{-| Module : Gargantext.Prelude.Config Description : Textmining Collaborative Platform Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2017-Present License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX -} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Gargantext.Prelude.Config where import Prelude (read) import System.IO (FilePath) import Data.Ini (readIniFile, lookupValue) import Data.Either.Extra (Either(Left, Right)) import Gargantext.Prelude import Data.Text (Text, pack) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Control.Lens (makeLenses) data GargConfig = GargConfig { _gc_url :: !Text , _gc_url_backend_api :: !Text , _gc_masteruser :: !Text , _gc_secretkey :: !Text , _gc_datafilepath :: !FilePath , _gc_repofilepath :: !FilePath , _gc_frame_write_url :: !Text , _gc_frame_calc_url :: !Text , _gc_frame_searx_url :: !Text , _gc_frame_istex_url :: !Text , _gc_max_docs_scrapers :: !Integer } deriving (Generic, Show) makeLenses ''GargConfig readConfig :: FilePath -> IO GargConfig readConfig fp = do ini <- readIniFile fp let ini'' = case ini of Left e -> panic (pack $ "gargantext.ini not found" <> show e) Right ini' -> ini' let val x = case (lookupValue (pack "gargantext") (pack x) ini'') of Left _ -> panic (pack $ "ERROR: add " <> x <> " to your gargantext.ini") Right p' -> p' pure $ GargConfig (val "URL") (val "URL_BACKEND_API") (val "MASTER_USER") (val "SECRET_KEY") (cs $ val "DATA_FILEPATH") (cs $ val "REPO_FILEPATH") (val "FRAME_WRITE_URL") (val "FRAME_CALC_URL") (val "FRAME_SEARX_URL") (val "FRAME_ISTEX_URL") (read $ cs $ val "MAX_DOCS_SCRAPERS") defaultConfig :: GargConfig defaultConfig = GargConfig "https://localhost" "https://localhost:8008/api/v1.0" "gargantua" "secret" "data" "repos/" "https://frame_write.url" "https://frame_calc.url" "https://frame_searx.url" "https://frame_istex.url" 1000