import Data.List (tail, concat, nub)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Map (Map, fromListWith, lookup)
-import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
+-- import Data.Monoid (mconcat)
import Data.Proxy
-- import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ
import Gargantext.Prelude
+import Gargantext.Core
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (NodeTree(..), Tree(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Config (fromNodeTypeId, nodeTypeId, fromNodeTypeId)
import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata.Any (HyperdataAny)
-> [NodeType]
-> Cmd err (Tree NodeTree)
tree_advanced r nodeTypes = do
- let rPrefix s = "[tree_advanced] root = " <> show r <> " " <> s
+ -- let rPrefix s = "[tree_advanced] root = " <> show r <> " " <> s
mainRoot <- findNodes r Private nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "mainRoot") mainRoot
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "mainRoot") mainRoot
publicRoots <- findNodes r Public nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "publicRoots") publicRoots
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "publicRoots") publicRoots
sharedRoots <- findNodes r Shared nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "sharedRoots") sharedRoots
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "sharedRoots") sharedRoots
toTree $ toTreeParent (mainRoot <> sharedRoots <> publicRoots)
-- | Fetch only first level of tree
-> [NodeType]
-> Cmd err (Tree NodeTree)
tree_first_level r nodeTypes = do
- let rPrefix s = mconcat [ "[tree_first_level] root = "
- , show r
- , ", nodeTypes = "
- , show nodeTypes
- , " "
- , s ]
+ -- let rPrefix s = mconcat [ "[tree_first_level] root = "
+ -- , show r
+ -- , ", nodeTypes = "
+ -- , show nodeTypes
+ -- , " "
+ -- , s ]
mainRoot <- findNodes r Private nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "mainRoot") mainRoot
- publicRoots <- findNodes r Public nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "publicRoots") publicRoots
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "mainRoot") mainRoot
+ publicRoots <- findNodes r PublicDirect nodeTypes
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "publicRoots") publicRoots
sharedRoots <- findNodes r SharedDirect nodeTypes
- printDebug (rPrefix "sharedRoots") sharedRoots
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "sharedRoots") sharedRoots
ret <- toTree $ toSubtreeParent r (mainRoot <> sharedRoots <> publicRoots)
- printDebug (rPrefix "tree") ret
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "tree") ret
pure ret
-data NodeMode = Private | Shared | Public | SharedDirect
+data NodeMode = Private | Shared | Public | SharedDirect | PublicDirect
findNodes :: (HasTreeError err, HasNodeError err)
=> RootId
findNodes r Shared nt = findShared r NodeFolderShared nt sharedTreeUpdate
findNodes r SharedDirect nt = findSharedDirect r NodeFolderShared nt sharedTreeUpdate
findNodes r Public nt = findShared r NodeFolderPublic nt publicTreeUpdate
+findNodes r PublicDirect nt = findSharedDirect r NodeFolderPublic nt publicTreeUpdate
-- | Collaborative Nodes in the Tree
trees <- mapM (updateTree nts fun) foldersSharedId
pure $ concat trees
+-- | Find shared folders with "direct" access, i.e. when fetching only
+-- first-level subcomponents. This works in a simplified manner: fetch the node
+-- and get the tree for its parent.
findSharedDirect :: (HasTreeError err, HasNodeError err)
=> RootId -> NodeType -> [NodeType] -> UpdateTree err
-> Cmd err [DbTreeNode]
findSharedDirect r nt nts fun = do
- let rPrefix s = mconcat [ "[findSharedDirect] r = "
- , show r
- , ", nt = "
- , show nt
- , ", nts = "
- , show nts
- , " "
- , s ]
+ -- let rPrefix s = mconcat [ "[findSharedDirect] r = "
+ -- , show r
+ -- , ", nt = "
+ -- , show nt
+ -- , ", nts = "
+ -- , show nts
+ -- , " "
+ -- , s ]
parent <- getNodeWith r (Proxy :: Proxy HyperdataAny)
let mParent = _node_parentId parent
case mParent of
Nothing -> pure []
Just parentId -> do
foldersSharedId <- findNodesId parentId [nt]
- printDebug (rPrefix "foldersSharedId") foldersSharedId
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "foldersSharedId") foldersSharedId
trees <- mapM (updateTree nts fun) foldersSharedId
- printDebug (rPrefix "trees") trees
+ -- printDebug (rPrefix "trees") trees
pure $ concat trees
sharedTreeUpdate :: HasTreeError err => UpdateTree err
sharedTreeUpdate p nt n = dbTree n nt
<&> map (\n' -> if (view dt_nodeId n') == n
- -- && elem (fromNodeTypeId $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeGraph]
- -- && not (elem (fromNodeTypeId $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeFile])
+ -- && elem (fromDBid $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeGraph]
+ -- && not (elem (fromDBid $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeFile])
then set dt_parentId (Just p) n'
else n')
publicTreeUpdate :: HasTreeError err => UpdateTree err
publicTreeUpdate p nt n = dbTree n nt
<&> map (\n' -> if _dt_nodeId n' == n
- -- && (fromNodeTypeId $ _dt_typeId n') /= NodeGraph
- -- && not (elem (fromNodeTypeId $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeFile])
+ -- && (fromDBid $ _dt_typeId n') /= NodeGraph
+ -- && not (elem (fromDBid $ _dt_typeId n') [NodeFile])
then set dt_parentId (Just p) n'
else n')
findNodesWithType root target through =
filter isInTarget <$> dbTree root through
- isInTarget n = List.elem (fromNodeTypeId $ view dt_typeId n)
+ isInTarget n = List.elem (fromDBid $ view dt_typeId n)
$ List.nub $ target <> through