{-| Module : Gargantext.Text.FrequentItemSet Description : Ngrams tools Copyright : (c) CNRS, 2018 License : AGPL + CECILL v3 Maintainer : team@gargantext.org Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Domain Specific Language to manage Frequent Item Set (FIS) -} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Gargantext.Text.FrequentItemSet ( Fis, Size , occ, cooc , all, between , module HLCM ) where import Data.List (tail, filter) import Data.Either import HLCM import Gargantext.Prelude type Size = Either Int (Int, Int) --data Size = Point | Segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Occurrence is Frequent Item Set of size 1 occ :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] occ f is = fisWithSize (Left 1) f is -- | Cooccurrence is Frequent Item Set of size 2 cooc :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] cooc f is = fisWithSize (Left 2) f is all :: Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] all f is = fisWith Nothing f is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ between :: (Int, Int) -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] between (x,y) f is = fisWithSize (Right (x,y)) f is --maximum :: Int -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] --maximum m f is = between (0,m) f is ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Data type to type the Frequent Item Set -- TODO replace List with Set in fisItemSet -- be careful : risks to erase HLCM behavior type Fis = Fis' Item data Fis' a = Fis' { _fisCount :: Int , _fisItemSet :: [a] } deriving (Show) -- | Sugar from items to FIS items2fis :: [Item] -> Maybe Fis items2fis is = case head is of Nothing -> Nothing Just h -> Just (Fis' h (tail is)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ fisWithSize :: Size -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] fisWithSize n f is = case n of Left n' -> fisWith (Just (\x -> length x == (n'+1) )) f is Right (a,b) -> fisWith (Just (\x -> cond1 a x && cond2 b x)) f is where cond1 a' x = length x >= a' cond2 b' x = length x <= b' fisWith :: Maybe ([Item] -> Bool) -> Frequency -> [[Item]] -> [Fis] fisWith s f is = unMaybe $ map items2fis $ filter' $ runLCMmatrix is f where filter' = case s of Nothing -> identity Just fun -> filter fun ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------