-- nodeStorySelect :: Select NodeStoryRead
-- nodeStorySelect = selectTable nodeStoryTable
--- TODO Check ordering, "first patch in the _a_history list is the most recent"
+-- NOTE "first patch in the _a_history list is the most recent"
getNodeArchiveHistory :: PGS.Connection -> NodeId -> IO [NgramsStatePatch']
getNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId = do
as <- runPGSQuery c query (PGS.Only nodeId) :: IO [(TableNgrams.NgramsType, NgramsTerm, NgramsPatch)]
query = [sql| SELECT ngrams_type_id, terms, patch
FROM node_story_archive_history
JOIN ngrams ON ngrams.id = ngrams_id
- WHERE node_id = ? |]
+ WHERE node_id = ?
+ ORDER BY version DESC |]
ngramsIdQuery :: PGS.Query
ngramsIdQuery = [sql| SELECT id FROM ngrams WHERE terms = ? |]
-insertNodeArchiveHistory :: PGS.Connection -> NodeId -> [NgramsStatePatch'] -> IO ()
-insertNodeArchiveHistory _ _ [] = pure ()
-insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId (h:hs) = do
+insertNodeArchiveHistory :: PGS.Connection -> NodeId -> Version -> [NgramsStatePatch'] -> IO ()
+insertNodeArchiveHistory _ _ _ [] = pure ()
+insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId version (h:hs) = do
let tuples = mconcat $ (\(nType, (NgramsTablePatch patch)) ->
(\(term, p) ->
(nodeId, nType, term, p)) <$> PM.toList patch) <$> PM.toList h :: [(NodeId, TableNgrams.NgramsType, NgramsTerm, NgramsPatch)]
ngrams <- runPGSQuery c ngramsIdQuery (PGS.Only term)
pure $ (\(PGS.Only termId) -> (nId, nType, termId, term, patch)) <$> (headMay ngrams)
) tuples :: IO [Maybe (NodeId, TableNgrams.NgramsType, Int, NgramsTerm, NgramsPatch)]
- _ <- runPGSExecuteMany c query $ ((\(nId, nType, termId, _term, patch) -> (nId, nType, termId, patch)) <$> (catMaybes tuplesM))
- _ <- insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId hs
+ _ <- runPGSExecuteMany c query $ ((\(nId, nType, termId, _term, patch) -> (nId, nType, termId, patch, version)) <$> (catMaybes tuplesM))
+ _ <- insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId version hs
pure ()
query :: PGS.Query
- query = [sql| INSERT INTO node_story_archive_history(node_id, ngrams_type_id, ngrams_id, patch) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) |]
+ query = [sql| INSERT INTO node_story_archive_history(node_id, ngrams_type_id, ngrams_id, patch, version) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) |]
getNodeStory :: PGS.Connection -> NodeId -> IO NodeListStory
getNodeStory c nId@(NodeId nodeId) = do
-- whether it's insert or update, we can insert node archive history already
-- NOTE: It is assumed that the most recent change is the first in the
-- list, so we save these in reverse order
- insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId $ reverse $ newArchive ^. a_history
+ insertNodeArchiveHistory c nodeId (newArchive ^. a_version) $ reverse $ newArchive ^. a_history
(NodeStory m) <- getNodeStory c nodeId
case Map.lookup nodeId m of