Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
+TODO_1: qualitative tests (human)
+TODO_2: quantitative tests (coded)
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Gargantext.Prelude.Utils
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens (view)
-import Control.Monad.Reader (ask, MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.Random.Class (MonadRandom)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
+import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, toJSON)
import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import Data.Tuple.Extra (both)
import GHC.IO (FilePath)
+import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId, NodeType)
+import Gargantext.Database.Prelude (HasConfig(..))
+import Gargantext.Prelude
+import Gargantext.Prelude.Config
+import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Hash
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
-import qualified System.Directory as SD
import System.IO.Error
import System.Random (newStdGen)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified System.Directory as SD
import qualified System.Random.Shuffle as SRS
-import Gargantext.API.Admin.Settings
-import Gargantext.Prelude.Config
-import Gargantext.Prelude.Crypto.Hash
-import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node (NodeId, NodeType)
-import Gargantext.Prelude
-shuffle :: MonadRandom m => [a] -> m [a]
-shuffle ns = SRS.shuffleM ns
+-- | Main Class to use (just declare needed functions)
+class GargDB a where
+ write :: a -> IO ()
+ read :: FilePath -> IO a
-data NodeToHash = NodeToHash { nodeType :: NodeType
- , nodeId :: NodeId
- }
-type FolderPath = FilePath
-type FileName = FilePath
+ rm :: (a, FilePath) -> IO ()
+ mv :: (a, FilePath) -> FilePath -> IO ()
--- | toPath example of use:
--- toPath 2 "gargantexthello"
--- ("ga/rg","antexthello")
--- toPath 3 "gargantexthello"
--- ("gar/gan","texthello")
+-- | Why not this class too ?
+class ToJSON parameters => GargDB' parameters gargdata where
+ write' :: parameters -> gargdata -> IO ()
+ read' :: parameters -> IO gargdata
-toPath :: Int -> Text -> (FolderPath, FileName)
-toPath n x = (Text.unpack $ Text.intercalate "/" [x1,x2], Text.unpack xs)
- where
- (x1,x') = Text.splitAt n x
- (x2,xs) = Text.splitAt n x'
+ rm' :: gargdata -> parameters -> IO ()
+ mv' :: gargdata -> parameters -> parameters -> IO ()
+-- | Deprecated Class, use GargDB instead
class SaveFile a where
saveFile' :: FilePath -> a -> IO ()
class ReadFile a where
readFile' :: FilePath -> IO a
+type GargFilePath = (FolderPath, FileName)
+-- where
+type FolderPath = FilePath
+type FileName = FilePath
-folderFilePath :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m) => m (FolderPath, FileName)
-folderFilePath = do
- (foldPath, fileName) <- liftBase $ (toPath 3) . hash . show <$> newStdGen
+ --------------------------------
+dataFilePath :: (ToJSON a) => a -> GargFilePath
+dataFilePath = toPath . hash . show . toJSON
+randomFilePath :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ )
+ => m GargFilePath
+randomFilePath = do
+ (foldPath, fileName) <- liftBase
+ $ toPath
+ . hash
+ . show
+ <$> newStdGen
pure (foldPath, fileName)
-writeFile :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m, HasSettings env, SaveFile a)
+-- | toPath' : how to hash text to path
+{- example of use:
+>>> toPath' (1,2) ("","helloword")
+>>> toPath' (2,2) ("","helloword")
+>>> toPath' (2,3) ("","helloword")
+toPath :: Text -> (FolderPath, FileName)
+toPath tx = both Text.unpack $ toPath' (2,3) ("", tx)
+toPath' :: (Int,Int) -> (Text,Text) -> (Text,Text)
+toPath' (n,m) (t,x) = foldl' (\tx _ -> toPath'' m tx) (t,x) [1..n]
+toPath'' :: Int -> (Text, Text) -> (Text, Text)
+toPath'' n (fp,fn) = (fp'',fn')
+ where
+ (fp',fn') = Text.splitAt n fn
+ fp'' = Text.intercalate "/" [fp,fp']
+type DataPath = FilePath
+toFilePath :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
+toFilePath fp1 fp2 = fp1 <> "/" <> fp2
+-- | Disk operations
+-- | For example, this write file with a random filepath
+-- better use a hash of json of Type used to parameter as input
+-- the functions
+writeFile :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , HasConfig env
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ , SaveFile a
+ )
=> a -> m FilePath
writeFile a = do
- dataPath <- view (settings . config . gc_datafilepath) <$> ask
+ dataPath <- view $ hasConfig . gc_datafilepath
- (foldPath, fileName) <- folderFilePath
+ (foldPath, fileName) <- randomFilePath
- let filePath = foldPath <> "/" <> fileName
- dataFoldPath = dataPath <> "/" <> foldPath
- dataFileName = dataPath <> "/" <> filePath
+ let filePath = toFilePath foldPath fileName
+ dataFoldPath = toFilePath dataPath foldPath
+ dataFileName = toFilePath dataPath filePath
_ <- liftBase $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dataFoldPath
_ <- liftBase $ saveFile' dataFileName a
pure filePath
-readFile :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m, HasSettings env, ReadFile a)
+-- | Example to read a file with Type
+readFile :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , HasConfig env
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ , ReadFile a
+ )
=> FilePath -> m a
readFile fp = do
- dataPath <- view (settings . config . gc_datafilepath) <$> ask
- liftBase $ readFile' $ dataPath <> "/" <> fp
+ dataPath <- view $ hasConfig . gc_datafilepath
+ liftBase $ readFile' $ toFilePath dataPath fp
-removeFile :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m, HasSettings env)
+rmFile :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ , HasConfig env
+ )
=> FilePath -> m ()
-removeFile fp = do
- dataPath <- view (settings . config . gc_datafilepath) <$> ask
- liftBase $ SD.removeFile (dataPath <> "/" <> fp) `catch` handleExists
+rmFile = onDisk_1 SD.removeFile
+cpFile :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m, HasConfig env)
+ => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
+cpFile = onDisk_2 SD.copyFile
+mvFile :: (MonadReader env m, MonadBase IO m, HasConfig env)
+ => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
+mvFile fp1 fp2 = do
+ cpFile fp1 fp2
+ rmFile fp1
+ pure ()
+onDisk_1 :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ , HasConfig env
+ )
+ => (FilePath -> IO ()) -> FilePath -> m ()
+onDisk_1 action fp = do
+ dataPath <- view $ hasConfig . gc_datafilepath
+ liftBase $ action (toFilePath dataPath fp) `catch` handleExists
handleExists e
| isDoesNotExistError e = return ()
| otherwise = throwIO e
+onDisk_2 :: ( MonadReader env m
+ , MonadBase IO m
+ , HasConfig env
+ )
+ => (FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ())
+ -> FilePath
+ -> FilePath
+ -> m ()
+onDisk_2 action fp1 fp2 = do
+ dataPath <- view $ hasConfig . gc_datafilepath
+ let fp1' = toFilePath dataPath fp1
+ fp2' = toFilePath dataPath fp2
+ liftBase $ action fp1' fp2' `catch` handleExists
+ where
+ handleExists e
+ | isDoesNotExistError e = return ()
+ | otherwise = throwIO e
+-- | Misc Utils
+shuffle :: MonadRandom m => [a] -> m [a]
+shuffle ns = SRS.shuffleM ns
+-- TODO gargDB instance for NodeType
+data NodeToHash = NodeToHash { nodeType :: NodeType
+ , nodeId :: NodeId
+ }