module Gargantext.Text.Parsers -- (parse, FileFormat(..))
-import Gargantext.Prelude
+import System.FilePath (FilePath(), takeExtension)
+import Codec.Archive.Zip (withArchive, getEntry, getEntries)
-import System.FilePath (FilePath())
+import Data.Either.Extra (partitionEithers)
+import Data.List (concat)
import qualified Data.Map as DM
+import qualified Data.ByteString as DB
import Data.Ord()
import Data.String()
+import Data.Either(Either(..))
+import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (parseOnly, Parser)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as DT
-- | Activate Async for to parse in parallel
---import Control.Concurrent.Async as CCA (mapConcurrently)
+import Control.Concurrent.Async as CCA (mapConcurrently)
+import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.String (String())
+import Gargantext.Prelude
+import Gargantext.Text.Parsers.WOS (wosParser)
type ParseError = String
type Field = Text
-- TODO: to debug maybe add the filepath in error message
---parse :: FileFormat -> FilePath -> IO ([ParseError], [[(Text, Text)]])
---parse format path = do
--- files <- case takeExtension path of
--- ".zip" -> openZip path
--- _ -> pure <$> DB.readFile path
--- (as, bs) <- partitionEithers <$> mapConcurrently (runParser format) files
--- pure (as, map toText $ concat bs)
--- where
--- -- TODO : decode with bayesian inference on encodings
--- toText = map (\(a,b) -> (decodeUtf8 a, decodeUtf8 b))
----- | withParser:
----- According the format of the text, choosing the right parser.
----- TODO withParser :: FileFormat -> Parser [Document]
---withParser :: FileFormat -> Parser [[(DB.ByteString, DB.ByteString)]]
---withParser WOS = wosParser
-----withParser DOC = docParser
-----withParser ODT = odtParser
-----withParser XML = xmlParser
-----withParser _ = error "[ERROR] Parser not implemented yet"
---runParser :: FileFormat -> DB.ByteString
--- -> IO (Either String [[(DB.ByteString, DB.ByteString)]])
---runParser format text = pure $ parseOnly (withParser format) text
---openZip :: FilePath -> IO [DB.ByteString]
---openZip fp = do
--- path <- resolveFile' fp
--- entries <- withArchive path (DM.keys <$> getEntries)
--- bs <- mapConcurrently (\s -> withArchive path (getEntry s)) entries
--- pure bs
+parse :: FileFormat -> FilePath -> IO ([ParseError], [[(Text, Text)]])
+parse format path = do
+ files <- case takeExtension path of
+ ".zip" -> openZip path
+ _ -> pure <$> DB.readFile path
+ (as, bs) <- partitionEithers <$> mapConcurrently (runParser format) files
+ pure (as, map toText $ concat bs)
+ where
+ -- TODO : decode with bayesian inference on encodings
+ toText = map (\(a,b) -> (decodeUtf8 a, decodeUtf8 b))
+-- | withParser:
+-- According the format of the text, choosing the right parser.
+-- TODO withParser :: FileFormat -> Parser [Document]
+withParser :: FileFormat -> Parser [[(DB.ByteString, DB.ByteString)]]
+withParser WOS = wosParser
+--withParser DOC = docParser
+--withParser ODT = odtParser
+--withParser XML = xmlParser
+--withParser _ = error "[ERROR] Parser not implemented yet"
+runParser :: FileFormat -> DB.ByteString
+ -> IO (Either String [[(DB.ByteString, DB.ByteString)]])
+runParser format text = pure $ parseOnly (withParser format) text
+openZip :: FilePath -> IO [DB.ByteString]
+openZip fp = do
+ entries <- withArchive fp (DM.keys <$> getEntries)
+ bs <- mapConcurrently (\s -> withArchive fp (getEntry s)) entries
+ pure bs
clean :: Text -> Text
clean txt = clean' txt