module CleanCsvCorpus where
--import GHC.IO (FilePath)
+import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.SearchEngine as S
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (pack)
--let q = ["water", "scarcity", "morocco", "shortage","flood"]
let q = ["gratuit", "gratuité", "culture", "culturel"]
- (h,csvDocs) <- CSV.readFile rPath
+ eDocs <- CSV.readCSVFile rPath
+ case eDocs of
+ Right (h, csvDocs) -> do
+ putStrLn $ "Number of documents before:" <> show (V.length csvDocs)
+ putStrLn $ "Mean size of docs:" <> show ( CSV.docsSize csvDocs)
- putStrLn $ "Number of documents before:" <> show (V.length csvDocs)
- putStrLn $ "Mean size of docs:" <> show ( CSV.docsSize csvDocs)
+ let docs = CSV.toDocs csvDocs
+ let engine = insertDocs docs initialDocSearchEngine
+ let docIds = S.query engine (map pack q)
+ let docs' = CSV.fromDocs $ filterDocs docIds (V.fromList docs)
- let docs = CSV.toDocs csvDocs
- let engine = insertDocs docs initialDocSearchEngine
- let docIds = S.query engine (map pack q)
- let docs' = CSV.fromDocs $ filterDocs docIds (V.fromList docs)
+ putStrLn $ "Number of documents after:" <> show (V.length docs')
+ putStrLn $ "Mean size of docs:" <> show (CSV.docsSize docs')
- putStrLn $ "Number of documents after:" <> show (V.length docs')
- putStrLn $ "Mean size of docs:" <> show (CSV.docsSize docs')
- CSV.writeFile wPath (h, docs')
+ CSV.writeFile wPath (h, docs')
+ Left e -> panic $ "Error: " <> (pack e)