{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Gargantext.Text.Parsers.CSV where
import GHC.Real (round)
import GHC.IO (FilePath)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Csv
import Data.Either (Either(Left, Right))
-import Data.List (concat)
-import Data.String (IsString)
-import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack, length)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack, length, intercalate)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Safe (tailMay)
-import Text.HTML.TagSoup
+import Gargantext.Core.Types.Node (HyperdataDocument(..))
import Gargantext.Text
+import Gargantext.Text.Context
import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (length)
deriving (Show)
+-- | Doc 2 HyperdataDocument
+doc2hyperdataDocument :: Doc -> HyperdataDocument
+doc2hyperdataDocument (Doc did dt ds dpy dpm dpd dab dau) =
+ HyperdataDocument (Just "CSV")
+ (Just did)
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ (Just dt)
+ (Just dau)
+ (Just ds)
+ (Just dab)
+ (Nothing)
+ Nothing
+ (Just dpy)
+ (Just dpm)
+ (Just dpd)
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+ Nothing
+-- | Types Conversions
toDocs :: Vector CsvDoc -> [Doc]
-toDocs v = V.toList
+toDocs v = V.toList
$ V.zipWith (\nId (CsvDoc t s py pm pd abst auth)
-> Doc nId t s py pm pd abst auth )
- (V.enumFromN 1 (V.length v')) v''
- where
- m = docsSize v
- v' = V.concatMap (splitDoc m Paragraph) v
- m' = docsSize v
- v'' = V.concatMap (splitDoc m' Sentences) v'
- m'' = docsSize v'
- v''' = V.concatMap (splitDoc m' Sentences) v''
+ (V.enumFromN 1 (V.length v'')) v''
+ where
+ v'' = V.foldl (\v' sep -> V.concatMap (splitDoc (docsSize v') sep) v') v seps
+ seps= (V.fromList [Paragraphs 1, Sentences 3, Chars 3])
fromDocs :: Vector Doc -> Vector CsvDoc
-- | Split a document in its context
-- TODO adapt the size of the paragraph according to the corpus average
-data SplitBy = Paragraph | Sentences | Chars
-splitDoc :: Mean -> SplitBy -> CsvDoc -> Vector CsvDoc
-splitDoc m splt doc = let docSize = (length $ c_abstract doc) in
+splitDoc :: Mean -> SplitContext -> CsvDoc -> Vector CsvDoc
+splitDoc m splt doc = let docSize = (length $ csv_abstract doc) in
if docSize > 1000
if (mod (round m) docSize) >= 10
V.fromList [doc]
-splitDoc' :: SplitBy -> CsvDoc -> Vector CsvDoc
-splitDoc' splt (CsvDoc t s py pm pd abst auth) = V.fromList $ [firstDoc] <> nextDocs
+splitDoc' :: SplitContext -> CsvDoc -> Vector CsvDoc
+splitDoc' contextSize (CsvDoc t s py pm pd abst auth) = V.fromList $ [firstDoc] <> nextDocs
firstDoc = CsvDoc t s py pm pd firstAbstract auth
firstAbstract = head' abstracts
nextDocs = map (\txt -> CsvDoc (head' $ sentences txt) s py pm pd (unsentences $ tail' $ sentences txt) auth) (tail' abstracts)
- abstracts = (splitBy splt) abst
+ abstracts = (splitBy $ contextSize) abst
head' x = maybe "" identity (head x)
tail' x = maybe [""] identity (tailMay x)
-splitBy :: SplitBy -> Text -> [Text]
-splitBy Chars = map pack . chunkAlong 1000 1 . unpack
-splitBy Sentences = map unsentences . chunkAlong 20 1 . sentences
-splitBy Paragraph = map removeTag . filter isTagText . parseTags
- where
- removeTag :: IsString p => Tag p -> p
- removeTag (TagText x) = x
- removeTag (TagComment x) = x
- removeTag _ = ""
type Mean = Double
docsSize :: Vector CsvDoc -> Mean
docsSize csvDoc = mean ls
- ls = V.toList $ V.map (fromIntegral . length . c_abstract) csvDoc
+ ls = V.toList $ V.map (fromIntegral . length . csv_abstract) csvDoc
data CsvDoc = CsvDoc
- { c_title :: !Text
- , c_source :: !Text
- , c_publication_year :: !Int
- , c_publication_month :: !Int
- , c_publication_day :: !Int
- , c_abstract :: !Text
- , c_authors :: !Text
+ { csv_title :: !Text
+ , csv_source :: !Text
+ , csv_publication_year :: !Int
+ , csv_publication_month :: !Int
+ , csv_publication_day :: !Int
+ , csv_abstract :: !Text
+ , csv_authors :: !Text
deriving (Show)
<*> r .: "authors"
instance ToNamedRecord CsvDoc where
- toNamedRecord (CsvDoc t s py pm pd abst aut) =
+ toNamedRecord (CsvDoc t s py pm pd abst aut) =
namedRecord [ "title" .= t
, "source" .= s
, "publication_year" .= py
, "publication_day" .= pd
, "abstract" .= abst
, "authors" .= aut
- ]
+ ]
csvDecodeOptions :: DecodeOptions
{encDelimiter = fromIntegral $ ord '\t'}
+readCsvOn :: [CsvDoc -> Text] -> FilePath -> IO [Text]
+readCsvOn fields fp = V.toList <$> V.map (\l -> intercalate (pack " ") $ map (\field -> field l) fields)
+ <$> snd
+ <$> readCsv fp
readCsv :: FilePath -> IO (Header, Vector CsvDoc)
readCsv fp = do
csvData <- BL.readFile fp
case decodeByNameWith csvDecodeOptions csvData of
- Left e -> panic (pack e)
+ Left e -> panic (pack e)
Right csvDocs -> pure csvDocs
+readHal :: FilePath -> IO (Header, Vector CsvHal)
+readHal fp = do
+ csvData <- BL.readFile fp
+ case decodeByNameWith csvDecodeOptions csvData of
+ Left e -> panic (pack e)
+ Right csvDocs -> pure csvDocs
writeCsv :: FilePath -> (Header, Vector CsvDoc) -> IO ()
writeCsv fp (h, vs) = BL.writeFile fp $
encodeByNameWith csvEncodeOptions h (V.toList vs)
+-- Hal Format
+data CsvHal = CsvHal
+ { csvHal_title :: !Text
+ , csvHal_source :: !Text
+ , csvHal_publication_year :: !Int
+ , csvHal_publication_month :: !Int
+ , csvHal_publication_day :: !Int
+ , csvHal_abstract :: !Text
+ , csvHal_authors :: !Text
+ , csvHal_url :: !Text
+ , csvHal_isbn_s :: !Text
+ , csvHal_issue_s :: !Text
+ , csvHal_journalPublisher_s:: !Text
+ , csvHal_language_s :: !Text
+ , csvHal_doiId_s :: !Text
+ , csvHal_authId_i :: !Text
+ , csvHal_instStructId_i :: !Text
+ , csvHal_deptStructId_i :: !Text
+ , csvHal_labStructId_i :: !Text
+ , csvHal_rteamStructId_i :: !Text
+ , csvHal_docType_s :: !Text
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance FromNamedRecord CsvHal where
+ parseNamedRecord r = CsvHal <$> r .: "title"
+ <*> r .: "source"
+ <*> r .: "publication_year"
+ <*> r .: "publication_month"
+ <*> r .: "publication_day"
+ <*> r .: "abstract"
+ <*> r .: "authors"
+ <*> r .: "url"
+ <*> r .: "isbn_s"
+ <*> r .: "issue_s"
+ <*> r .: "journalPublisher_s"
+ <*> r .: "language_s"
+ <*> r .: "doiId_s"
+ <*> r .: "authId_i"
+ <*> r .: "instStructId_i"
+ <*> r .: "deptStructId_i"
+ <*> r .: "labStructId_i"
+ <*> r .: "rteamStructId_i"
+ <*> r .: "docType_s"
+instance ToNamedRecord CsvHal where
+ toNamedRecord (CsvHal t s py pm pd abst aut url isbn iss jour lang doi auth inst dept lab team doct) =
+ namedRecord [ "title" .= t
+ , "source" .= s
+ , "publication_year" .= py
+ , "publication_month" .= pm
+ , "publication_day" .= pd
+ , "abstract" .= abst
+ , "authors" .= aut
+ , "url" .= url
+ , "isbn_s" .= isbn
+ , "issue_s" .= iss
+ , "journalPublisher_s" .= jour
+ , "language_s" .= lang
+ , "doiId_s" .= doi
+ , "authId_i" .= auth
+ , "instStructId_i" .= inst
+ , "deptStructId_i" .= dept
+ , "labStructId_i" .= lab
+ , "rteamStructId_i" .= team
+ , "docType_s" .= doct
+ ]