+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Gargantext.Database.Flow -- (flowDatabase, ngrams2list)
+--import Debug.Trace (trace)
--import Control.Lens (view)
+import Control.Monad (mapM_)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
--import Gargantext.Core.Types
--import Gargantext.Database.Node.Contact (HyperdataContact(..))
-import Data.Map (Map, lookup)
+import Data.Map (Map, lookup, fromListWith, toList)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text, splitOn, intercalate)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.NodeNgramsNgrams (NodeNgramsNgramsPoly(..), insertNodeNgramsNgramsNew)
import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (getUser, UserLight(..))
import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (HyperdataDocument(..), NodeType(..), NodeId, UserId, ListId, CorpusId, RootId, MasterCorpusId, MasterUserId)
-import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd)
+import Gargantext.Database.Utils (Cmd, CmdM)
import Gargantext.Text.Terms (TermType(..))
import Gargantext.Ext.IMT (toSchoolName)
import Gargantext.Ext.IMTUser (deserialiseImtUsersFromFile)
import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Text.Parsers (parseDocs, FileFormat)
import System.FilePath (FilePath)
-import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (NgramsElement(..), insertNewListOfNgramsElements, RepoCmdM)
+import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (HasRepoVar)
+import Servant (ServantErr)
+import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (NgramsElement(..), putListNgrams, RepoCmdM)
+--import Gargantext.Database.Schema.User (insertUsers, simpleUser, gargantuaUser)
import qualified Data.Map as DM
+type FlowCmdM env err m =
+ ( CmdM env err m
+ , RepoCmdM env err m
+ , HasNodeError err
+ , HasRepoVar env
+ )
-flowCorpus :: RepoCmdM env err m => FileFormat -> FilePath -> CorpusName -> m CorpusId
+flowCorpus :: FlowCmdM env ServantErr m
+ => FileFormat -> FilePath -> CorpusName -> m CorpusId
flowCorpus ff fp cName = do
+ --insertUsers [gargantuaUser, simpleUser]
hyperdataDocuments' <- map addUniqIdsDoc <$> liftIO (parseDocs ff fp)
params <- flowInsert NodeCorpus hyperdataDocuments' cName
flowCorpus' NodeCorpus hyperdataDocuments' params
pure (ids, masterUserId, masterCorpusId, userId, userCorpusId)
-flowAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => FilePath -> Cmd err ()
-flowAnnuaire filePath = do
- contacts <- liftIO $ deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filePath
- ps <- flowInsertAnnuaire "Annuaire" $ map (\h-> ToDbContact h) $ map addUniqIdsContact contacts
- printDebug "length annuaire" ps
-flowInsertAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => CorpusName -> [ToDbData]
- -> Cmd err ([ReturnId], UserId, CorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
-flowInsertAnnuaire name children = do
- (masterUserId, _, masterCorpusId) <- subFlowCorpus userMaster corpusMasterName
- ids <- insertDocuments masterUserId masterCorpusId NodeContact children
- (userId, _, userCorpusId) <- subFlowAnnuaire userArbitrary name
- _ <- add userCorpusId (map reId ids)
- --printDebug "AnnuaireID" userCorpusId
- pure (ids, masterUserId, masterCorpusId, userId, userCorpusId)
-- check userId CanFillUserCorpus userCorpusId
-- check masterUserId CanFillMasterCorpus masterCorpusId
-- InsertedNgrams ?
-- InsertedNodeNgrams ?
-flowCorpus' :: RepoCmdM env err m
+flowCorpus' :: FlowCmdM env err m
=> NodeType -> [HyperdataDocument]
-> ([ReturnId], UserId, CorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
-> m CorpusId
-flowCorpus' NodeCorpus hyperdataDocuments (ids,_masterUserId,_masterCorpusId, userId,userCorpusId) = do
+flowCorpus' NodeCorpus hyperdataDocuments (ids,masterUserId,masterCorpusId, userId,userCorpusId) = do
- -- List Ngrams Flow
- _userListId <- flowListUser userId userCorpusId 500
- --printDebug "Working on User ListId : " userListId
let documentsWithId = mergeData (toInserted ids) (toInsert hyperdataDocuments)
- -- printDebug "documentsWithId" documentsWithId
+ --printDebug "documentsWithId" documentsWithId
docsWithNgrams <- documentIdWithNgrams extractNgramsT documentsWithId
- -- printDebug "docsWithNgrams" docsWithNgrams
+ --printDebug "docsWithNgrams" docsWithNgrams
let maps = mapNodeIdNgrams docsWithNgrams
- -- printDebug "maps" (maps)
+ --printDebug "maps" (maps)
terms2id <- insertNgrams $ DM.keys maps
let indexedNgrams = DM.mapKeys (indexNgrams terms2id) maps
- -- printDebug "inserted ngrams" indexedNgrams
+ --printDebug "inserted ngrams" indexedNgrams
_ <- insertToNodeNgrams indexedNgrams
- --listId2 <- flowList masterUserId masterCorpusId indexedNgrams
- --printDebug "Working on ListId : " listId2
- --}
+ -- List Ngrams Flow
+ _masterListId <- flowList masterUserId masterCorpusId indexedNgrams
+ _userListId <- flowListUser userId userCorpusId 500
_ <- mkDashboard userCorpusId userId
_ <- mkGraph userCorpusId userId
subFlowCorpus :: HasNodeError err => Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
subFlowCorpus username cName = do
maybeUserId <- getUser username
userId <- case maybeUserId of
Nothing -> nodeError NoUserFound
-- mk NodeUser gargantua_id "Node Gargantua"
Just user -> pure $ userLight_id user
+ --printDebug "userId" userId
rootId' <- map _node_id <$> getRoot username
+ --printDebug "rootId'" rootId'
rootId'' <- case rootId' of
[] -> mkRoot username userId
n -> case length n >= 2 of
True -> nodeError ManyNodeUsers
False -> pure rootId'
+ --printDebug "rootId''" rootId''
rootId <- maybe (nodeError NoRootFound) pure (head rootId'')
corpusId'' <- if username == userMaster
pure (userId, rootId, corpusId)
-subFlowAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
-subFlowAnnuaire username _cName = do
- maybeUserId <- getUser username
- userId <- case maybeUserId of
- Nothing -> nodeError NoUserFound
- -- mk NodeUser gargantua_id "Node Gargantua"
- Just user -> pure $ userLight_id user
- rootId' <- map _node_id <$> getRoot username
- rootId'' <- case rootId' of
- [] -> mkRoot username userId
- n -> case length n >= 2 of
- True -> nodeError ManyNodeUsers
- False -> pure rootId'
- rootId <- maybe (nodeError NoRootFound) pure (head rootId'')
- corpusId' <- mkAnnuaire rootId userId
- corpusId <- maybe (nodeError NoCorpusFound) pure (head corpusId')
- --printDebug "(username, userId, rootId, corpusId)"
- -- (username, userId, rootId, corpusId)
- pure (userId, rootId, corpusId)
toInsert :: [HyperdataDocument] -> Map HashId HyperdataDocument
toInsert = DM.fromList . map (\d -> (maybe err identity (_hyperdataDocument_uniqId d), d))
nId = documentId $ documentWithId d
-flowList :: HasNodeError err => UserId -> CorpusId
- -> Map NgramsIndexed (Map NgramsType (Map NodeId Int)) -> Cmd err ListId
-flowList uId cId _ngs = do
- -- printDebug "ngs:" ngs
+flowList :: FlowCmdM env err m => UserId -> CorpusId
+ -> Map NgramsIndexed (Map NgramsType (Map NodeId Int))
+ -> m ListId
+flowList uId cId ngs = do
+ --printDebug "ngs:" ngs
lId <- getOrMkList cId uId
+ printDebug "listId flowList" lId
--printDebug "ngs" (DM.keys ngs)
-- TODO add stemming equivalence of 2 ngrams
-- TODO needs rework
-- _ <- insertGroups lId groupEd
-- compute Candidate / Map
- --is <- insertLists lId $ ngrams2list ngs
- --printDebug "listNgrams inserted :" is
+ mapM_ (\(typeList, ngElmts) -> putListNgrams lId typeList ngElmts) $ toList $ ngrams2list' ngs
pure lId
-flowListUser :: RepoCmdM env err m
+flowListUser :: FlowCmdM env err m
=> UserId -> CorpusId -> Int -> m ListId
flowListUser uId cId n = do
lId <- getOrMkList cId uId
- -- is <- insertLists lId $ ngrams2list ngs
- ngs <- take n <$> sortWith tficf_score <$> getTficf userMaster cId lId NgramsTerms
--- _ <- insertNodeNgrams [ NodeNgram lId (tficf_ngramsId ng) Nothing (ngramsTypeId NgramsTerms) (fromIntegral $ listTypeId GraphList) 1 | ng <- ngs]
+ ngs <- take n <$> sortWith tficf_score
+ <$> getTficf userMaster cId lId NgramsTerms
- insertNewListOfNgramsElements lId $
- DM.singleton NgramsTerms
- [ NgramsElement (tficf_ngramsTerms ng) GraphList 1 Nothing mempty
- | ng <- ngs ]
+ putListNgrams lId NgramsTerms $
+ [ NgramsElement (tficf_ngramsTerms ng) GraphList 1 Nothing mempty
+ | ng <- ngs ]
pure lId
ngrams2list :: Map NgramsIndexed (Map NgramsType a)
- -> [(ListType, (NgramsType,NgramsIndexed))]
+ -> [(ListType, (NgramsType, NgramsIndexed))]
ngrams2list m =
[ (CandidateList, (t, ng))
| (ng, tm) <- DM.toList m
, t <- DM.keys tm
+ngrams2list' :: Map NgramsIndexed (Map NgramsType a)
+ -> Map NgramsType [NgramsElement]
+ngrams2list' m = fromListWith (<>)
+ [ (t, [NgramsElement (_ngramsTerms $ _ngrams ng) CandidateList 1 Nothing mempty])
+ | (ng, tm) <- DM.toList m
+ , t <- DM.keys tm
+ ]
-- | TODO: weight of the list could be a probability
insertLists :: HasNodeError err => ListId -> [(ListType, (NgramsType, NgramsIndexed))] -> Cmd err Int
insertLists lId lngs = insertNodeNgrams [ NodeNgram lId (_ngramsId ng) Nothing (ngramsTypeId ngt) (fromIntegral $ listTypeId l) 1
+-- | Annuaire
+flowAnnuaire :: FlowCmdM env ServantErr m => FilePath -> m ()
+flowAnnuaire filePath = do
+ contacts <- liftIO $ deserialiseImtUsersFromFile filePath
+ ps <- flowInsertAnnuaire "Annuaire" $ map (\h-> ToDbContact h) $ map addUniqIdsContact contacts
+ printDebug "length annuaire" ps
+flowInsertAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err => CorpusName -> [ToDbData]
+ -> Cmd err ([ReturnId], UserId, CorpusId, UserId, CorpusId)
+flowInsertAnnuaire name children = do
+ (masterUserId, _, masterCorpusId) <- subFlowCorpus userMaster corpusMasterName
+ ids <- insertDocuments masterUserId masterCorpusId NodeContact children
+ (userId, _, userCorpusId) <- subFlowAnnuaire userArbitrary name
+ _ <- add userCorpusId (map reId ids)
+ printDebug "AnnuaireID" userCorpusId
+ pure (ids, masterUserId, masterCorpusId, userId, userCorpusId)
+subFlowAnnuaire :: HasNodeError err =>
+ Username -> CorpusName -> Cmd err (UserId, RootId, CorpusId)
+subFlowAnnuaire username _cName = do
+ maybeUserId <- getUser username
+ userId <- case maybeUserId of
+ Nothing -> nodeError NoUserFound
+ -- mk NodeUser gargantua_id "Node Gargantua"
+ Just user -> pure $ userLight_id user
+ rootId' <- map _node_id <$> getRoot username
+ rootId'' <- case rootId' of
+ [] -> mkRoot username userId
+ n -> case length n >= 2 of
+ True -> nodeError ManyNodeUsers
+ False -> pure rootId'
+ rootId <- maybe (nodeError NoRootFound) pure (head rootId'')
+ corpusId' <- mkAnnuaire rootId userId
+ corpusId <- maybe (nodeError NoCorpusFound) pure (head corpusId')
+ printDebug "(username, userId, rootId, corpusId)"
+ (username, userId, rootId, corpusId)
+ pure (userId, rootId, corpusId)