# Gargantext Haskell ## About this project Gargantext is a collaborative web platform for the exploration of sets of unstructured documents. It combines tools from natural language processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data visualization to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your digital corpora. This software is a free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners. ## Installation ### Front-End Front-End is written in [Purescript](http://www.purescript.org/). Then Gargantext Front-End is developed in another git repository. Before building the whole repo you need: 1. Get the source code: git clone https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/purescript-gargantext.git 2. cd purescript-gargantext 3. read the README.md to install it ### Back-End Back-End of Gargantext rely on several backends: 1. Haskell backend with orchestrator 2. Python backend 3. Others backends Docker will be created to ease the backends installation. ## Haskell Backend On Linux Debian (and Ubuntu?), install Dependencies. sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev lipq-dev (In the near future, we will use Nix.) ### Install Stack - https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/README/ - curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh ### Get the orchestrator library git clone https://github.com/np/servant-job.git ## Building and installing stack install ## Run Gargantext ~/.local/bin/gargantext --run Mock --port 8008