{-| Module : Gargantext.Database.TextSearch Description : Postgres text search experimentation Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Gargantext.Database.TextSearch where import Data.Aeson import Data.List (intersperse) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text, words) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField import Gargantext.Prelude newtype TSQuery = UnsafeTSQuery [Text] -- | TODO [""] -> panic "error" toTSQuery :: [Text] -> TSQuery toTSQuery txt = UnsafeTSQuery txt instance IsString TSQuery where fromString = UnsafeTSQuery . words . cs instance ToField TSQuery where toField (UnsafeTSQuery xs) = Many $ intersperse (Plain " && ") $ map (\q -> Many [ Plain "plainto_tsquery(" , Escape (cs q) , Plain ")" ] ) xs type ParentId = Int type Limit = Int type Offset = Int data Order = Asc | Desc instance ToField Order where toField Asc = Plain "ASC" toField Desc = Plain "DESC" -- TODO -- FIX fav -- ADD ngrams count -- TESTS textSearchQuery :: Query textSearchQuery = "SELECT n.id, n.hyperdata->'publication_year' \ \ , n.hyperdata->'title' \ \ , n.hyperdata->'source' \ \ , n.hyperdata->'authors' \ \ , COALESCE(nn.score,null) \ \ FROM nodes n \ \ LEFT JOIN nodes_nodes nn ON nn.node2_id = n.id \ \ WHERE \ \ n.search @@ (?::tsquery) \ \ AND n.parent_id = ? AND n.typename = 4 \ \ ORDER BY n.hyperdata -> 'publication_date' ? \ \ offset ? limit ?;" -- | Text Search Function for Master Corpus -- TODO : text search for user corpus -- Example: -- textSearchTest :: ParentId -> TSQuery -> Cmd [(Int, Value, Value, Value, Value, Maybe Int)] -- textSearchTest pId q = mkCmd $ \c -> textSearch c q pId 5 0 Asc textSearch :: Connection -> TSQuery -> ParentId -> Limit -> Offset -> Order -> IO [(Int,Value,Value,Value, Value, Maybe Int)] textSearch conn q p l o ord = query conn textSearchQuery (q,p,ord, o,l)