-- | Global parameters of a Phylo
data PhyloParam =
- PhyloParam { _phyloParam_version :: Text -- Double ?
- , _phyloParam_software :: Software
- , _phyloParam_query :: PhyloQueryBuild
+ PhyloParam { _phyloParam_version :: !Text -- Double ?
+ , _phyloParam_software :: !Software
+ , _phyloParam_query :: !PhyloQueryBuild
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | Software parameters
data Software =
- Software { _software_name :: Text
- , _software_version :: Text
+ Software { _software_name :: !Text
+ , _software_version :: !Text
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- Foundations : vector of all the Ngrams contained in a Phylo (build from a list of actants)
-- Periods : list of all the periods of a Phylo
data Phylo =
- Phylo { _phylo_duration :: (Start, End)
- , _phylo_foundations :: PhyloFoundations
+ Phylo { _phylo_duration :: !(Start, End)
+ , _phylo_foundations :: !PhyloFoundations
, _phylo_periods :: [PhyloPeriod]
- , _phylo_docsByYears :: Map Date Double
+ , _phylo_docsByYears :: !(Map Date Double)
, _phylo_cooc :: !(Map Date (Map (Int,Int) Double))
, _phylo_fis :: !(Map (Date,Date) [PhyloFis])
- , _phylo_param :: PhyloParam
+ , _phylo_param :: !PhyloParam
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | The foundations of a phylomemy created from a given TermList
data PhyloFoundations =
- PhyloFoundations { _phylo_foundationsRoots :: Vector Ngrams
- , _phylo_foundationsTermsList :: TermList
+ PhyloFoundations { _phylo_foundationsRoots :: !(Vector Ngrams)
+ , _phylo_foundationsTermsList :: !TermList
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- Period: tuple (start date, end date) of the step of the phylomemy
-- Levels: levels of granularity
data PhyloPeriod =
- PhyloPeriod { _phylo_periodId :: PhyloPeriodId
- , _phylo_periodLevels :: [PhyloLevel]
+ PhyloPeriod { _phylo_periodId :: !PhyloPeriodId
+ , _phylo_periodLevels :: ![PhyloLevel]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- Level 1: First level of clustering
-- Level N: Nth level of clustering
data PhyloLevel =
- PhyloLevel { _phylo_levelId :: PhyloLevelId
- , _phylo_levelGroups :: [PhyloGroup]
+ PhyloLevel { _phylo_levelId :: !PhyloLevelId
+ , _phylo_levelGroups :: ![PhyloGroup]
deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- Level Parents|Childs: weighted link to Parents|Childs (Level Granularity axis)
-- Pointers are directed link from Self to any PhyloGroup (/= Self ?)
data PhyloGroup =
- PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupId :: PhyloGroupId
- , _phylo_groupLabel :: Text
- , _phylo_groupNgrams :: [Int]
- , _phylo_groupNgramsMeta :: Map Text [Double]
- , _phylo_groupMeta :: Map Text Double
- , _phylo_groupBranchId :: Maybe PhyloBranchId
+ PhyloGroup { _phylo_groupId :: !PhyloGroupId
+ , _phylo_groupLabel :: !Text
+ , _phylo_groupNgrams :: ![Int]
+ , _phylo_groupNgramsMeta :: !(Map Text [Double])
+ , _phylo_groupMeta :: !(Map Text Double)
+ , _phylo_groupBranchId :: !(Maybe PhyloBranchId)
, _phylo_groupCooc :: !(Map (Int,Int) Double)
- , _phylo_groupPeriodParents :: [Pointer]
- , _phylo_groupPeriodChilds :: [Pointer]
+ , _phylo_groupPeriodParents :: ![Pointer]
+ , _phylo_groupPeriodChilds :: ![Pointer]
- , _phylo_groupLevelParents :: [Pointer]
- , _phylo_groupLevelChilds :: [Pointer]
+ , _phylo_groupLevelParents :: ![Pointer]
+ , _phylo_groupLevelChilds :: ![Pointer]
deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | Document : a piece of Text linked to a Date
data Document = Document
- { date :: Date
- , text :: [Ngrams]
+ { date :: !Date
+ , text :: ![Ngrams]
} deriving (Show,Generic,NFData)
-- | Clique : Set of ngrams cooccurring in the same Document
type Support = Int
-- | Fis : Frequent Items Set (ie: the association between a Clique and a Support)
data PhyloFis = PhyloFis
- { _phyloFis_clique :: Clique
- , _phyloFis_support :: Support
- , _phyloFis_period :: (Date,Date)
+ { _phyloFis_clique :: !Clique
+ , _phyloFis_support :: !Support
+ , _phyloFis_period :: !(Date,Date)
} deriving (Generic,NFData,Show,Eq)
-- | A list of clustered PhyloGroup
-- | Parameters for Fis clustering
data FisParams = FisParams
- { _fis_keepMinorFis :: Bool
- , _fis_minSupport :: Support
- , _fis_minSize :: Int
+ { _fis_keepMinorFis :: !Bool
+ , _fis_minSupport :: !Support
+ , _fis_minSize :: !Int
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Parameters for RelatedComponents clustering
data RCParams = RCParams
- { _rc_proximity :: Proximity } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
+ { _rc_proximity :: !Proximity } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Parameters for Louvain clustering
data LouvainParams = LouvainParams
- { _louvain_proximity :: Proximity } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
+ { _louvain_proximity :: !Proximity } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Parameters for WeightedLogJaccard proximity
data WLJParams = WLJParams
- { _wlj_threshold :: Double
- , _wlj_sensibility :: Double
+ { _wlj_threshold :: !Double
+ , _wlj_sensibility :: !Double
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Parameters for Hamming proximity
data HammingParams = HammingParams
- { _hamming_threshold :: Double } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
+ { _hamming_threshold :: !Double } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq, Read)
-- | Parameters for LonelyBranch filter
data LBParams = LBParams
- { _lb_periodsInf :: Int
- , _lb_periodsSup :: Int
- , _lb_minNodes :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
+ { _lb_periodsInf :: !Int
+ , _lb_periodsSup :: !Int
+ , _lb_minNodes :: !Int } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | Parameters for SizeBranch filter
data SBParams = SBParams
- { _sb_minSize :: Int } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
+ { _sb_minSize :: !Int } deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | A Phyloquery describes a phylomemic reconstruction
data PhyloQueryBuild = PhyloQueryBuild
- { _q_phyloTitle :: Text
- , _q_phyloDesc :: Text
+ { _q_phyloTitle :: !Text
+ , _q_phyloDesc :: !Text
-- Grain and Steps for the PhyloPeriods
- , _q_periodGrain :: Int
- , _q_periodSteps :: Int
+ , _q_periodGrain :: !Int
+ , _q_periodSteps :: !Int
-- Clustering method for building the contextual unit of Phylo (ie: level 1)
- , _q_contextualUnit :: Cluster
- , _q_contextualUnitMetrics :: [Metric]
- , _q_contextualUnitFilters :: [Filter]
+ , _q_contextualUnit :: !Cluster
+ , _q_contextualUnitMetrics :: ![Metric]
+ , _q_contextualUnitFilters :: ![Filter]
-- Inter-temporal matching method of the Phylo
- , _q_interTemporalMatching :: Proximity
- , _q_interTemporalMatchingFrame :: Int
- , _q_interTemporalMatchingFrameTh :: Double
+ , _q_interTemporalMatching :: !Proximity
+ , _q_interTemporalMatchingFrame :: !Int
+ , _q_interTemporalMatchingFrameTh :: !Double
- , _q_reBranchThr :: Double
- , _q_reBranchNth :: Int
+ , _q_reBranchThr :: !Double
+ , _q_reBranchNth :: !Int
-- Last level of reconstruction
- , _q_nthLevel :: Level
+ , _q_nthLevel :: !Level
-- Clustering method used from level 1 to nthLevel
- , _q_nthCluster :: Cluster
+ , _q_nthCluster :: !Cluster
} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
-- | To choose the Phylo edge you want to export : --> <-- <--> <=>
-- | A PhyloView is the output type of a Phylo
data PhyloView = PhyloView
- { _pv_param :: PhyloParam
- , _pv_title :: Text
- , _pv_description :: Text
- , _pv_filiation :: Filiation
- , _pv_level :: Level
- , _pv_periods :: [PhyloPeriodId]
- , _pv_metrics :: Map Text [Double]
- , _pv_branches :: [PhyloBranch]
- , _pv_nodes :: [PhyloNode]
- , _pv_edges :: [PhyloEdge]
+ { _pv_param :: !PhyloParam
+ , _pv_title :: !Text
+ , _pv_description :: !Text
+ , _pv_filiation :: !Filiation
+ , _pv_level :: !Level
+ , _pv_periods :: ![PhyloPeriodId]
+ , _pv_metrics :: !(Map Text [Double])
+ , _pv_branches :: ![PhyloBranch]
+ , _pv_nodes :: ![PhyloNode]
+ , _pv_edges :: ![PhyloEdge]
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | A phyloview is made of PhyloBranches, edges and nodes
data PhyloBranch = PhyloBranch
- { _pb_id :: PhyloBranchId
- , _pb_peak :: Text
- , _pb_metrics :: Map Text [Double]
+ { _pb_id :: !PhyloBranchId
+ , _pb_peak :: !Text
+ , _pb_metrics :: !(Map Text [Double])
} deriving (Generic, Show)
data PhyloEdge = PhyloEdge
- { _pe_source :: PhyloGroupId
- , _pe_target :: PhyloGroupId
- , _pe_type :: EdgeType
- , _pe_weight :: Weight
+ { _pe_source :: !PhyloGroupId
+ , _pe_target :: !PhyloGroupId
+ , _pe_type :: !EdgeType
+ , _pe_weight :: !Weight
} deriving (Generic, Show)
data PhyloNode = PhyloNode
- { _pn_id :: PhyloGroupId
- , _pn_bid :: Maybe PhyloBranchId
- , _pn_label :: Text
- , _pn_idx :: [Int]
- , _pn_ngrams :: Maybe [Ngrams]
- , _pn_metrics :: Map Text [Double]
- , _pn_cooc :: Map (Int,Int) Double
- , _pn_parents :: Maybe [PhyloGroupId]
- , _pn_childs :: [PhyloNode]
+ { _pn_id :: !PhyloGroupId
+ , _pn_bid :: !(Maybe PhyloBranchId)
+ , _pn_label :: !Text
+ , _pn_idx :: ![Int]
+ , _pn_ngrams :: !(Maybe [Ngrams])
+ , _pn_metrics :: !(Map Text [Double])
+ , _pn_cooc :: !(Map (Int,Int) Double)
+ , _pn_parents :: !(Maybe [PhyloGroupId])
+ , _pn_childs :: ![PhyloNode]
} deriving (Generic, Show)
-- | A PhyloQueryView describes a Phylo as an output view
data PhyloQueryView = PhyloQueryView
- { _qv_lvl :: Level
+ { _qv_lvl :: !Level
-- Does the PhyloGraph contain ascendant, descendant or a complete Filiation ? Complet redondant et merge (avec le max)
- , _qv_filiation :: Filiation
+ , _qv_filiation :: !Filiation
-- Does the PhyloGraph contain some levelChilds ? How deep must it go ?
- , _qv_levelChilds :: Bool
- , _qv_levelChildsDepth :: Level
+ , _qv_levelChilds :: !Bool
+ , _qv_levelChildsDepth :: !Level
-- Ordered lists of filters, taggers and metrics to be applied to the PhyloGraph
-- Firstly the metrics, then the filters and the taggers
- , _qv_metrics :: [Metric]
- , _qv_filters :: [Filter]
- , _qv_taggers :: [Tagger]
+ , _qv_metrics :: ![Metric]
+ , _qv_filters :: ![Filter]
+ , _qv_taggers :: ![Tagger]
-- An asc or desc sort to apply to the PhyloGraph
- , _qv_sort :: Maybe (Sort,Order)
+ , _qv_sort :: !(Maybe (Sort,Order))
-- A display mode to apply to the PhyloGraph, ie: [Node[Node,Edge],Edge] or [[Node,Node],[Edge,Edge]]
- , _qv_export :: ExportMode
- , _qv_display :: DisplayMode
- , _qv_verbose :: Bool
+ , _qv_export :: !ExportMode
+ , _qv_display :: !DisplayMode
+ , _qv_verbose :: !Bool