# Gargantext Haskell ## About this project Gargantext is a collaborative web platform for the exploration of sets of unstructured documents. It combines tools from natural language processing, text-mining, complex networks analysis and interactive data visualization to pave the way toward new kinds of interactions with your digital corpora. This software is a free software, developed by the CNRS Complex Systems Institute of Paris Île-de-France (ISC-PIF) and its partners. ## Installation ### Docker curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/master/devops/docker-install | sh ### Debian curl -sSL https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/gargantext/haskell-gargantext/raw/master/devops/debian-install | sh ## Use Cases ### Multi-User with Graphical User Interface (Server Mode) ~/.local/bin/stack --docker exec gargantext-server -- --ini "gargantext.ini" --run Prod ### Command Line Mode tools #### Simple cooccurrences computation and indexation from a list of Ngrams stack --docker exec gargantext-cli -- CorpusFromGarg.csv ListFromGarg.csv Ouput.json ```sql INSERT INTO auth_user (password, is_superuser, username, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active) VALUES ('1resu', true, 'user1', 'user', '1', 'a@localhost', true, true); -- nodetype NodeUser has id 1 -- inserted user_id = 3 INSERT INTO nodes (typename, user_id, name) VALUES (1, 3, 'user1'); -- same for master user -- 'gargantua' INSERT INTO auth_user (password, is_superuser, username, first_name, last_name, email, is_staff, is_active) VALUES ('autnagrag, true, 'gargantua, 'gargantua, '1', 'g@localhost', true, true); -- nodetype NodeUser has id 1 -- inserted user_id = 5 INSERT INTO nodes (typename, user_id, name) VALUES (1, 5, 'gargantua); ```