Stability : experimental
Portability : POSIX
+-- TODO-SECURITY: Critical
+-- TODO-ACCESS: CanGetNode
+-- TODO-EVENTS: No events as this is a read only query.
Node API
+-- TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only.
+-- At first let's just have an isAdmin check.
+-- Later: check userId CanDeleteNodes Nothing
+-- TODO-EVENTS: DeletedNodes [NodeId]
+-- {"tag": "DeletedNodes", "nodes": [Int*]}
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Gargantext.API.Node
- where
-import Control.Lens (prism')
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import Control.Monad ((>>))
---import System.IO (putStrLn, readFile)
+ where
-import Data.Aeson (Value())
---import Data.Text (Text(), pack)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
+import Data.Aeson.TH (deriveJSON)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Swagger
import Data.Text (Text())
-import Data.Time (UTCTime)
-import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection)
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Servant
--- import Servant.Multipart
-import Gargantext.Prelude
-import Gargantext.Database.Types.Node
-import Gargantext.Database.Node ( runCmd
- , getNodesWithParentId
- , getNode, getNodesWith
- , deleteNode, deleteNodes)
-import Gargantext.Database.Facet (FacetDoc, getDocFacet
- ,FacetChart)
-import Gargantext.Database.Tree (treeDB, HasTreeError(..), TreeError(..))
--- Graph
-import Gargantext.TextFlow
-import Gargantext.Viz.Graph (Graph)
-import Gargantext.Core (Lang(..))
+import Test.QuickCheck (elements)
+import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary (Arbitrary, arbitrary)
+import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth.Types (PathId(..))
+import Gargantext.API.Admin.Auth (withAccess)
+import Gargantext.API.Metrics
+import Gargantext.API.Ngrams (TableNgramsApi, apiNgramsTableCorpus)
+import Gargantext.API.Ngrams.Types (TabType(..))
+import Gargantext.API.Node.File
+import Gargantext.API.Node.New
+import Gargantext.API.Prelude
+import Gargantext.API.Table
+import Gargantext.Core.Types (NodeTableResult)
+import Gargantext.Core.Types.Individu (User(..))
import Gargantext.Core.Types.Main (Tree, NodeTree)
-import Gargantext.Text.Terms (TermType(..))
--- | Node API Types management
-type Roots = Get '[JSON] [Node Value]
- :<|> Post '[JSON] Int -- TODO
+import Gargantext.Core.Utils.Prefix (unPrefix)
+import Gargantext.Database.Action.Flow.Pairing (pairing)
+import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Hyperdata
+import Gargantext.Database.Admin.Types.Node
+import Gargantext.Database.Prelude -- (Cmd, CmdM)
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Facet (FacetDoc, OrderBy(..))
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Children (getChildren)
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Error (HasNodeError(..))
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Update (Update(..), update)
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.UpdateOpaleye (updateHyperdata)
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.NodeNode
+import Gargantext.Database.Query.Tree (tree, TreeMode(..))
+import Gargantext.Prelude
+import Gargantext.Core.Viz.Phylo.Legacy.LegacyAPI (PhyloAPI, phyloAPI)
+import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Share as Share
+import qualified Gargantext.API.Node.Update as Update
+import qualified Gargantext.API.Search as Search
+import qualified Gargantext.Database.Action.Delete as Action (deleteNode)
+import qualified Gargantext.Database.Query.Table.Node.Update as U (update, Update(..))
+import qualified Gargantext.Core.Text.List.Learn as Learn
+import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
+-- | Admin NodesAPI
+-- TODO
+type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
+-- | Delete Nodes
+-- Be careful: really delete nodes
+-- Access by admin only
+nodesAPI :: [NodeId] -> GargServer NodesAPI
+nodesAPI = deleteNodes
+-- | TODO-ACCESS: access by admin only.
+-- At first let's just have an isAdmin check.
+-- Later: CanAccessAnyNode or (CanGetAnyNode, CanPutAnyNode)
+-- To manage the Users roots
+-- PutNode ?
+-- TODO needs design discussion.
+type Roots = Get '[JSON] [Node HyperdataUser]
:<|> Put '[JSON] Int -- TODO
- :<|> Delete '[JSON] Int -- TODO
-type NodesAPI = Delete '[JSON] Int
+-- | TODO: access by admin only
+roots :: GargServer Roots
+roots = getNodesWithParentId Nothing
+ :<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO use patch map to update what we need
-type NodeAPI = Get '[JSON] (Node Value)
- :<|> Post '[JSON] Int
- :<|> Put '[JSON] Int
- :<|> Delete '[JSON] Int
- :<|> "children" :> Summary " Summary children"
- :> QueryParam "type" NodeType
- :> QueryParam "offset" Int
- :> QueryParam "limit" Int
- :> Get '[JSON] [Node Value]
- :<|> "facet" :> Summary " Facet documents"
- :> "documents" :> FacetDocAPI
--- :<|> "facet" :<|> "sources" :<|> FacetSourcesAPI
--- :<|> "facet" :<|> "authors" :<|> FacetAuthorsAPI
--- :<|> "facet" :<|> "terms" :<|> FacetTermsAPI
---data FacetFormat = Table | Chart
---data FacetType = Doc | Term | Source | Author
---data Facet = Facet Doc Format
-type FacetDocAPI = "table"
- :> Summary " Table data"
- :> QueryParam "offset" Int
- :> QueryParam "limit" Int
- :> Get '[JSON] [FacetDoc]
- :<|> "chart"
- :> Summary " Chart data"
- :> QueryParam "from" UTCTime
- :> QueryParam "to" UTCTime
- :> Get '[JSON] [FacetChart]
- -- Depending on the Type of the Node, we could post
- -- New documents for a corpus
- -- New map list terms
- -- :<|> "process" :> MultipartForm MultipartData :> Post '[JSON] Text
- -- To launch a query and update the corpus
- -- :<|> "query" :> Capture "string" Text :> Get '[JSON] Text
--- | Node API functions
-roots :: Connection -> Server Roots
-roots conn = liftIO (putStrLn ( "/user" :: Text) >> getNodesWithParentId 0 Nothing conn)
- :<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
- :<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
- :<|> pure (panic "not implemented yet") -- TODO
-type GraphAPI = Get '[JSON] Graph
-graphAPI :: Connection -> NodeId -> Server GraphAPI
-graphAPI _ _ = liftIO $ textFlow (Mono EN) (Contexts contextText)
- -- TODO what do we get about the node? to replace contextText
--- TODO(orphan): There should be a proper APIError data type with a case TreeError.
-instance HasTreeError ServantErr where
- _TreeError = prism' mk (const Nothing) -- Note a prism
- where
- mk NoRoot = err404 { errBody = "Root node not found" }
- mk EmptyRoot = err500 { errBody = "Root node should not be empty" }
- mk TooManyRoots = err500 { errBody = "Too many root nodes" }
-type TreeAPI = Get '[JSON] (Tree NodeTree)
-treeAPI :: Connection -> NodeId -> Server TreeAPI
-treeAPI = treeDB
-nodeAPI :: Connection -> NodeId -> Server NodeAPI
-nodeAPI conn id = liftIO (putStrLn ("/node" :: Text) >> getNode conn id )
- :<|> postNode conn id
- :<|> putNode conn id
- :<|> deleteNode' conn id
- :<|> getNodesWith' conn id
- :<|> getFacet conn id
- :<|> getChart conn id
- -- :<|> upload
- -- :<|> query
-nodesAPI :: Connection -> [NodeId] -> Server NodesAPI
-nodesAPI conn ids = deleteNodes' conn ids
-postNode :: Connection -> NodeId -> Handler Int
-postNode = undefined -- TODO
-putNode :: Connection -> NodeId -> Handler Int
-putNode = undefined -- TODO
-deleteNodes' :: Connection -> [NodeId] -> Handler Int
-deleteNodes' conn ids = liftIO (runCmd conn $ deleteNodes ids)
-deleteNode' :: Connection -> NodeId -> Handler Int
-deleteNode' conn id = liftIO (runCmd conn $ deleteNode id)
-getNodesWith' :: Connection -> NodeId -> Maybe NodeType -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
- -> Handler [Node Value]
-getNodesWith' conn id nodeType offset limit = liftIO (getNodesWith conn id nodeType offset limit)
-getFacet :: Connection -> NodeId -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
- -> Handler [FacetDoc]
-getFacet conn id offset limit = liftIO (putStrLn ( "/facet" :: Text)) >> liftIO (getDocFacet conn NodeCorpus id (Just Document) offset limit)
-getChart :: Connection -> NodeId -> Maybe UTCTime -> Maybe UTCTime
- -> Handler [FacetChart]
-getChart _ _ _ _ = undefined -- TODO
-query :: Text -> Handler Text
-query s = pure s
--- | Upload files
--- TODO Is it possible to adapt the function according to iValue input ?
---upload :: MultipartData -> Handler Text
---upload multipartData = do
--- liftIO $ do
--- putStrLn "Inputs:"
--- forM_ (inputs multipartData) $ \input ->
--- putStrLn $ " " <> show (iName input)
--- <> " -> " <> show (iValue input)
+-- | Node API Types management
+-- TODO-ACCESS : access by users
+-- No ownership check is needed if we strictly follow the capability model.
--- forM_ (files multipartData) $ \file -> do
--- content <- readFile (fdFilePath file)
--- putStrLn $ "Content of " <> show (fdFileName file)
--- <> " at " <> fdFilePath file
--- putStrLn content
--- pure (pack "Data loaded")
+-- CanGetNode (Node, Children, TableApi, TableNgramsApiGet, PairingApi, ChartApi,
+-- SearchAPI)
+-- CanRenameNode (or part of CanEditNode?)
+-- CanCreateChildren (PostNodeApi)
+-- CanEditNode / CanPutNode TODO not implemented yet
+-- CanDeleteNode
+-- CanPatch (TableNgramsApi)
+-- CanFavorite
+-- CanMoveToTrash
+type NodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
+ :<|> "rename" :> RenameApi
+ :<|> PostNodeApi -- TODO move to children POST
+ :<|> PostNodeAsync
+ :<|> ReqBody '[JSON] a :> Put '[JSON] Int
+ :<|> "update" :> Update.API
+ :<|> Delete '[JSON] Int
+ :<|> "children" :> ChildrenApi a
+ -- TODO gather it
+ :<|> "table" :> TableApi
+ :<|> "ngrams" :> TableNgramsApi
+ :<|> "category" :> CatApi
+ :<|> "score" :> ScoreApi
+ :<|> "search" :> (Search.API Search.SearchResult)
+ :<|> "share" :> Share.API
+ -- Pairing utilities
+ :<|> "pairwith" :> PairWith
+ :<|> "pairs" :> Pairs
+ :<|> "pairing" :> PairingApi
+ -- VIZ
+ :<|> "metrics" :> ScatterAPI
+ :<|> "chart" :> ChartApi
+ :<|> "pie" :> PieApi
+ :<|> "tree" :> TreeApi
+ :<|> "phylo" :> PhyloAPI
+ -- :<|> "add" :> NodeAddAPI
+ :<|> "move" :> MoveAPI
+ :<|> "unpublish" :> Share.Unpublish
+ :<|> "file" :> FileApi
+ :<|> "async" :> FileAsyncApi
+-- TODO-ACCESS: check userId CanRenameNode nodeId
+-- TODO-EVENTS: NodeRenamed RenameNode or re-use some more general NodeEdited...
+type RenameApi = Summary " Rename Node"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] RenameNode
+ :> Put '[JSON] [Int]
+type PostNodeApi = Summary " PostNode Node with ParentId as {id}"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] PostNode
+ :> Post '[JSON] [NodeId]
+type ChildrenApi a = Summary " Summary children"
+ :> QueryParam "type" NodeType
+ :> QueryParam "offset" Int
+ :> QueryParam "limit" Int
+ -- :> Get '[JSON] [Node a]
+ :> Get '[JSON] (NodeTableResult a)
+type NodeNodeAPI a = Get '[JSON] (Node a)
+nodeNodeAPI :: forall proxy a. (JSONB a, ToJSON a)
+ => proxy a
+ -> UserId
+ -> CorpusId
+ -> NodeId
+ -> GargServer (NodeNodeAPI a)
+nodeNodeAPI p uId cId nId = withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy (NodeNodeAPI a)) Proxy uId (PathNodeNode cId nId) nodeNodeAPI'
+ where
+ nodeNodeAPI' :: GargServer (NodeNodeAPI a)
+ nodeNodeAPI' = getNodeWith nId p
+-- TODO: make the NodeId type indexed by `a`, then we no longer need the proxy.
+nodeAPI :: forall proxy a.
+ ( JSONB a
+ , FromJSON a
+ , ToJSON a
+ , MimeRender JSON a
+ , MimeUnrender JSON a
+ ) => proxy a
+ -> UserId
+ -> NodeId
+ -> GargServer (NodeAPI a)
+nodeAPI p uId id' = withAccess (Proxy :: Proxy (NodeAPI a)) Proxy uId (PathNode id') nodeAPI'
+ where
+ nodeAPI' :: GargServer (NodeAPI a)
+ nodeAPI' = getNodeWith id' p
+ :<|> rename id'
+ :<|> postNode uId id'
+ :<|> postNodeAsyncAPI uId id'
+ :<|> putNode id'
+ :<|> Update.api uId id'
+ :<|> Action.deleteNode (RootId $ NodeId uId) id'
+ :<|> getChildren id' p
+ -- TODO gather it
+ :<|> tableApi id'
+ :<|> apiNgramsTableCorpus id'
+ :<|> catApi id'
+ :<|> scoreApi id'
+ :<|> Search.api id'
+ :<|> Share.api (RootId $ NodeId uId) id'
+ -- Pairing Tools
+ :<|> pairWith id'
+ :<|> pairs id'
+ :<|> getPair id'
+ -- VIZ
+ :<|> scatterApi id'
+ :<|> chartApi id'
+ :<|> pieApi id'
+ :<|> treeApi id'
+ :<|> phyloAPI id' uId
+ :<|> moveNode (RootId $ NodeId uId) id'
+ -- :<|> nodeAddAPI id'
+ -- :<|> postUpload id'
+ :<|> Share.unPublish id'
+ :<|> fileApi uId id'
+ :<|> fileAsyncApi uId id'
+data RenameNode = RenameNode { r_name :: Text }
+ deriving (Generic)
+type CatApi = Summary " To Categorize NodeNodes: 0 for delete, 1/null neutral, 2 favorite"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] NodesToCategory
+ :> Put '[JSON] [Int]
+data NodesToCategory = NodesToCategory { ntc_nodesId :: [NodeId]
+ , ntc_category :: Int
+ }
+ deriving (Generic)
+-- TODO unPrefix "ntc_" FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema, adapt frontend.
+instance FromJSON NodesToCategory
+instance ToJSON NodesToCategory
+instance ToSchema NodesToCategory
+catApi :: CorpusId -> GargServer CatApi
+catApi = putCat
+ where
+ putCat :: CorpusId -> NodesToCategory -> Cmd err [Int]
+ putCat cId cs' = nodeNodesCategory $ map (\n -> (cId, n, ntc_category cs')) (ntc_nodesId cs')
+type ScoreApi = Summary " To Score NodeNodes"
+ :> ReqBody '[JSON] NodesToScore
+ :> Put '[JSON] [Int]
+data NodesToScore = NodesToScore { nts_nodesId :: [NodeId]
+ , nts_score :: Int
+ }
+ deriving (Generic)
+-- TODO unPrefix "ntc_" FromJSON, ToJSON, ToSchema, adapt frontend.
+instance FromJSON NodesToScore
+instance ToJSON NodesToScore
+instance ToSchema NodesToScore
+scoreApi :: CorpusId -> GargServer ScoreApi
+scoreApi = putScore
+ where
+ putScore :: CorpusId -> NodesToScore -> Cmd err [Int]
+ putScore cId cs' = nodeNodesScore $ map (\n -> (cId, n, nts_score cs')) (nts_nodesId cs')
+-- TODO adapt FacetDoc -> ListDoc (and add type of document as column)
+-- Pairing utilities to move elsewhere
+type PairingApi = Summary " Pairing API"
+ :> QueryParam "view" TabType
+ -- TODO change TabType -> DocType (CorpusId for pairing)
+ :> QueryParam "offset" Int
+ :> QueryParam "limit" Int
+ :> QueryParam "order" OrderBy
+ :> Get '[JSON] [FacetDoc]
+type Pairs = Summary "List of Pairs"
+ :> Get '[JSON] [AnnuaireId]
+pairs :: CorpusId -> GargServer Pairs
+pairs cId = do
+ ns <- getNodeNode cId
+ pure $ map _nn_node2_id ns
+type PairWith = Summary "Pair a Corpus with an Annuaire"
+ :> "annuaire" :> Capture "annuaire_id" AnnuaireId
+ :> QueryParam "list_id" ListId
+ :> Post '[JSON] Int
+pairWith :: CorpusId -> GargServer PairWith
+pairWith cId aId lId = do
+ r <- pairing cId aId lId
+ _ <- insertNodeNode [ NodeNode cId aId Nothing Nothing]
+ pure r
+type TreeAPI = QueryParams "type" NodeType
+ :> Get '[JSON] (Tree NodeTree)
+ :<|> "first-level"
+ :> QueryParams "type" NodeType
+ :> Get '[JSON] (Tree NodeTree)
+treeAPI :: NodeId -> GargServer TreeAPI
+treeAPI id = tree TreeAdvanced id
+ :<|> tree TreeFirstLevel id
+-- | TODO Check if the name is less than 255 char
+rename :: NodeId -> RenameNode -> Cmd err [Int]
+rename nId (RenameNode name') = U.update (U.Rename nId name')
+putNode :: forall err a. (HasNodeError err, JSONB a, ToJSON a)
+ => NodeId
+ -> a
+ -> Cmd err Int
+putNode n h = fromIntegral <$> updateHyperdata n h
+type MoveAPI = Summary "Move Node endpoint"
+ :> Capture "parent_id" ParentId
+ :> Put '[JSON] [Int]
+moveNode :: User
+ -> NodeId
+ -> ParentId
+ -> Cmd err [Int]
+moveNode _u n p = update (Move n p)
+$(deriveJSON (unPrefix "r_" ) ''RenameNode )
+instance ToSchema RenameNode
+instance Arbitrary RenameNode where
+ arbitrary = elements [RenameNode "test"]