import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools
+import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Metrics
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.View.Display
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.View.Filters
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.View.Metrics
(if isV
then Just (ngramsToText ns idxs)
else Nothing)
- empty
+ (g ^. phylo_groupNgramsMeta)
+ (g ^. phylo_groupCooc)
(if (not isR)
then Just (getGroupLevelParentsId g)
else Nothing)
$ processDisplay (q ^. qv_display) (q ^. qv_export)
$ processSort (q ^. qv_sort ) p
$ processTaggers (q ^. qv_taggers) p
+ $ processDynamics
$ processFilters (q ^. qv_filters) p
$ processMetrics (q ^. qv_metrics) p
$ addChildNodes (q ^. qv_levelChilds) (q ^. qv_lvl) (q ^. qv_levelChildsDepth) (q ^. qv_verbose) (q ^. qv_filiation) p
--- | To get the PhyloParam of a Phylo
-getPhyloParams :: Phylo -> PhyloParam
-getPhyloParams = _phylo_param
--- | To get the title of a Phylo
-getPhyloTitle :: Phylo -> Text
-getPhyloTitle p = _q_phyloTitle $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
--- | To get the desc of a Phylo
-getPhyloDescription :: Phylo -> Text
-getPhyloDescription p = _q_phyloTitle $ _phyloParam_query $ getPhyloParams p
-- | Taggers | --