{-| Module : Main.hs Description : Gargantext Import Corpus Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Import a corpus binary. -} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Main where import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ (sql) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException) import Gargantext.API.Admin.EnvTypes (DevEnv) import Gargantext.API.Dev (withDevEnv, runCmdDev) import Gargantext.API.Node () -- instances only import Gargantext.API.Prelude (GargError) import Gargantext.Core (HasDBid(toDBid)) import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(..)) import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow (getOrMk_RootWithCorpus) import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Config (userMaster, corpusMasterName) import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Trigger.Init import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata (HyperdataCorpus) import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeType(NodeDocument, NodeContact)) import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (Cmd'', Cmd, execPGSQuery) import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node (getOrMkList) import Gargantext.Prelude import Gargantext.Prelude.Config (GargConfig(..), readConfig) import Prelude (getLine) import System.Environment (getArgs) import qualified Data.List as List (cycle, concat, take, unlines) main :: IO () main = do let ___ = putStrLn $ List.concat $ List.take 72 $ List.cycle ["_"] ___ putStrLn "GarganText upgrade to version 0.0.5" ___ params@[iniPath] <- getArgs _ <- if length params /= 1 then panic "Usage: ./gargantext-upgrade gargantext.ini" else pure () putStrLn $ List.unlines [ "Your Database defined in gargantext.ini will be upgraded." , "We stronlgy recommend you to make a backup using pg_dump." , "" , "If you encounter issues, please report your bugs here:" , "https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/issues/101" , "" , "Press ENTER if you want to continue, CTRL+C if you want to stop." ] _ok <- getLine cfg <- readConfig iniPath let secret = _gc_secretkey cfg let contextsTriggers :: Cmd GargError () contextsTriggers = do (masterUserId, _masterRootId, masterCorpusId) <- getOrMk_RootWithCorpus (UserName userMaster) (Left corpusMasterName) (Nothing :: Maybe HyperdataCorpus) masterListId <- getOrMkList masterCorpusId masterUserId _triggers <- initLastTriggers masterListId pure () withDevEnv iniPath $ \env -> do -- First upgrade the Database Schema _ <- runCmdDev env sqlSchema -- Then upgrade the triggers _ <- runCmdDev env (initFirstTriggers secret :: Cmd GargError [Int64]) _ <- runCmdDev env (contextsTriggers :: Cmd GargError ()) -- Move nodes to contexts table _ <- runCmdDev env sqlNodes2Contexts -- Update the hashes _ <- runCmdDev env sqlUpdateTriggerHash ___ putStrLn "Uprade done with success !" ___ pure () sqlUpdateTriggerHash :: Cmd'' DevEnv IOException Int64 sqlUpdateTriggerHash = do execPGSQuery query () where query = [sql| UPDATE nodes SET typename = typename; UPDATE contexts SET typename = typename; |] sqlNodes2Contexts :: Cmd'' DevEnv IOException Int64 sqlNodes2Contexts = do execPGSQuery query (toDBid NodeDocument,toDBid NodeContact) where query = [sql| -- WITH docs (id,hash_id,typename,user_id,parent_id,name,date,hyperdata, search) WITH docs AS (SELECT * from nodes WHERE nodes.typename IN (?,?)), inserted (id, hash_id) AS ( INSERT INTO contexts (hash_id,typename,user_id,parent_id,name,date,hyperdata, search) SELECT d.hash_id,d.typename,d.user_id,NULL,d.name,d.date,d.hyperdata,search FROM docs AS d RETURNING contexts.id, contexts.hash_id ), indexed (node_id, context_id) AS ( SELECT docs.id, inserted.id from inserted JOIN docs on docs.hash_id = inserted.hash_id ), -- nodes_nodes -> nodes_contexts nodes_contexts_query AS ( INSERT INTO nodes_contexts (node_id, context_id,score, category) SELECT nn.node1_id,i.context_id,nn.score,nn.category FROM nodes_nodes nn JOIN indexed i ON i.node_id = nn.node2_id ), -- nodes_nodes_ngrams -> contexts_nodes_ngrams contexts_nodes_ngrams_query AS ( INSERT INTO context_node_ngrams SELECT i.context_id, nnn.node1_id, nnn.ngrams_id, nnn.ngrams_type, nnn.weight FROM node_node_ngrams nnn JOIN indexed i ON i.node_id = nnn.node2_id ), ---- nodes_nodes_ngrams2 -> contexts_nodes_ngrams2 context_node_ngrams2_query AS ( INSERT INTO context_node_ngrams2 SELECT i.context_id, nnn2.nodengrams_id, nnn2.weight FROM node_node_ngrams2 nnn2 JOIN indexed i ON i.node_id = nnn2.node_id ) -- WITH CASCADE it should update others tables DELETE FROM nodes n USING indexed i WHERE i.node_id = n.id ; UPDATE contexts SET parent_id = id; |] sqlSchema :: Cmd'' DevEnv IOException Int64 sqlSchema = do execPGSQuery query () where query = [sql| -- TODO typename -> type_id CREATE TABLE public.contexts ( id SERIAL, hash_id CHARACTER varying(66) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, typename INTEGER NOT NULL, user_id INTEGER NOT NULL, parent_id INTEGER REFERENCES public.contexts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE , name CHARACTER varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, hyperdata jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb NOT NULL, search tsvector, PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES public.auth_user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); ALTER TABLE public.contexts OWNER TO gargantua; -- To attach contexts to a Corpus CREATE TABLE public.nodes_contexts ( node_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.nodes(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, context_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.contexts(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, score REAL , category INTEGER , PRIMARY KEY (node_id, context_id) ); ALTER TABLE public.nodes_contexts OWNER TO gargantua; --------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE public.context_node_ngrams ( context_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.contexts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, node_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.nodes (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, ngrams_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.ngrams (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, ngrams_type INTEGER , weight double precision, PRIMARY KEY (context_id, node_id, ngrams_id, ngrams_type) ); ALTER TABLE public.context_node_ngrams OWNER TO gargantua; CREATE TABLE public.context_node_ngrams2 ( context_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.contexts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, nodengrams_id INTEGER NOT NULL REFERENCES public.node_ngrams (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, weight double precision, PRIMARY KEY (context_id, nodengrams_id) ); ALTER TABLE public.context_node_ngrams2 OWNER TO gargantua; CREATE INDEX ON public.contexts USING gin (hyperdata); CREATE INDEX ON public.contexts USING btree (user_id, typename, parent_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.contexts USING btree (id, typename, date ASC); CREATE INDEX ON public.contexts USING btree (id, typename, date DESC); CREATE INDEX ON public.contexts USING btree (typename, id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON public.contexts USING btree (hash_id); -- To make the links between Corpus Node and its contexts CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON public.nodes_contexts USING btree (node_id, context_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.nodes_contexts USING btree (node_id, context_id, category); ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams USING btree (context_id, node_id, ngrams_id, ngrams_type); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams USING btree (context_id, node_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams USING btree (ngrams_id, node_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams USING btree (ngrams_type); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams2 USING btree (context_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams2 USING btree (nodengrams_id); CREATE INDEX ON public.context_node_ngrams2 USING btree (context_id, nodengrams_id); DROP TABLE if EXISTS public.node_nodengrams_nodengrams; DROP TRIGGER if EXISTS trigger_count_delete2 ON nodes_nodes; DROP TRIGGER if EXISTS trigger_count_update_add ON nodes_nodes; DROP TRIGGER if EXISTS trigger_delete_count ON nodes_nodes; DROP TRIGGER if EXISTS trigger_insert_count ON nodes_nodes; |]