{-| Module : Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness Description : Bridgeness filter Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Let be a graph with partitions (from Louvain algo), Bridgeness uniformly filters inter-communities links. TODO rewrite Bridgeness with "equivalence structurale" metrics (Confluence) TODO use Map LouvainNodeId (Map LouvainNodeId) -} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} module Gargantext.Core.Viz.Graph.Bridgeness -- (bridgeness) where import Gargantext.Core.Methods.Similarities (Similarity(..)) import Data.IntMap (IntMap) import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, lookup, toList, mapWithKey, elems) import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Ord (Down(..)) import Debug.Trace (trace) import Gargantext.Prelude import Graph.Types (ClusterNode(..)) import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set ---------------------------------------------------------------------- type Partitions a = Map (Int, Int) Double -> IO [a] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class ToComId a where nodeId2comId :: a -> (NodeId,CommunityId) type NodeId = Int type CommunityId = Int ---------------------------------------------------------------------- instance ToComId ClusterNode where nodeId2comId (ClusterNode i1 i2) = (i1, i2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- type Bridgeness = Double type Confluence = Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double bridgeness3 :: Similarity -> Confluence -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double bridgeness3 sim c m = Map.fromList $ map (\(ks, (v1,_v2)) -> (ks,v1)) $ List.take (if sim == Conditional then 2*n else 4*n) $ List.sortOn (Down . (snd . snd)) $ Map.toList $ trace ("bridgeness3 m c" <> show (m,c)) $ Map.intersectionWithKey (\k v1 v2 -> trace ("intersectionWithKey " <> (show (k, v1, v2))) (v1, v2)) m c where !m' = Map.toList m n :: Int !n = trace ("bridgeness m size: " <> (show $ List.length m')) $ round $ (fromIntegral $ List.length m') / (log $ fromIntegral nodesNumber :: Double) nodesNumber :: Int nodesNumber = Set.size $ Set.fromList $ as <> bs where (as, bs) = List.unzip $ Map.keys m map2intMap :: Map (Int, Int) a -> IntMap (IntMap a) map2intMap m = IntMap.fromListWith (<>) $ map (\((k1,k2), v) -> if k1 < k2 then (k1, IntMap.singleton k2 v) else (k2, IntMap.singleton k1 v) ) $ Map.toList m look :: (Int,Int) -> IntMap (IntMap a) -> Maybe a look (k1,k2) m = if k1 < k2 then case (IntMap.lookup k1 m) of Just m' -> IntMap.lookup k2 m' _ -> Nothing else look (k2,k1) m bridgeness :: ToComId a => Confluence -> [a] -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double -> Map (NodeId, NodeId) Double bridgeness = bridgenessWith nodeId2comId where bridgenessWith :: (a -> (Int, Int)) -> Confluence -> [a] -> Map (Int, Int) Double -> Map (Int, Int) Double bridgenessWith f b ns = Map.fromList . List.concat . Map.elems . filterComs b . groupEdges (Map.fromList $ map f ns) groupEdges :: (Ord a, Ord b1) => Map b1 a -> Map (b1, b1) b2 -> Map (a, a) [((b1, b1), b2)] groupEdges m = fromListWith (<>) . catMaybes . map (\((n1,n2), d) -> let n1n2_m = (,) <$> lookup n1 m <*> lookup n2 m n1n2_d = Just [((n1,n2),d)] in (,) <$> n1n2_m <*> n1n2_d ) . toList -- | TODO : sortOn Confluence filterComs :: (Ord n1, Eq n2) => p -> Map (n2, n2) [(a3, n1)] -> Map (n2, n2) [(a3, n1)] filterComs _b m = Map.filter (\n -> length n > 0) $ mapWithKey filter' m where filter' (c1,c2) a | c1 == c2 = a -- TODO use n here | otherwise = take 1 $ List.sortOn (Down . snd) a where _n :: Int _n = round $ 100 * a' / t a'= fromIntegral $ length a t :: Double t = fromIntegral $ length $ List.concat $ elems m -------------------------------------------------------------- {-- Compute the median of a list From: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dsp- Compute the center of the list in a more lazy manner and thus halves memory requirement. -} median :: (Ord a, Fractional a) => [a] -> a median [] = panic "medianFast: empty list has no median" median zs = let recurse (x0:_) (_:[]) = x0 recurse (x0:x1:_) (_:_:[]) = (x0+x1)/2 recurse (_:xs) (_:_:ys) = recurse xs ys recurse _ _ = panic "median: this error cannot occur in the way 'recurse' is called" in recurse zs zs