import Gargantext.Core.Viz.AdaptativePhylo
import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.PhyloTools
-import Prelude (floor)
+import Prelude (floor,tan,pi)
import Control.Lens hiding (Level)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies (parList, rdeepseq, using)
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- | Process the inverse sumLog
sumInvLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double
-sumInvLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (1 / (log (occ + s) / log (nb + s)))) 0 diago
+sumInvLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (1 / (log (occ + 1/ tan (s * pi / 2)) / log (nb + 1/ tan (s * pi / 2))))) 0 diago
-- | Process the sumLog
sumLog' :: Double -> Double -> [Double] -> Double
-sumLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (log (occ + s) / log (nb + s))) 0 diago
+sumLog' s nb diago = foldl (\mem occ -> mem + (log (occ + 1/ tan (s * pi / 2)) / log (nb + 1/ tan (s * pi / 2)))) 0 diago
weightedLogJaccard' :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
diagoUnion = elems $ restrictKeys diago (Set.fromList ngramsUnion)
+-- | Process the weighted similarity between clusters. Adapted from Wang, X., Cheng, Q., Lu, W., 2014. Analyzing evolution of research topics with NEViewer: a new method based on dynamic co-word networks. Scientometrics 101, 1253–1271. (log added in the formula + pair comparison)
+-- tests not conclusive
+weightedLogSim' :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
+weightedLogSim' sens nbDocs diago ego_ngrams target_ngrams
+ | null ngramsInter = 0
+ | ngramsInter == ngramsUnion = 1
+ | sens == 0 = jaccard ngramsInter ngramsUnion
+ | sens > 0 = (sumInvLog' sens nbDocs diagoInter) / minimum [(sumInvLog' sens nbDocs diagoEgo),(sumInvLog' sens nbDocs diagoTarget)]
+ | otherwise = (sumLog' sens nbDocs diagoInter) / minimum [(sumLog' sens nbDocs diagoEgo),(sumLog' sens nbDocs diagoTarget)]
+ where
+ --------------------------------------
+ ngramsInter :: [Int]
+ ngramsInter = intersect ego_ngrams target_ngrams
+ --------------------------------------
+ ngramsUnion :: [Int]
+ ngramsUnion = union ego_ngrams target_ngrams
+ --------------------------------------
+ diagoInter :: [Double]
+ diagoInter = elems $ restrictKeys diago (Set.fromList ngramsInter)
+ --------------------------------------
+ diagoEgo :: [Double]
+ diagoEgo = elems $ restrictKeys diago (Set.fromList ego_ngrams)
+ --------------------------------------
+ diagoTarget :: [Double]
+ diagoTarget = elems $ restrictKeys diago (Set.fromList target_ngrams)
+ --------------------------------------
--- | To process the proximity between a current group and a pair of targets group
toProximity :: Double -> Map Int Double -> Proximity -> [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Double
+-- | To process the proximity between a current group and a pair of targets group using the adapted Wang et al. Similarity
toProximity nbDocs diago proximity egoNgrams targetNgrams targetNgrams' =
case proximity of
WeightedLogJaccard sens ->
let pairNgrams = if targetNgrams == targetNgrams'
then targetNgrams
else union targetNgrams targetNgrams'
- in weightedLogJaccard' sens nbDocs diago egoNgrams pairNgrams
+ in weightedLogJaccard' sens nbDocs diago egoNgrams pairNgrams
+ WeightedLogSim sens ->
+ let pairNgrams = if targetNgrams == targetNgrams'
+ then targetNgrams
+ else union targetNgrams targetNgrams'
+ in weightedLogSim' sens nbDocs diago egoNgrams pairNgrams
Hamming -> undefined
-- | Local Matching | --
relevantBranches term branches =
filter (\groups -> (any (\group -> elem term $ group ^. phylo_groupNgrams) groups)) branches
-accuracy :: Int -> [PhyloGroup] -> Double
-accuracy x bk = ((fromIntegral $ length $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) bk)
- / (fromIntegral $ length bk))
+accuracy :: Int -> [(Date,Date)] -> [PhyloGroup] -> Double
+-- The accuracy of a branch relatively to a term x is computed only over the periods there exist some cluster mentionning x in the phylomemy
+accuracy x periods bk = ((fromIntegral $ length $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) bk')
+ / (fromIntegral $ length bk'))
+ where
+ bk' :: [PhyloGroup]
+ bk' = filter (\g -> elem (g ^. phylo_groupPeriod) periods) bk
recall :: Int -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
recall x bk bx = ((fromIntegral $ length $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) bk)
/ (fromIntegral $ length $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) $ concat bx))
-fScore :: Double -> Int -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
-fScore beta x bk bx =
+fScore :: Double -> Int -> [(Date,Date)] -> [PhyloGroup] -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
+fScore lambda x periods bk bx =
let rec = recall x bk bx
- acc = accuracy x bk
- in ((1 + beta ** 2) * acc * rec)
- / (((beta ** 2) * rec + acc))
+ acc = accuracy x periods bk
+ in ((1 + lambda ** 2) * acc * rec)
+ / (((lambda ** 2) * acc + rec))
wk :: [PhyloGroup] -> Double
toPhyloQuality' :: Double -> Map Int Double -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
-toPhyloQuality' beta freq branches =
+toPhyloQuality' lambda freq branches =
if (null branches)
then 0
else sum
$ map (\i ->
let bks = relevantBranches i branches
- in (freq ! i) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / (sum $ map wk bks)) * (fScore beta i bk bks)) bks))
+ periods = nub $ map _phylo_groupPeriod $ filter (\g -> elem i $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) $ concat bks
+ in (freq ! i) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / (sum $ map wk bks)) * (fScore lambda i periods bk bks)) bks))
$ keys freq
toRecall :: Map Int Double -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
$ map (\x ->
let px = freq ! x
bx = relevantBranches x branches
+ -- | periods containing x
+ periods = nub $ map _phylo_groupPeriod $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) $ concat bx
wks = sum $ map wk bx
- in (px / pys) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (accuracy x bk)) bx))
+ in (px / pys) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (accuracy x periods bk)) bx))
$ keys freq
pys :: Double
-- | here we do the average of all the local f_scores
-toPhyloQuality :: Double -> Map Int Double -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
-toPhyloQuality beta freq branches =
+toPhyloQuality :: Double -> Double -> Map Int Double -> [[PhyloGroup]] -> Double
+toPhyloQuality fdt lambda freq branches =
if (null branches)
then 0
else sum
$ map (\x ->
- let px = freq ! x
- bx = relevantBranches x branches
- wks = sum $ map wk bx
- in (px / pys) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (fScore beta x bk bx)) bx))
+ -- let px = freq ! x
+ let bx = relevantBranches x branches
+ -- | periods containing x
+ periods = nub $ map _phylo_groupPeriod $ filter (\g -> elem x $ g ^. phylo_groupNgrams) $ concat bx
+ wks = sum $ map wk bx
+ -- in (px / pys) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (fScore beta x bk bx)) bx))
+ -- in (1 / fdt) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (fScore beta x periods bk bx)) bx))
+ in (1 / fdt) * (sum $ map (\bk -> ((wk bk) / wks) * (fScore (tan (lambda * pi / 2)) x periods bk bx)) bx))
$ keys freq
- where
- pys :: Double
- pys = sum (elems freq)
+ -- where
+ -- pys :: Double
+ -- pys = sum (elems freq)
+-- 1 / nb de foundation
-- | Constant Temporal Matching | --
-- done = all the allready broken branches
-- ego = the current branch we want to break
-- rest = the branches we still have to break
-breakBranches :: Proximity -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Double -> Double -> Double
+breakBranches :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Double -> Double -> Double
-> Int -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [PhyloPeriodId] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> ([PhyloGroup],Bool) -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)]
-breakBranches proximity beta frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods done ego rest =
+breakBranches fdt proximity lambda frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods done ego rest =
-- 1) keep or not the new division of ego
let done' = done ++ (if snd ego
-- 2) if there is no more branches in rest then return else continue
if null rest
then done'
- else breakBranches proximity beta frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods
+ else breakBranches fdt proximity lambda frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods
done' (head' "breakBranches" rest) (tail' "breakBranches" rest)
quality :: Double
- quality = toPhyloQuality beta frequency ((map fst done) ++ [fst ego] ++ (map fst rest))
+ quality = toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency ((map fst done) ++ [fst ego] ++ (map fst rest))
ego' :: ([[PhyloGroup]],[[PhyloGroup]])
ego' =
$ depthToMeta (elevation - depth) branches'
quality' :: Double
- quality' = toPhyloQuality beta frequency
+ quality' = toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency
((map fst done) ++ (fst ego') ++ (snd ego') ++ (map fst rest))
-seaLevelMatching :: Proximity -> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
+seaLevelMatching :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double
-> Int -> [PhyloPeriodId] -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)] -> [([PhyloGroup],Bool)]
-seaLevelMatching proximity beta minBranch frequency thr step depth elevation frame periods docs coocs branches =
+seaLevelMatching fdt proximity lambda minBranch frequency thr step depth elevation frame periods docs coocs branches =
-- if there is no branch to break or if seaLvl level > 1 then end
if (thr >= 1) || ((not . or) $ map snd branches)
then branches
-- break all the possible branches at the current seaLvl level
- let quality = toPhyloQuality beta frequency (map fst branches)
+ let quality = toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency (map fst branches)
acc = toAccuracy frequency (map fst branches)
rec = toRecall frequency (map fst branches)
- branches' = trace ("↑ level = " <> printf "%.3f" thr <> " F(��) = " <> printf "%.5f" quality
+ branches' = trace ("↑ level = " <> printf "%.3f" thr <> " F(��) = " <> printf "%.5f" quality
<> " ξ = " <> printf "%.5f" acc
<> " ρ = " <> printf "%.5f" rec
<> " branches = " <> show(length branches) <> " ↴")
- $ breakBranches proximity beta frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods
+ $ breakBranches fdt proximity lambda frequency minBranch thr depth elevation frame docs coocs periods
[] (head' "seaLevelMatching" branches) (tail' "seaLevelMatching" branches)
frequency' = reduceFrequency frequency (map fst branches')
- in seaLevelMatching proximity beta minBranch frequency' (thr + step) step (depth - 1) elevation frame periods docs coocs branches'
+ in seaLevelMatching fdt proximity lambda minBranch frequency' (thr + step) step (depth - 1) elevation frame periods docs coocs branches'
constanteTemporalMatching :: Double -> Double -> Phylo -> Phylo
-- 2) process the temporal matching by elevating seaLvl level
branches :: [[PhyloGroup]]
branches = map fst
- $ seaLevelMatching (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
+ $ seaLevelMatching (fromIntegral $ Vector.length $ getRoots phylo)
+ (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_granularity $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(_qua_minBranch $ phyloQuality $ getConfig phylo)
(phylo ^. phylo_termFreq)
(getPeriodIds phylo)
(phylo ^. phylo_timeDocs)
(phylo ^. phylo_timeCooc)
- groups
+ (reverse $ sortOn (length . fst) groups)
-- 1) for each group process an initial temporal Matching
-- here we suppose that all the groups of level 1 are part of the same big branch
groups :: [([PhyloGroup],Bool)]
-- done = all the allready broken branches
-- ego = the current branch we want to break
-- rest = the branches we still have to break
-adaptativeBreakBranches :: Proximity -> Double -> Double -> Map (PhyloGroupId,PhyloGroupId) Double
+adaptativeBreakBranches :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Double -> Map (PhyloGroupId,PhyloGroupId) Double
-> Double -> Map Int Double -> Int -> Int -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
-> [PhyloPeriodId] -> [([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double]))] -> ([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double])) -> [([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double]))]
-> [([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double]))]
-adaptativeBreakBranches proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi beta frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods done ego rest =
+adaptativeBreakBranches fdt proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi lambda frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods done ego rest =
-- 1) keep or not the new division of ego
let done' = done ++ (if (fst . snd) ego
then (if ((null (fst ego')) || (quality > quality'))
-- 2) if there is no more branches in rest then return else continue
if null rest
then done'
- else adaptativeBreakBranches proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi beta frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods
+ else adaptativeBreakBranches fdt proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi lambda frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods
done' (head' "breakBranches" rest) (tail' "breakBranches" rest)
thr = toThreshold depth $ Map.filter (\v -> v > (last' "breakBranches" $ (snd . snd) ego)) $ reduceTupleMapByKeys (map getGroupId $ fst ego) groupsProxi
quality :: Double
- quality = toPhyloQuality beta frequency ((map fst done) ++ [fst ego] ++ (map fst rest))
+ quality = toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency ((map fst done) ++ [fst ego] ++ (map fst rest))
ego' :: ([[PhyloGroup]],[[PhyloGroup]])
ego' =
$ depthToMeta (elevation - depth) branches'
quality' :: Double
- quality' = toPhyloQuality beta frequency
+ quality' = toPhyloQuality fdt lambda frequency
((map fst done) ++ (fst ego') ++ (snd ego') ++ (map fst rest))
-adaptativeSeaLevelMatching :: Proximity -> Double -> Double -> Map (PhyloGroupId, PhyloGroupId) Double
+adaptativeSeaLevelMatching :: Double -> Proximity -> Double -> Double -> Map (PhyloGroupId, PhyloGroupId) Double
-> Double -> Int -> Map Int Double
-> Int -> [PhyloPeriodId] -> Map Date Double -> Map Date Cooc
-> [([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double]))] -> [([PhyloGroup],(Bool,[Double]))]
-adaptativeSeaLevelMatching proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi beta minBranch frequency frame periods docs coocs branches =
+adaptativeSeaLevelMatching fdt proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi lambda minBranch frequency frame periods docs coocs branches =
-- if there is no branch to break or if seaLvl level >= depth then end
if (Map.null groupsProxi) || (depth <= 0) || ((not . or) $ map (fst . snd) branches)
then branches
-- break all the possible branches at the current seaLvl level
- let branches' = adaptativeBreakBranches proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi beta frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods
+ let branches' = adaptativeBreakBranches fdt proxiConf depth elevation groupsProxi lambda frequency minBranch frame docs coocs periods
[] (head' "seaLevelMatching" branches) (tail' "seaLevelMatching" branches)
frequency' = reduceFrequency frequency (map fst branches')
groupsProxi' = reduceTupleMapByKeys (map (getGroupId) $ concat $ map (fst) $ filter (fst . snd) branches') groupsProxi
<> " [✓ " <> show(length $ filter (fst . snd) branches') <> "(" <> show(length $ concat $ map (fst) $ filter (fst . snd) branches')
<> ")|✗ " <> show(length $ filter (not . fst . snd) branches') <> "(" <> show(length $ concat $ map (fst) $ filter (not . fst . snd) branches') <> ")]"
<> " thr = ")
- $ adaptativeSeaLevelMatching proxiConf (depth - 1) elevation groupsProxi' beta minBranch frequency' frame periods docs coocs branches'
+ $ adaptativeSeaLevelMatching fdt proxiConf (depth - 1) elevation groupsProxi' lambda minBranch frequency' frame periods docs coocs branches'
adaptativeTemporalMatching :: Double -> Phylo -> Phylo
-- 2) process the temporal matching by elevating seaLvl level
branches :: [[PhyloGroup]]
branches = map fst
- $ adaptativeSeaLevelMatching (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
+ $ adaptativeSeaLevelMatching (fromIntegral $ Vector.length $ getRoots phylo)
+ (phyloProximity $ getConfig phylo)
(elevation - 1)
(phylo ^. phylo_groupsProxi)