{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Parsers.Date where import Gargantext.Prelude import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck import Parsers.Types import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Time (ZonedTime(..)) import Data.Text (pack, Text) import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError) import Duckling.Time.Types (toRFC3339) import Gargantext.Parsers.Date (fromRFC3339) fromRFC3339Inv :: Either ParseError ZonedTime -> Text fromRFC3339Inv (Right z) = toRFC3339 z fromRFC3339Inv (Left pe) = panic . pack $ show pe testFromRFC3339 :: IO () testFromRFC3339 = hspec $ do describe "Test fromRFC3339: " $ do it "is the inverse of Duckling's toRFC3339" $ property $ ((==) <*> (fromRFC3339 . fromRFC3339Inv)) . Right . looseZonedTimePrecision -- \x -> uncurry (==) $ (,) <*> (fromRFC3339 . fromRFC3339Inv) $ Right $ looseZonedTimePrecision x -- \x -> let e = Right x :: Either ParseError ZonedTime -- in fmap looseZonedTimePrecision e == (fromRFC3339 . fromRFC3339Inv ) (fmap looseZonedTimePrecision e)