Mainly reexport functions in @Data.Text.Metrics@
-noApax :: Ord a => Map a Occ -> Map a Occ
-noApax m = M.filter (>1) m
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Gargantext.Text.Metrics
+module Gargantext.Text.Metrics
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import Data.Map (Map)
+import Data.Ord (Down(..))
import qualified Data.List as L
+import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
-import Data.Tuple.Extra (both)
---import GHC.Real (Ratio)
---import qualified Data.Text.Metrics as DTM
-import Data.Array.Accelerate (toList)
-import Math.KMeans (kmeans, euclidSq, elements)
+--import Math.KMeans (kmeans, euclidSq, elements)
import Gargantext.Prelude
-import Gargantext.Text.Metrics.Count (occurrences, cooc)
-import Gargantext.Text.Terms (TermType(MonoMulti), terms)
-import Gargantext.Core (Lang(EN))
-import Gargantext.Core.Types (Terms(..))
-import Gargantext.Text.Context (splitBy, SplitContext(Sentences))
import Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Distances.Matrice
import Gargantext.Viz.Graph.Index
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate.Interpreter as DAA
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as DAA
+-- import Data.Array.Accelerate ((:.)(..), Z(..))
import GHC.Real (round)
---filterCooc :: Ord t => Map (t, t) Int -> Map (t, t) Int
---filterCooc m =
----- filterCooc m = foldl (\k -> maybe (panic "no key") identity $ M.lookup k m) M.empty selection
-----(ti, fi) = createIndices m
--- . fromIndex fi $ filterMat $ cooc2mat ti m
+import Debug.Trace (trace)
+data MapListSize = MapListSize Int
+data InclusionSize = InclusionSize Int
+data SampleBins = SampleBins Double
+data Clusters = Clusters Int
+data DefaultValue = DefaultValue Int
-type ListSize = Int
-type BinSize = Double
+data FilterConfig = FilterConfig { fc_mapListSize :: MapListSize
+ , fc_inclusionSize :: InclusionSize
+ , fc_sampleBins :: SampleBins
+ , fc_clusters :: Clusters
+ , fc_defaultValue :: DefaultValue
+ }
--- Map list creation
--- Kmean split into 2 main clusters with Inclusion/Exclusion (relevance score)
--- Sample the main cluster ordered by specificity/genericity in s parts
+filterCooc :: (Show t, Ord t) => FilterConfig -> Map (t, t) Int -> Map (t, t) Int
+filterCooc fc cc = (filterCooc' fc) ts cc
+ where
+ ts = map _scored_terms $ takeSome fc $ coocScored cc
+filterCooc' :: (Show t, Ord t) => FilterConfig -> [t] -> Map (t, t) Int -> Map (t, t) Int
+filterCooc' (FilterConfig _ _ _ _ (DefaultValue dv)) ts m = trace ("coocScored " <> show ts) $
+ foldl' (\m' k -> M.insert k (maybe dv identity $ M.lookup k m) m')
+ M.empty selection
+ where
+ selection = [(x,y) | x <- ts
+ , y <- ts
+ , x > y
+ ]
+-- | Map list creation
+-- Kmeans split into (Clusters::Int) main clusters with Inclusion/Exclusion (relevance score)
+-- Sample the main cluster ordered by specificity/genericity in (SampleBins::Double) parts
-- each parts is then ordered by Inclusion/Exclusion
--- take n scored terms in each parts where n * s = l
-takeSome :: Ord t => ListSize -> BinSize -> [Scored t] -> [Scored t]
-takeSome l s scores = L.take l
+-- take n scored terms in each parts where n * SampleBins = MapListSize.
+takeSome :: Ord t => FilterConfig -> [Scored t] -> [Scored t]
+takeSome (FilterConfig (MapListSize l) (InclusionSize l') (SampleBins s) (Clusters _) _) scores = L.take l
$ takeSample n m
- $ splitKmeans 2 scores
+ $ L.take l' $ reverse $ sortWith (Down . _scored_incExc) scores
+ -- splitKmeans k scores
- -- (TODO: benchmark with accelerate-example kmeans version)
- splitKmeans x xs = elements
- $ V.head
- $ kmeans (\i -> VU.fromList ([(_scored_incExc i :: Double)]))
- euclidSq x xs
+ -- TODO: benchmark with accelerate-example kmeans version
+ --splitKmeans x xs = L.concat $ map elements
+ -- $ V.take (k-1)
+ -- $ kmeans (\i -> VU.fromList ([(_scored_incExc i :: Double)]))
+ -- euclidSq x xs
n = round ((fromIntegral l)/s)
m = round $ (fromIntegral $ length scores) / (s)
- takeSample n m xs = L.concat $ map (L.take n)
- $ L.reverse $ map (L.sortOn _scored_incExc)
- $ splitEvery m
- $ L.reverse $ L.sortOn _scored_speGen xs
-data Scored t = Scored { _scored_terms :: t
- , _scored_incExc :: InclusionExclusion
- , _scored_speGen :: SpecificityGenericity
- } deriving (Show)
-incExcSpeGen_sorted' :: Ord t => Map (t,t) Int -> [Scored t]
-incExcSpeGen_sorted' m = zipWith (\(i,t) (inc,spe) -> Scored t inc spe) (M.toList fi) scores
+ takeSample n' m' xs = -- trace ("splitKmeans " <> show (length xs)) $
+ L.concat $ map (L.take n')
+ $ map (sortWith (Down . _scored_incExc))
+ -- TODO use kmeans s instead of splitEvery
+ -- in order to split in s heteregenous parts
+ -- without homogeneous order hypothesis
+ $ splitEvery m'
+ $ sortWith (Down . _scored_speGen) xs
+data Scored ts = Scored { _scored_terms :: !ts
+ , _scored_incExc :: !InclusionExclusion
+ , _scored_speGen :: !SpecificityGenericity
+ } deriving (Show)
+-- TODO in the textflow we end up needing these indices, it might be better
+-- to compute them earlier and pass them around.
+coocScored :: Ord t => Map (t,t) Int -> [Scored t]
+coocScored m = zipWith (\(_,t) (inc,spe) -> Scored t inc spe) (M.toList fi) scores
(ti,fi) = createIndices m
(is, ss) = incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat ti m
scores = DAA.toList $ $ (DAA.use is) (DAA.use ss)
-incExcSpeGen_sorted :: Ord t => Map (t,t) Int -> ([(t,Double)],[(t,Double)])
-incExcSpeGen_sorted m = both ordonne (incExcSpeGen $ cooc2mat ti m)
- where
- (ti,fi) = createIndices m
- ordonne x = L.reverse $ L.sortOn snd $ zip (map snd $ M.toList fi) (toList x)
-metrics_text :: Text
-metrics_text = T.intercalate " " metrics_sentences
-metrics_sentences' :: [Text]
-metrics_sentences' = splitBy (Sentences 0) metrics_text
--- | Sentences
-metrics_sentences :: [Text]
-metrics_sentences = [ "There is a table with a glass of wine and a spoon."
- , "I can see the glass on the table."
- , "There was only a spoon on that table."
- , "The glass just fall from the table, pouring wine everywhere."
- , "I wish the glass did not contain wine."
- ]
-metrics_sentences_Test = metrics_sentences == metrics_sentences'
--- | Terms reordered to visually check occurrences
--- >>>
-{- [ [["table"],["glass"],["wine"],["spoon"]]
- , [["glass"],["table"]]
- , [["spoon"],["table"]]
- , [["glass"],["table"],["wine"]]
- , [["glass"],["wine"]]
- ]
-metrics_terms :: IO [[Terms]]
-metrics_terms = mapM (terms MonoMulti EN) $ splitBy (Sentences 0) metrics_text
--- | Occurrences
-fromList [ (fromList ["table"] ,fromList [(["table"] , 3 )])]
- , (fromList ["object"],fromList [(["object"], 3 )])
- , (fromList ["glas"] ,fromList [(["glas"] , 2 )])
- , (fromList ["spoon"] ,fromList [(["spoon"] , 2 )])
-metrics_occ = occurrences <$> L.concat <$> metrics_terms
--- fromList [((["glas"],["object"]),6)
- ,((["glas"],["spoon"]),4)
- ,((["glas"],["table"]),6),((["object"],["spoon"]),6),((["object"],["table"]),9),((["spoon"],["table"]),6)]
-metrics_cooc = cooc <$> metrics_terms
-metrics_cooc_mat = do
- m <- metrics_cooc
- let (ti,_) = createIndices m
- let mat_cooc = cooc2mat ti m
- pure ( ti
- , mat_cooc
- , incExcSpeGen_proba mat_cooc
- , incExcSpeGen mat_cooc
- )
-metrics_incExcSpeGen = incExcSpeGen_sorted <$> metrics_cooc