_color