module Gargantext.Viz.Graph
import Control.Lens (makeLenses)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
-import GHC.IO (FilePath)
-import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
-import qualified Data.Aeson as DA
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as DBL (readFile, writeFile)
-import Data.Text (Text, pack)
-import qualified Text.Read as T
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Swagger
-import Gargantext.Prelude
-import Gargantext.Core.Types (Label)
+import Data.Text (Text, pack)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
+import GHC.IO (FilePath)
import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
-import Data.Graph.Clustering.Louvain.CplusPlus (LouvainNode(..))
-import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
+import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node (NodeId)
+import Gargantext.Prelude
import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
+import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as DA
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Text.Read as T
data TypeNode = Terms | Unknown
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToSchema Attributes
data Node = Node { node_size :: Int
- , node_type :: TypeNode
- , node_id :: Text
+ , node_type :: TypeNode -- TODO NgramsType | Person
+ , node_id :: Text -- TODO NgramId
, node_label :: Text
, node_attributes :: Attributes
makeLenses ''LegendField
data GraphMetadata = GraphMetadata { _gm_title :: Text -- title of the graph
- , _gm_corpusId :: [Int] -- we can map with different corpus
+ , _gm_corpusId :: [NodeId] -- we can map with different corpus
, _gm_legend :: [LegendField] -- legend of the Graph
deriving (Show, Generic)
defaultSchemaOptions {fieldLabelModifier = \fieldLabel -> drop 7 fieldLabel}
-defaultGraph :: Graph
-defaultGraph = Graph {_graph_nodes = [Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "0", node_label = pack "animal", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "1", node_label = pack "bird", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "2", node_label = pack "boy", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "3", node_label = pack "dog", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "4", node_label = pack "girl", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "5", node_label = pack "human body", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "6", node_label = pack "object", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "7", node_label = pack "pen", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "8", node_label = pack "table", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}}], _graph_edges = [Edge {edge_source = pack "0", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "0"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "1"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "2"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "2", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "3"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "4"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "5"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "6"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "3", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "7"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "4", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "8"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "9"},Edge {edge_source = pack "5", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "10"},Edge {edge_source = pack "6", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "11"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "12"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "13"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "14"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "15"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "8", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "16"}], _graph_metadata = Nothing}
-- | Intances for the mack
instance Arbitrary Graph where
arbitrary = elements $ [defaultGraph]
+defaultGraph :: Graph
+defaultGraph = Graph {_graph_nodes = [Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "0", node_label = pack "animal", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "1", node_label = pack "bird", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "2", node_label = pack "boy", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "3", node_label = pack "dog", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 0}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "4", node_label = pack "girl", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 4, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "5", node_label = pack "human body", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 1}},Node {node_size = 3, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "6", node_label = pack "object", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "7", node_label = pack "pen", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}},Node {node_size = 2, node_type = Terms, node_id = pack "8", node_label = pack "table", node_attributes = Attributes {clust_default = 2}}], _graph_edges = [Edge {edge_source = pack "0", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "0"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "1"},Edge {edge_source = pack "1", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "2"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "2", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "3"},Edge {edge_source = pack "2", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "4"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "0", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "5"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "1", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "6"},Edge {edge_source = pack "3", edge_target = pack "3", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "7"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "4", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "8"},Edge {edge_source = pack "4", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "9"},Edge {edge_source = pack "5", edge_target = pack "5", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "10"},Edge {edge_source = pack "6", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "11"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "12"},Edge {edge_source = pack "7", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "13"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "6", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "14"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "7", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "15"},Edge {edge_source = pack "8", edge_target = pack "8", edge_weight = 1.0, edge_id = pack "16"}], _graph_metadata = Nothing}
-- V3 Gargantext Version
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "") ''AttributesV3)
data NodeV3 = NodeV3 { no_id :: Int
- , no_at :: AttributesV3
- , no_s :: Int
- , no_lb :: Text
- }
+ , no_at :: AttributesV3
+ , no_s :: Int
+ , no_lb :: Text
+ }
deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "no_") ''NodeV3)
data EdgeV3 = EdgeV3 { eo_s :: Int
- , eo_t :: Int
- , eo_w :: Text
- }
+ , eo_t :: Int
+ , eo_w :: Text
+ }
deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "eo_") ''EdgeV3)
-data GraphV3 = GraphV3 {
- go_links :: [EdgeV3]
- , go_nodes :: [NodeV3]
- }
+data GraphV3 = GraphV3 { go_links :: [EdgeV3]
+ , go_nodes :: [NodeV3]
+ }
deriving (Show, Generic)
$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "go_") ''GraphV3)
--- | From data to Graph
--- FIXME: distance should not be a map since we just "toList" it (same as cLouvain)
-data2graph :: [(Label, Int)] -> Map (Int, Int) Int
- -> Map (Int, Int) Double
- -> [LouvainNode]
- -> Graph
-data2graph labels coocs distance partitions = Graph nodes edges Nothing
- where
- community_id_by_node_id = M.fromList [ (n, c) | LouvainNode n c <- partitions ]
- nodes = [ Node { node_size = maybe 0 identity (M.lookup (n,n) coocs)
- , node_type = Terms -- or Unknown
- , node_id = cs (show n)
- , node_label = T.unwords l
- , node_attributes =
- Attributes { clust_default = maybe 0 identity
- (M.lookup n community_id_by_node_id) } }
- | (l, n) <- labels ]
- edges = [ Edge { edge_source = cs (show s)
- , edge_target = cs (show t)
- , edge_weight = w
- , edge_id = cs (show i) }
- | (i, ((s,t), w)) <- zip ([0..]::[Integer]) (M.toList distance) ]
nodeV32node :: NodeV3 -> Node
nodeV32node (NodeV3 no_id' (AttributesV3 cl') no_s' no_lb')
= Node no_s' Terms (cs $ show no_id') no_lb' (Attributes cl')
linkV32edge :: Int -> EdgeV3 -> Edge
linkV32edge n (EdgeV3 eo_s' eo_t' eo_w') = Edge (cs $ show eo_s') (cs $ show eo_t') (( $ T.unpack eo_w') :: Double) (cs $ show n)