{-| Module : Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools Description : Phylomemy Tools to build/manage it Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools where import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level) import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, head, tail, last, tails, delete, nub) import Data.Map (Map, mapKeys, member) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Text (Text, toLower) import Data.Tuple.Extra import Data.Vector (Vector,elemIndex) import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (head) import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Vector as Vector ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Tools | -- -- | To add a new PhyloGroupId to a PhyloBranch addGroupIdToBranch :: PhyloGroupId -> PhyloBranch -> PhyloBranch addGroupIdToBranch id b = over (phylo_branchGroups) (++ [id]) b -- | To add a PhyloLevel at the end of a list of PhyloLevels addPhyloLevel :: PhyloLevel -> [PhyloLevel] -> [PhyloLevel] addPhyloLevel lvl l = l ++ [lvl] -- | To alter each list of PhyloGroups following a given function alterPhyloGroups :: ([PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]) -> Phylo -> Phylo alterPhyloGroups f p = over ( phylo_periods . traverse . phylo_periodLevels . traverse . phylo_levelGroups ) f p -- | To alter each PhyloPeriod of a Phylo following a given function alterPhyloPeriods :: (PhyloPeriod -> PhyloPeriod) -> Phylo -> Phylo alterPhyloPeriods f p = over ( phylo_periods . traverse) f p -- | To alter the list of PhyloBranches of a Phylo alterPhyloBranches :: ([PhyloBranch] -> [PhyloBranch]) -> Phylo -> Phylo alterPhyloBranches f p = over ( phylo_branches ) f p -- | To alter a list of PhyloLevels following a given function alterPhyloLevels :: ([PhyloLevel] -> [PhyloLevel]) -> Phylo -> Phylo alterPhyloLevels f p = over ( phylo_periods . traverse . phylo_periodLevels) f p -- | To append a list of PhyloPeriod to a Phylo appendPhyloPeriods :: [PhyloPeriod] -> Phylo -> Phylo appendPhyloPeriods l p = over (phylo_periods) (++ l) p -- | Does a List of Sets contains at least one Set of an other List doesAnySetContains :: Eq a => Set a -> [Set a] -> [Set a] -> Bool doesAnySetContains h l l' = any (\c -> doesContains (Set.toList c) (Set.toList h)) (l' ++ l) -- | Does a list of A contains an other list of A doesContains :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool doesContains l l' | null l' = True | length l' > length l = False | elem (head l') l = doesContains l (tail l') | otherwise = False -- | Does a list of ordered A contains an other list of ordered A doesContainsOrd :: Eq a => Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool doesContainsOrd l l' | null l' = False | last l < head l' = False | head l' `elem` l = True | otherwise = doesContainsOrd l (tail l') -- | To filter the PhyloGroup of a Phylo according to a function and a value filterGroups :: Eq a => (PhyloGroup -> a) -> a -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup] filterGroups f x l = filter (\g -> (f g) == x) l -- | To filter nested Sets of a filterNestedSets :: Eq a => Set a -> [Set a] -> [Set a] -> [Set a] filterNestedSets h l l' | null l = if doesAnySetContains h l l' then l' else h : l' | doesAnySetContains h l l' = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) l' | otherwise = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) (h : l') -- | To filter some PhyloEdges with a given threshold filterPhyloEdges :: Double -> PhyloEdges -> PhyloEdges filterPhyloEdges thr edges = filter (\((s,t),w) -> w > thr) edges -- | To get the PhyloGroups Childs of a PhyloGroup getGroupChilds :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupChilds g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodChilds g) p -- | To get the id of a PhyloGroup getGroupId :: PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroupId getGroupId = _phylo_groupId -- | To get the Cooc Matrix of a PhyloGroup getGroupCooc :: PhyloGroup -> Map (Int,Int) Double getGroupCooc = _phylo_groupCooc -- | To get the level out of the id of a PhyloGroup getGroupLevel :: PhyloGroup -> Int getGroupLevel = snd . fst . getGroupId -- | To get the Ngrams of a PhyloGroup getGroupNgrams :: PhyloGroup -> [Int] getGroupNgrams = _phylo_groupNgrams -- | To get the list of pairs (Childs & Parents) of a PhyloGroup getGroupPairs :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupPairs g p = (getGroupChilds g p) ++ (getGroupParents g p) -- | To get the PhyloGroups Parents of a PhyloGroup getGroupParents :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupParents g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodParents g) p -- | To get the period out of the id of a PhyloGroup getGroupPeriod :: PhyloGroup -> (Date,Date) getGroupPeriod = fst . fst . getGroupId -- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo getGroups :: Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroups = view ( phylo_periods . traverse . phylo_periodLevels . traverse . phylo_levelGroups ) -- | To all PhyloGroups matching a list of PhyloGroupIds in a Phylo getGroupsFromIds :: [PhyloGroupId] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupsFromIds ids p = filter (\g -> elem (getGroupId g) ids) $ getGroups p -- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo with a given level and period getGroupsWithFilters :: Int -> (Date,Date) -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupsWithFilters lvl prd p = (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p) `intersect` (getGroupsWithPeriod prd p) -- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo with a given Level getGroupsWithLevel :: Int -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupsWithLevel lvl p = filterGroups getGroupLevel lvl (getGroups p) -- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo with a given Period getGroupsWithPeriod :: (Date,Date) -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup] getGroupsWithPeriod prd p = filterGroups getGroupPeriod prd (getGroups p) -- | To get the index of an element of a Vector getIdx :: Eq a => a -> Vector a -> Int getIdx x v = case (elemIndex x v) of Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getIndex] Nothing" Just i -> i -- | To get the good pair of keys (x,y) or (y,x) in a given Map (a,b) c getKeyPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> (Int,Int) getKeyPair (x,y) m = case findPair (x,y) m of Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getKeyPair] Nothing" Just i -> i where -------------------------------------- findPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> Maybe (Int,Int) findPair (x,y) m | member (x,y) m = Just (x,y) | member (y,x) m = Just (y,x) | otherwise = Nothing -------------------------------------- -- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of PhyloEdges getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloEdges -> [PhyloGroup] getNeighbours directed g e = case directed of True -> map (\((s,t),w) -> t) $ filter (\((s,t),w) -> s == g) e False -> map (\((s,t),w) -> head $ delete g $ nub [s,t,g]) $ filter (\((s,t),w) -> s == g || t == g) e -- | To get the Branches of a Phylo getPhyloBranches :: Phylo -> [PhyloBranch] getPhyloBranches = _phylo_branches -- | To get all the Phylolevels of a given PhyloPeriod getPhyloLevels :: PhyloPeriod -> [PhyloLevel] getPhyloLevels = view (phylo_periodLevels) -- | To get the Ngrams of a Phylo getPhyloNgrams :: Phylo -> PhyloNgrams getPhyloNgrams = _phylo_ngrams -- | To get all the PhyloPeriodIds of a Phylo getPhyloPeriods :: Phylo -> [PhyloPeriodId] getPhyloPeriods p = map _phylo_periodId $ view (phylo_periods) p -- | To create a PhyloGroup in a Phylo out of a list of Ngrams and a set of parameters initGroup :: [Ngrams] -> Text -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup initGroup ngrams lbl idx lvl from to p = PhyloGroup (((from, to), lvl), idx) lbl (sort $ map (\x -> ngramsToIdx x p) ngrams) (Map.empty) (Map.empty) [] [] [] [] -- | To init a PhyloNgrams as a Vector of Ngrams initNgrams :: [Ngrams] -> PhyloNgrams initNgrams l = Vector.fromList $ map toLower l -- | To init a Phylomemy initPhylo :: [Document] -> PhyloNgrams -> Phylo initPhylo docs ngrams = Phylo (both date $ (last &&& head) docs) ngrams [] [] -- | To create a PhyloLevel initPhyloLevel :: PhyloLevelId -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloLevel initPhyloLevel id groups = PhyloLevel id groups -- | To create a PhyloPeriod initPhyloPeriod :: PhyloPeriodId -> [PhyloLevel] -> PhyloPeriod initPhyloPeriod id l = PhyloPeriod id l -- | To filter Fis with small Support but by keeping non empty Periods keepFilled :: (Int -> [a] -> [a]) -> Int -> [a] -> [a] keepFilled f thr l = if (null $ f thr l) && (not $ null l) then keepFilled f (thr - 1) l else f thr l -- | To get all combinations of a list listToDirectedCombi :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,a)] listToDirectedCombi l = [(x,y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y] -- | To get all combinations of a list and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs listToDirectedCombiWith :: Eq a => forall b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)] listToDirectedCombiWith f l = [(f x,f y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y] -- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition listToUnDirectedCombi :: [a] -> [(a,a)] listToUnDirectedCombi l = [ (x,y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ] -- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs listToUnDirectedCombiWith :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)] listToUnDirectedCombiWith f l = [ (f x, f y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ] -- | To transform an Ngrams into its corresponding index in a Phylo ngramsToIdx :: Ngrams -> Phylo -> Int ngramsToIdx x p = getIdx x (_phylo_ngrams p) -- | To set the LevelId of a PhyloLevel and of all its PhyloGroups setPhyloLevelId :: Int -> PhyloLevel -> PhyloLevel setPhyloLevelId lvl' (PhyloLevel (id, lvl) groups) = PhyloLevel (id, lvl') groups' where groups' = over (traverse . phylo_groupId) (\((period, lvl), idx) -> ((period, lvl'), idx)) groups -- | To choose a LevelLink strategy based an a given Level shouldLink :: (Level,Level) -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool shouldLink (lvl,lvl') l l' | lvl <= 1 = doesContainsOrd l l' | lvl > 1 = undefined | otherwise = panic ("[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.shouldLink] LevelLink not defined") -- | To unify the keys (x,y) that Map 1 share with Map 2 such as: (x,y) <=> (y,x) unifySharedKeys :: Eq a => Ord a => Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b unifySharedKeys m1 m2 = mapKeys (\(x,y) -> if member (y,x) m2 then (y,x) else (x,y) ) m1