# Gargantext Haskell ## About this project Gargantext is a collaborative web platform for the exploration of sets of unstructured documents. It combines tools from natural language processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data visualization to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your digital corpora. This software is a free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners. ## Installation Disclaimer: this project is still in development, this is work in progress. Please report and improve this documentation if you encounter issues. ### Build Core Code NOTE: Default build (with optimizations) requires large amounts of RAM (16GB at least). To avoid heavy compilation times and swapping out your machine, it is recommended to `stack build` with the `--fast-` flag, i.e.: ``` sh stack --docker build --fast ``` or ``` sh stack --nix build --fast ``` This might be related to the [broken Swagger `-O2` issue](https://github.com/haskell-servant/servant/issues/986). #### Docker ``` sh curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/dev/devops/docker/docker-install | sh ``` #### Debian ``` sh curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/dev/devops/debian/install | sh ``` #### Ubuntu ``` sh curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/dev/devops/ubuntu/install | sh ``` ### Add dependencies 1. CoreNLP is needed (EN and FR); This dependency will not be needed soon. ``` sh ./devops/install-corenlp ``` 2. Louvain C++ needed to draw the socio-semantic graphs NOTE: This is already added in the Docker build. ``` sh git clone https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/clustering-louvain-cplusplus.git cd clustering-louvain-cplusplus ./install ``` ### Initialization #### Docker Run PostgreSQL first: ``` sh cd devops/docker docker-compose up ``` Initialization schema should be loaded automatically (from `devops/postgres/schema.sql`). #### Gargantext ##### Fix the passwords Change the passwords in gargantext.ini_toModify then move it: ``` sh mv gargantext.ini_toModify gargantext.ini ``` (`.gitignore` avoids adding this file to the repository by mistake) ##### Run Gargantext Users have to be created first (`user1` is created as instance): ``` sh stack install ~/.local/bin/gargantext-init "gargantext.ini" ``` For Docker env, first create the appropriate image: ``` sh cd devops/docker docker build -t fpco/stack-build:lts-17.13-garg . ``` then run: ``` sh stack --docker run gargantext-init -- gargantext.ini ``` ### Importing data You can import some data with: ``` sh docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000 cgenie/corenlp-garg stack exec gargantext-import -- "corpusCsvHal" "user1" "IMT3" gargantext.ini 10000 ./1000.csv ``` ### Nix It is also possible to build everything with [Nix](https://nixos.org/) instead of Docker: ``` sh stack --nix build stack --nix exec gargantext-import -- "corpusCsvHal" "user1" "IMT3" gargantext.ini 10000 ./1000.csv stack --nix exec gargantext-server -- --ini gargantext.ini --run Prod ``` ## Use Cases ### Multi-User with Graphical User Interface (Server Mode) ``` sh ~/.local/bin/stack --docker exec gargantext-server -- --ini "gargantext.ini" --run Prod ``` Then you can log in with `user1` / `1resu`. ### Command Line Mode tools #### Simple cooccurrences computation and indexation from a list of Ngrams ``` sh stack --docker exec gargantext-cli -- CorpusFromGarg.csv ListFromGarg.csv Ouput.json ``` ### Analyzing the ngrams table repo We store the repository in directory `repos` in the [CBOR](https://cbor.io/) file format. To decode it to JSON and analyze, say, using [jq](https://shapeshed.com/jq-json/), use the following command: ``` sh cat repos/repo.cbor.v5 | stack --nix exec gargantext-cbor2json | jq . ``` ### Documentation To build documentation, run: ```sh stack --docker build --haddock --no-haddock-deps --fast ```