Portability : POSIX
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Gargantext.Database.Action.User.New
import Control.Lens (view)
import Control.Monad.Random
-import Data.Text (Text, unlines, splitOn)
+import Data.Text (Text, splitOn)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Gargantext.Core.Mail
+import Gargantext.Core.Mail.Types (HasMail, mailSettings)
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu
import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow (getOrMkRoot)
import Gargantext.Database.Prelude
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError(..), nodeError, NodeError(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.User
import Gargantext.Prelude
-import Gargantext.Prelude.Config
import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Pass.User (gargPass)
-import Gargantext.Prelude.Mail (gargMail, GargMail(..))
-import qualified Data.List as List
+import Gargantext.Prelude.Mail.Types (MailConfig)
-type EmailAddress = Text
-newUsers :: (CmdM env err m, MonadRandom m, HasNodeError err)
+newUsers :: (CmdM env err m, MonadRandom m, HasNodeError err, HasMail env)
=> [EmailAddress] -> m Int64
newUsers us = do
us' <- mapM newUserQuick us
- url <- view $ config . gc_url
- newUsers' url us'
+ config <- view $ mailSettings
+ newUsers' config us'
newUserQuick :: (MonadRandom m)
=> Text -> m (NewUser GargPassword)
pure (NewUser u n (GargPassword pass))
-isEmail :: Text -> Bool
-isEmail = ((==) 2) . List.length . (splitOn "@")
+-- | guessUserName
+-- guess username and normalize it (Text.toLower)
guessUserName :: Text -> Maybe (Text,Text)
guessUserName n = case splitOn "@" n of
- [u',m'] -> if m' /= "" then Just (u',m')
+ [u',m'] -> if m' /= "" then Just (Text.toLower u',m')
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
newUser' :: HasNodeError err
- => ServerAdress -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
-newUser' address u = newUsers' address [u]
+ => MailConfig -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
+newUser' cfg u = newUsers' cfg [u]
newUsers' :: HasNodeError err
- => ServerAdress -> [NewUser GargPassword] -> Cmd err Int64
-newUsers' address us = do
- us' <- liftBase $ mapM toUserHash us
- r <- insertUsers $ map toUserWrite us'
- _ <- mapM getOrMkRoot $ map (\u -> UserName (_nu_username u)) us
- _ <- liftBase $ mapM (mail address Invitation) us
+ => MailConfig -> [NewUser GargPassword] -> Cmd err Int64
+newUsers' cfg us = do
+ us' <- liftBase $ mapM toUserHash us
+ r <- insertUsers $ map toUserWrite us'
+ _ <- mapM getOrMkRoot $ map (\u -> UserName (_nu_username u)) us
+ _ <- mapM (\u -> mail cfg (Invitation u)) us
+ printDebug "newUsers'" us
pure r
-data SendEmail = SendEmail Bool
updateUser :: HasNodeError err
- => SendEmail -> Text -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
-updateUser (SendEmail send) server u = do
+ => SendEmail -> MailConfig -> NewUser GargPassword -> Cmd err Int64
+updateUser (SendEmail send) cfg u = do
u' <- liftBase $ toUserHash u
n <- updateUserDB $ toUserWrite u'
_ <- case send of
- True -> liftBase $ mail server Update u
+ True -> mail cfg (PassUpdate u)
False -> pure ()
pure n
-type ServerAdress = Text
-data MailModel = Invitation
- | Update
--- TODO gargantext.ini config
-mail :: ServerAdress -> MailModel -> NewUser GargPassword -> IO ()
-mail server model user@(NewUser u m _) = gargMail (GargMail m (Just u) subject body)
- where
- subject = "[Your Garg Account]"
- body = emailWith server model user
-emailWith :: ServerAdress -> MailModel -> NewUser GargPassword -> Text
-emailWith server model (NewUser u _ (GargPassword p)) = unlines $
- [ "Hello" ]
- <> bodyWith model <>
- [ ""
- , "You can log in to: " <> server
- , "Your username is: " <> u
- , "Your password is: " <> p
- , ""
- ]
- <> email_disclaimer
- <> email_signature
-bodyWith :: MailModel -> [Text]
-bodyWith Invitation = [ "Congratulation, you have been granted a beta user account to test the"
- , "new GarganText platform!"
- ]
-bodyWith Update = [ "Your account password have been updated on the GarganText platform!"
- ]
-email_disclaimer :: [Text]
-email_disclaimer =
- [ "If you log in you agree with the following terms of use:"
- , " https://gitlab.iscpif.fr/humanities/tofu/tree/master"
- , ""
- , ""
- , "/!\\ Please note that this account is opened for beta tester only. Hence"
- , "we cannot guarantee neither the perenniality nor the stability of the"
- , "service at this stage. It is therefore advisable to back up important"
- , "data regularly."
- , ""
- , "/!\\ Gargantext is an academic service supported by ISC-PIF partners."
- , "In case of congestion on this service, access to members of the ISC-PIF"
- , "partners will be privileged."
- , ""
- , "Your feedback will be valuable for further development of the platform,"
- , "do not hesitate to contact us and to contribute on our forum:"
- , ""
- , " https://discourse.iscpif.fr/c/gargantext"
- , ""
- ]
-email_signature :: [Text]
-email_signature =
- [ "With our best regards,"
- , "-- "
- , "The Gargantext Team (CNRS)"
- ]
rmUser :: HasNodeError err => User -> Cmd err Int64
rmUser (UserName un) = deleteUsers [un]