, toAttr "branchId" (pack $ unwords (init $ map show $ snd $ g ^. phylo_groupBranchId))
, toAttr "bId" (pack $ show bId)
, toAttr "support" (pack $ show (g ^. phylo_groupSupport))
- , toAttr "label" (pack $ show (ngramsToLabel fdt (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)))
+ , toAttr "lbl" (pack $ show (ngramsToLabel fdt (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)))
, toAttr "foundation" (pack $ show (idxToLabel (g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)))
, toAttr "role" (pack $ show (idxToLabel' ((g ^. phylo_groupMeta) ! "dynamics")))
+ , toAttr "frequence" (pack $ show (idxToLabel' ((g ^. phylo_groupMeta) ! "frequence")))
-toDotEdge :: DotId -> DotId -> Text.Text -> EdgeType -> Dot DotId
+toDotEdge :: DotId -> DotId -> [Char] -> EdgeType -> Dot DotId
toDotEdge source target lbl edgeType = edge source target
(case edgeType of
- GroupToGroup -> [ Width 3, penWidth 4, Color [toWColor Black], Constraint True
- , Label (StrLabel $ fromStrict lbl)] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "link" ]
- BranchToGroup -> [ Width 3, Color [toWColor Black], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow RightSide,DotArrow)])
- , Label (StrLabel $ fromStrict lbl)] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "branchLink" ]
- BranchToBranch -> [ Width 2, Color [toWColor Black], Style [SItem Dashed []], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow BothSides,DotArrow)])
- , Label (StrLabel $ fromStrict lbl)]
- GroupToAncestor -> [ Width 3, Color [toWColor Red], Style [SItem Dashed []], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow BothSides,NoArrow)])
- , Label (StrLabel $ fromStrict lbl), PenWidth 4] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "ancestorLink" ]
+ GroupToGroup -> [ Width 3, penWidth 4, Color [toWColor Black], Constraint True] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "link", toAttr "lbl" (pack lbl)]
+ BranchToGroup -> [ Width 3, Color [toWColor Black], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow RightSide,DotArrow)])] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "branchLink" ]
+ BranchToBranch -> [ Width 2, Color [toWColor Black], Style [SItem Dashed []], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow BothSides,DotArrow)])]
+ GroupToAncestor -> [ Width 3, Color [toWColor Red], Style [SItem Dashed []], ArrowHead (AType [(ArrMod FilledArrow BothSides,NoArrow)]), PenWidth 4] <> [toAttr "edgeType" "ancestorLink", toAttr "lbl" (pack lbl)]
PeriodToPeriod -> [ Width 5, Color [toWColor Black]])
,(toAttr (fromStrict "phyloPeriods") $ pack $ show (length $ elems $ phylo ^. phylo_periods))
,(toAttr (fromStrict "phyloBranches") $ pack $ show (length $ export ^. export_branches))
,(toAttr (fromStrict "phyloGroups") $ pack $ show (length $ export ^. export_groups))
- ,(toAttr (fromStrict "phyloTermsFreq") $ pack $ show (toList $ _phylo_lastTermFreq phylo))
+ -- ,(toAttr (fromStrict "phyloTermsFreq") $ pack $ show (toList $ _phylo_lastTermFreq phylo))
-- 2) create a layer for the branches labels -}
subgraph (Str "Branches peaks") $ do
- graphAttrs [Rank SameRank]
+ -- graphAttrs [Rank SameRank]
-- 3) group the branches by hierarchy
-- mapM (\branches ->
$ fromListWith (++) $ map (\g -> (g ^. phylo_groupBranchId,[g])) $ export ^. export_groups
{- 8) create the edges between the groups -}
- _ <- mapM (\((k,k'),_) ->
- toDotEdge (groupIdToDotId k) (groupIdToDotId k') "" GroupToGroup
+ _ <- mapM (\((k,k'),v) ->
+ toDotEdge (groupIdToDotId k) (groupIdToDotId k') (show v) GroupToGroup
) $ (toList . mergePointers) $ export ^. export_groups
- _ <- mapM (\((k,k'),_) ->
- toDotEdge (groupIdToDotId k) (groupIdToDotId k') "" GroupToAncestor
+ _ <- mapM (\((k,k'),v) ->
+ toDotEdge (groupIdToDotId k) (groupIdToDotId k') (show v) GroupToAncestor
) $ mergeAncestors $ export ^. export_groups
-- 10) create the edges between the periods
$ zip branches
$ ([0] ++ (map (\(b,b') ->
let idx = length $ commonPrefix (b ^. branch_canonId) (b' ^. branch_canonId) []
- in (b' ^. branch_seaLevel) !! (idx - 1)
+ lmin = min (length $ b ^. branch_seaLevel) (length $ b' ^. branch_seaLevel)
+ in
+ if ((idx - 1) > ((length $ b' ^. branch_seaLevel) - 1))
+ then (b' ^. branch_seaLevel) !! (lmin - 1)
+ else (b' ^. branch_seaLevel) !! (idx - 1)
) $ listToSeq branches))
in map (\(x,b) -> b & branch_x .~ x)
$ zip steps branches
+branchToIso' :: Double -> Double -> [PhyloBranch] -> [PhyloBranch]
+branchToIso' start step branches =
+ let bx = map (\l -> (sum l) + ((fromIntegral $ length l) * 0.5))
+ $ inits
+ $ ([0] ++ (map (\(b,b') ->
+ let root = fromIntegral $ length $ commonPrefix (snd $ b ^. branch_id) (snd $ b' ^. branch_id) []
+ in 1 - start - step * root) $ listToSeq branches))
+ in map (\(x,b) -> b & branch_x .~ x)
+ $ zip bx branches
sortByHierarchy :: Int -> [PhyloBranch] -> [PhyloBranch]
sortByHierarchy depth branches =
if (length branches == 1)
- then branchToIso branches
- else branchToIso $ concat
+ then branches
+ else concat
$ map (\branches' ->
let partitions = partition (\b -> depth + 1 == ((length . snd) $ b ^. branch_id)) branches'
in (sortOn (\b -> (b ^. branch_meta) ! "birth") (fst partitions))
Desc -> reverse branches
in export & export_branches .~ branches'
-processSort :: Sort -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
-processSort sort' export = case sort' of
+processSort :: Sort -> SeaElevation -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
+processSort sort' elev export = case sort' of
ByBirthDate o -> sortByBirthDate o export
- ByHierarchy -> export & export_branches .~ sortByHierarchy 0 (export ^. export_branches)
+ ByHierarchy -> export & export_branches .~ (branchToIso' (_cons_start elev) (_cons_step elev)
+ $ sortByHierarchy 0 (export ^. export_branches))
+ (sum $ map (\j -> conditional m i j) l)) / (fromIntegral $ (length l) + 1)
-ngramsMetrics :: PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
-ngramsMetrics export =
+ngramsMetrics :: Phylo -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
+ngramsMetrics phylo export =
over ( export_groups
. traverse )
(\g -> g & phylo_groupMeta %~ insert "genericity"
(map (\n -> specificity (g ^. phylo_groupCooc) ((g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) \\ [n]) n) $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
& phylo_groupMeta %~ insert "inclusion"
(map (\n -> inclusion (g ^. phylo_groupCooc) ((g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) \\ [n]) n) $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
+ & phylo_groupMeta %~ insert "frequence"
+ (map (\n -> getInMap n (phylo ^. phylo_lastTermFreq)) $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams)
) export
& branch_meta %~ insert "age" [fromIntegral age]
& branch_meta %~ insert "size" [fromIntegral $ length periods] ) export
-processMetrics :: PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
-processMetrics export = ngramsMetrics
- $ branchDating export
+processMetrics :: Phylo -> PhyloExport -> PhyloExport
+processMetrics phylo export = ngramsMetrics phylo
+ $ branchDating export
mapGroups :: [[PhyloGroup]]
mapGroups = map (\prd ->
let groups = getGroupsFromLevelPeriods level [prd] phylo
- childs = getPreviousChildIds level frame prd periods phylo
- heads = filter (\g -> null (g ^. phylo_groupPeriodParents) && (notElem (getGroupId g) childs)) groups
+ childs = getPreviousChildIds level frame prd periods phylo
+ -- maybe add a better filter for non isolated ancestors
+ heads = filter (\g -> (not . null) $ (g ^. phylo_groupPeriodChilds))
+ $ filter (\g -> null (g ^. phylo_groupPeriodParents) && (notElem (getGroupId g) childs)) groups
noHeads = groups \\ heads
nbDocs = sum $ elems $ filterDocs (phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs) [prd]
diago = reduceDiagos $ filterDiago (phylo ^. phylo_timeCooc) [prd]
toPhyloExport :: Phylo -> DotGraph DotId
toPhyloExport phylo = exportToDot phylo
$ processFilters (exportFilter $ getConfig phylo) (phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
- $ processSort (exportSort $ getConfig phylo)
+ $ processSort (exportSort $ getConfig phylo) (getSeaElevation phylo)
$ processLabels (exportLabel $ getConfig phylo) (getRoots phylo) (_phylo_lastTermFreq phylo)
- $ processMetrics export
+ $ processMetrics phylo export
export :: PhyloExport
export = PhyloExport groups branches