{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Hdoc.DTC.Sym where import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>), (<$)) import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Bool (Bool(..)) import Data.Default.Class (Default(..)) import Data.Foldable (concat) import Data.Function (($), (.), flip) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.TreeSeq.Strict (Tree(..), tree0) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Hdoc.XML import Hdoc.RNC.Sym as RNC import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Analyze.Index as Index import qualified Hdoc.DTC.Document as DTC import qualified Hdoc.RNC.Write as RNC import qualified Hdoc.TCT.Cell as TCT import qualified Hdoc.XML as XML -- Class 'Sym_DTC' -- | Use a symantic (tagless final) class to encode -- both the parsing and the schema of DTC, -- when repr is respectively instanciated -- on 'DTC.Parser' or 'RNC.RuleWriter'. class RNC.Sym_RNC repr => Sym_DTC repr where positionXML :: repr XML.Pos locationTCT :: repr TCT.Location document :: repr DTC.Document head :: repr DTC.Head about :: repr DTC.About header :: repr DTC.Header body :: repr DTC.Body include :: repr DTC.Include block :: repr DTC.Block blockBreak :: repr DTC.Block blockToC :: repr DTC.Block blockToF :: repr DTC.Block blockIndex :: repr DTC.Block blockAside :: repr DTC.Block blockFigure :: repr DTC.Block blockReferences :: repr DTC.Block blockJudges :: repr DTC.Block blockGrades :: repr DTC.Block reference :: repr DTC.Reference para :: repr DTC.Para paraItem :: repr DTC.ParaItem paraItems :: repr DTC.Para plain :: repr DTC.Plain plainNode :: repr (Tree DTC.PlainNode) commonAttrs :: repr DTC.CommonAttrs ident :: repr Ident title :: repr DTC.Title name :: repr DTC.Name url :: repr URL path :: repr DTC.FilePath to :: repr Ident id :: repr Ident class_ :: repr [TL.Text] author :: repr DTC.Entity editor :: repr DTC.Entity date :: repr DTC.Date entity :: repr DTC.Entity link :: repr DTC.Link serie :: repr DTC.Serie alias :: repr DTC.Alias judgment :: repr DTC.Judgment choice_ :: repr DTC.Choice opinion :: repr DTC.Opinion judges :: repr DTC.Judges judge :: repr DTC.Judge grade :: repr DTC.Grade document = rule "document" $ DTC.Document <$> head <*> body head = rule "head" $ interleaved $ DTC.Head <$?> (def, rule "about" $ element "about" about) <|*> judgment body = rule "body" $ (Seq.fromList <$>) $ many $ choice [ element "section" $ Tree . DTC.BodySection <$> section <*> body , tree0 . DTC.BodyBlock <$> block ] where section = DTC.Section <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> title <*> many alias <*> many judgment title = rule "title" $ DTC.Title <$> element "title" plain name = rule "name" $ DTC.Name <$> text url = rule "url" $ URL <$> text path = rule "path" $ TL.unpack <$> text ident = rule "ident" $ Ident <$> text to = rule "to" $ attribute "to" ident commonAttrs = rule "commonAttrs" $ interleaved $ DTC.CommonAttrs <$?> (def, Just <$> id) <|?> (def, class_) id = rule "id" $ attribute "id" ident class_ = rule "class" $ attribute "class" $ TL.words <$> text date = rule "date" $ element "date" $ interleaved $ DTC.Date <$?> (0, attribute "year" int) <|?> (Nothing, Just <$> attribute "month" nat1) <|?> (Nothing, Just <$> attribute "day" nat1) include = rule "include" $ element "include" $ interleaved $ DTC.Include <$?> (def, attribute "href" path) block = rule "block" $ choice [ DTC.BlockPara <$> para , blockBreak , blockToC , blockToF , blockIndex , blockAside , blockFigure , blockReferences , blockJudges , blockGrades {- , anyElem $ \n@XmlName{..} -> case xmlNameSpace of "" -> figure n -} ] blockBreak = rule "break" $ element "break" $ DTC.BlockBreak <$> commonAttrs blockToC = rule "blockToC" $ element "toc" $ DTC.BlockToC <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> optional (attribute "depth" nat) blockToF = rule "blockToF" $ element "tof" $ DTC.BlockToF <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> option [] ( element "ul" $ many $ element "li" $ element "para" text) blockIndex = rule "blockIndex" $ element "index" $ DTC.BlockIndex <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> option [] ( element "ul" $ many $ element "li" $ element "para" $ (concat <$>) $ many $ (Index.wordify <$>) . TL.lines <$> text) blockAside = rule "blockAside" $ element "aside" $ DTC.BlockAside <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> many block blockFigure = rule "blockFigure" $ element "figure" $ DTC.BlockFigure <$> positionXML <*> attribute "type" text <*> commonAttrs <*> optional title <*> many para blockReferences = rule "blockReferences" $ element "references" $ DTC.BlockReferences <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> many reference blockJudges = rule "blockJudges" $ DTC.BlockJudges <$> judges blockGrades = rule "blockGrades" $ element "grades" $ DTC.BlockGrades <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> some grade grade = rule "grade" $ element "grade" $ DTC.Grade <$> positionXML <*> attribute "name" name <*> attribute "color" text <*> option False (True <$ attribute "default" text) <*> optional title para = rule "para" $ paraItems <|> -- within a DTC.ParaItem <$> paraItem -- without a paraItem = rule "paraItem" $ choice [ element "ol" $ DTC.ParaOL <$> many (element "li" $ DTC.ListItem <$> attribute "name" name <*> many para) , element "ul" $ DTC.ParaUL <$> many (element "li" $ many para) , element "artwork" $ DTC.ParaArtwork <$> attribute "type" text <*> text , element "quote" $ DTC.ParaQuote <$> attribute "type" text <*> many para , DTC.ParaPlain . Seq.fromList <$> some plainNode , DTC.ParaComment <$> comment , DTC.ParaJudgment <$> judgment ] paraItems = rule "paraItems" $ element "para" $ DTC.ParaItems <$> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> many paraItem plain = rule "plain" $ (Seq.fromList <$>) $ many plainNode plainNode = rule "plainNode" $ choice [ tree0 . DTC.PlainText <$> text , element "br" $ tree0 DTC.PlainBreak <$ none , element "b" $ Tree DTC.PlainB <$> plain , element "code" $ Tree DTC.PlainCode <$> plain , element "del" $ Tree DTC.PlainDel <$> plain , element "i" $ Tree DTC.PlainI <$> plain , element "q" $ Tree DTC.PlainQ <$> plain , element "sc" $ Tree DTC.PlainSC <$> plain , element "span" $ Tree . DTC.PlainSpan <$> commonAttrs <*> plain , element "sub" $ Tree DTC.PlainSub <$> plain , element "sup" $ Tree DTC.PlainSup <$> plain , element "u" $ Tree DTC.PlainU <$> plain , element "note" $ tree0 . DTC.PlainNote <$> many para , element "iref" $ Tree . DTC.PlainIref . Index.wordify <$> attribute "to" text <*> plain , element "eref" $ Tree . DTC.PlainEref <$> attribute "to" url <*> plain , element "tag" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainTag <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure False) , element "tag-back" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainTag <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure True ) , element "at" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainAt <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure False) , element "at-back" $ tree0 <$> (DTC.PlainAt <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to <*> pure True ) , element "ref" $ Tree <$> (DTC.PlainRef <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> to) <*> plain ] about = about_known <*> many header where about_known = interleaved $ DTC.About <$*> title <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "url" url) <|*> author <|?> (def, Just <$> editor) <|?> (def, Just <$> date) <|*> element "tag" text <|*> link <|*> serie <|?> (def, Just <$> element "description" para) header = rule "header" $ anyElem $ \n -> DTC.Header (XML.nameLocal n) <$> plain author = rule "author" $ element "author" entity editor = rule "editor" $ element "editor" entity entity = rule "entity" $ interleaved $ DTC.Entity <$?> (def, attribute "name" text) <|?> (def, attribute "street" text) <|?> (def, attribute "zipcode" text) <|?> (def, attribute "city" text) <|?> (def, attribute "region" text) <|?> (def, attribute "country" text) <|?> (def, attribute "email" text) <|?> (def, attribute "tel" text) <|?> (def, attribute "fax" text) <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "url" url) <|?> (def, Just <$> element "org" entity) serie = rule "serie" $ element "serie" $ interleaved $ DTC.Serie <$?> (def, attribute "name" name) <|?> (def, attribute "id" text) link = rule "link" $ element "link" $ interleaved $ (\n h r t p -> DTC.Link n h r t (Seq.fromList p)) <$?> (def, attribute "name" name) <|?> (def, attribute "href" url) <|?> (def, attribute "rel" text) <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "type" text) <|*> plainNode alias = rule "alias" $ element "alias" $ DTC.Alias <$> commonAttrs <*> title reference = rule "reference" $ element "reference" $ DTC.Reference <$> positionXML <*> locationTCT <*> id <*> about judgment = rule "judgment" $ element "judgment" $ attrs <*> many choice_ where attrs = interleaved $ DTC.Judgment def def def <$$> positionXML <||> locationTCT <||> attribute "judges" ident <||> attribute "grades" ident <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" rationalPositive) -- <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" (pure 0)) <|?> (def, Just <$> title) choice_ = rule "choice" $ element "choice" $ DTC.Choice <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> optional title <*> many opinion opinion = rule "opinion" $ element "opinion" $ (interleaved $ DTC.Opinion <$$> locationTCT <||> positionXML <|?> (def, attribute "judge" name) <|?> (def, attribute "grade" name) <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" rationalPositive)) -- <|?> (def, Just <$> attribute "importance" (pure 0))) <*> optional title judges = rule "judges" $ element "judges" $ DTC.Judges <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> commonAttrs <*> judgesByName where judgesByName = HM.fromListWith (flip (<>)) . ((\j@DTC.Judge{..} -> (judge_name, pure j)) <$>) <$> some judge judge = rule "judge" $ element "judge" $ DTC.Judge <$> locationTCT <*> positionXML <*> attribute "name" name <*> optional title <*> defaultGrades where defaultGrades = HM.fromListWith (flip (<>)) . (second pure <$>) <$> many defaultGrade defaultGrade = rule "default" $ element "default" $ (,) <$> attribute "grades" ident <*> attribute "grade" (DTC.Name <$> text) instance Sym_DTC RNC.Writer where positionXML = RNC.writeText "" locationTCT = RNC.writeText "" instance Sym_DTC RNC.RuleWriter where positionXML = RNC.RuleWriter positionXML locationTCT = RNC.RuleWriter locationTCT -- | RNC schema for DTC schema :: [RNC.RuleWriter ()] schema = [ void $ document , void $ head , void $ rule "about" $ element "about" about , void $ header , void $ author , void $ editor , void $ date , void $ entity , void $ link , void $ serie , void $ alias , void $ judgment , void $ choice_ , void $ opinion , void $ judges , void $ judge , void $ grade , void $ body , void $ include , void $ block , void $ blockToC , void $ blockToF , void $ blockIndex , void $ blockFigure , void $ blockReferences , void $ reference , void $ para , void $ paraItem , void $ paraItems , void $ plain , void $ plainNode , void $ commonAttrs , void $ ident , void $ title , void $ name , void $ url , void $ path , void $ to , void $ id ]