-{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Gargantext.Viz.Phylo.Tools
-import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level)
-import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, head, tail, last, tails, delete, nub)
-import Data.Map (Map, mapKeys, member)
+import Control.Lens hiding (both, Level, Empty)
+import Data.List (filter, intersect, (++), sort, null, tail, last, tails, delete, nub, concat, sortOn)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe,fromMaybe)
+import Data.Map (Map, mapKeys, member, (!))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text, toLower)
import Data.Tuple.Extra
import Data.Vector (Vector,elemIndex)
-import Gargantext.Prelude hiding (head)
+import Gargantext.Prelude
import Gargantext.Viz.Phylo
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
--- | Tools | --
-alterGroupWithLevel :: (PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup) -> Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
-alterGroupWithLevel f lvl p = over ( phylo_periods
- . traverse
- . phylo_periodLevels
- . traverse
- . phylo_levelGroups
- . traverse
- ) (\g -> if getGroupLevel g == lvl
- then f g
- else g ) p
--- | To alter each list of PhyloGroups following a given function
-alterPhyloGroups :: ([PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]) -> Phylo -> Phylo
-alterPhyloGroups f p = over ( phylo_periods
- . traverse
- . phylo_periodLevels
- . traverse
- . phylo_levelGroups
- ) f p
--- | To alter each PhyloPeriod of a Phylo following a given function
-alterPhyloPeriods :: (PhyloPeriod -> PhyloPeriod) -> Phylo -> Phylo
-alterPhyloPeriods f p = over ( phylo_periods
- . traverse) f p
+-- | Misc | --
--- | To alter a list of PhyloLevels following a given function
-alterPhyloLevels :: ([PhyloLevel] -> [PhyloLevel]) -> Phylo -> Phylo
-alterPhyloLevels f p = over ( phylo_periods
- . traverse
- . phylo_periodLevels) f p
--- | To append a list of PhyloPeriod to a Phylo
-appendToPhyloPeriods :: [PhyloPeriod] -> Phylo -> Phylo
-appendToPhyloPeriods l p = over (phylo_periods) (++ l) p
+-- | Define a default value
+def :: a -> Maybe a -> a
+def = fromMaybe
-- | Does a List of Sets contains at least one Set of an other List
doesContains l l'
| null l' = True
| length l' > length l = False
- | elem (head l') l = doesContains l (tail l')
+ | elem (head' "doesContains" l') l = doesContains l (tail l')
| otherwise = False
doesContainsOrd :: Eq a => Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
doesContainsOrd l l'
| null l' = False
- | last l < head l' = False
- | head l' `elem` l = True
+ | last l < (head' "doesContainsOrd" l') = False
+ | (head' "doesContainsOrd" l') `elem` l = True
| otherwise = doesContainsOrd l (tail l')
- -- | To filter the PhyloGroup of a Phylo according to a function and a value
-filterGroups :: Eq a => (PhyloGroup -> a) -> a -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
-filterGroups f x l = filter (\g -> (f g) == x) l
-- | To filter nested Sets of a
filterNestedSets :: Eq a => Set a -> [Set a] -> [Set a] -> [Set a]
filterNestedSets h l l'
| null l = if doesAnySetContains h l l'
then l'
else h : l'
- | doesAnySetContains h l l' = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) l'
- | otherwise = filterNestedSets (head l) (tail l) (h : l')
+ | doesAnySetContains h l l' = filterNestedSets (head' "filterNestedSets1" l) (tail l) l'
+ | otherwise = filterNestedSets (head' "filterNestedSets2" l) (tail l) (h : l')
--- | To filter some PhyloEdges with a given threshold
-filterPhyloEdges :: Double -> PhyloEdges -> PhyloEdges
-filterPhyloEdges thr edges = filter (\((_s,_t),w) -> w > thr) edges
+-- | To get the good pair of keys (x,y) or (y,x) in a given Map (a,b) c
+getKeyPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> (Int,Int)
+getKeyPair (x,y) m = case findPair (x,y) m of
+ Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getKeyPair] Nothing"
+ Just i -> i
+ where
+ --------------------------------------
+ findPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> Maybe (Int,Int)
+ findPair (x',y') m'
+ | member (x',y') m' = Just (x',y')
+ | member (y',x') m' = Just (y',x')
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ --------------------------------------
+-- | To filter Fis with small Support but by keeping non empty Periods
+keepFilled :: (Int -> [a] -> [a]) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
+keepFilled f thr l = if (null $ f thr l) && (not $ null l)
+ then keepFilled f (thr - 1) l
+ else f thr l
+-- | To get all combinations of a list
+listToDirectedCombi :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
+listToDirectedCombi l = [(x,y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y]
+-- | To get all combinations of a list and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs
+listToDirectedCombiWith :: Eq a => forall b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)]
+listToDirectedCombiWith f l = [(f x,f y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y]
+-- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition
+listToUnDirectedCombi :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
+listToUnDirectedCombi l = [ (x,y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ]
+-- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs
+listToUnDirectedCombiWith :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)]
+listToUnDirectedCombiWith f l = [ (f x, f y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ]
+-- | To unify the keys (x,y) that Map 1 share with Map 2 such as: (x,y) <=> (y,x)
+unifySharedKeys :: Eq a => Ord a => Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b
+unifySharedKeys m1 m2 = mapKeys (\(x,y) -> if member (y,x) m2
+ then (y,x)
+ else (x,y) ) m1
+-- | Phylo | --
+-- | An analyzer ingests a Ngrams and generates a modified version of it
+phyloAnalyzer :: Ngrams -> Ngrams
+phyloAnalyzer n = toLower n
+-- | To init the foundation of the Phylo as a Vector of Ngrams
+initFoundations :: [Ngrams] -> Vector Ngrams
+initFoundations l = Vector.fromList $ map phyloAnalyzer l
+-- | To init the base of a Phylo from a List of Periods and Foundations
+initPhyloBase :: [(Date, Date)] -> Vector Ngrams -> PhyloPeaks -> PhyloParam -> Phylo
+initPhyloBase pds fds pks prm = Phylo ((fst . (head' "initPhyloBase")) pds, (snd . last) pds) fds pks (map (\pd -> initPhyloPeriod pd []) pds) prm
+-- | To init the param of a Phylo
+initPhyloParam :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Software -> Maybe PhyloQueryBuild -> PhyloParam
+initPhyloParam (def defaultPhyloVersion -> v)
+ (def defaultSoftware -> s)
+ (def defaultQueryBuild -> q) = PhyloParam v s q
-- | To get the foundations of a Phylo
getFoundations :: Phylo -> Vector Ngrams
getFoundations = _phylo_foundations
-- | To get the Index of a Ngrams in the Foundations of a Phylo
getIdxInFoundations :: Ngrams -> Phylo -> Int
getIdxInFoundations n p = case (elemIndex n (getFoundations p)) of
- Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getFoundationIdx] Ngrams not in Foundations"
+ Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getIdxInFoundations] Ngrams not in Foundations"
Just idx -> idx
+-- | To get the last computed Level in a Phylo
+getLastLevel :: Phylo -> Level
+getLastLevel p = (last . sort)
+ $ map (snd . getPhyloLevelId)
+ $ view ( phylo_periods
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_periodLevels ) p
+-- | PhyloPeaks | --
+-- | To apply a fonction to each label of a Ngrams Tree
+alterLabels :: (Ngrams -> Ngrams) -> Tree Ngrams -> Tree Ngrams
+alterLabels f (Node lbl ns) = Node (f lbl) (map (\n -> alterLabels f n) ns)
+alterLabels _ Empty = panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.alterLabels] Empty"
+-- | To transform a forest of trees into a map (node,root)
+forestToMap :: [Tree Ngrams] -> Map Ngrams Ngrams
+forestToMap trees = Map.fromList $ concat $ map treeToTuples' trees
+ where
+ treeToTuples' (Node lbl ns) = treeToTuples (Node lbl ns) lbl
+ treeToTuples' Empty = panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.forestToMap] Empty"
+-- | To get the foundationsPeaks of a Phylo
+getPeaks :: Phylo -> PhyloPeaks
+getPeaks = _phylo_foundationsPeaks
+-- | To get the peaksLabels of a Phylo
+getPeaksLabels :: Phylo -> Vector Ngrams
+getPeaksLabels p = (getPeaks p) ^. phylo_peaksLabels
+-- | To get the Index of a Ngrams in the foundationsPeaks of a Phylo
+getIdxInPeaks :: Ngrams -> Phylo -> Int
+getIdxInPeaks n p = case (elemIndex n (getPeaksLabels p)) of
+ Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getIdxInPeaks] Ngrams not in foundationsPeaks"
+ Just idx -> idx
+-- | To init the PhyloPeaks of a Phylo
+initPeaks :: [Tree Ngrams] -> Vector Ngrams -> PhyloPeaks
+initPeaks trees ns = PhyloPeaks labels trees
+ where
+ --------------------------------------
+ labels :: Vector Ngrams
+ labels = Vector.fromList
+ $ nub
+ $ Vector.toList
+ $ map (\n -> if member n mTrees
+ then mTrees Map.! n
+ else n ) ns
+ --------------------------------------
+ mTrees :: Map Ngrams Ngrams
+ mTrees = forestToMap trees
+ --------------------------------------
+-- | To transform a Ngrams Tree into a list of (node,root)
+treeToTuples :: Tree Ngrams -> Ngrams -> [(Ngrams,Ngrams)]
+treeToTuples (Node lbl ns) root = [(lbl,root)] ++ (concat $ map (\n -> treeToTuples n root) ns)
+treeToTuples Empty _ = panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.treeToTuples] Empty"
+-- | PhyloGroup | --
+-- | To alter a PhyloGroup matching a given Level
+alterGroupWithLevel :: (PhyloGroup -> PhyloGroup) -> Level -> Phylo -> Phylo
+alterGroupWithLevel f lvl p = over ( phylo_periods
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_periodLevels
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_levelGroups
+ . traverse
+ ) (\g -> if getGroupLevel g == lvl
+ then f g
+ else g ) p
+-- | To alter each list of PhyloGroups following a given function
+alterPhyloGroups :: ([PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]) -> Phylo -> Phylo
+alterPhyloGroups f p = over ( phylo_periods
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_periodLevels
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_levelGroups
+ ) f p
+-- | To filter the PhyloGroup of a Phylo according to a function and a value
+filterGroups :: Eq a => (PhyloGroup -> a) -> a -> [PhyloGroup] -> [PhyloGroup]
+filterGroups f x l = filter (\g -> (f g) == x) l
+-- | To maybe get the PhyloBranchId of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupBranchId :: PhyloGroup -> Maybe PhyloBranchId
+getGroupBranchId = _phylo_groupBranchId
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Childs of a PhyloGroup
getGroupChilds :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
-getGroupChilds g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodChilds g) p
+getGroupChilds g p = getGroupsFromIds (getGroupPeriodChildsId g) p
-- | To get the id of a PhyloGroup
getGroupLevel = snd . fst . getGroupId
+-- | To get the level child pointers of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupLevelChilds :: PhyloGroup -> [Pointer]
+getGroupLevelChilds = _phylo_groupLevelChilds
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Level Childs Ids of a PhyloGroup
getGroupLevelChildsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
-getGroupLevelChildsId g = map fst $ _phylo_groupLevelChilds g
+getGroupLevelChildsId g = map fst $ getGroupLevelChilds g
+-- | To get the level parent pointers of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupLevelParents :: PhyloGroup -> [Pointer]
+getGroupLevelParents = _phylo_groupLevelParents
+-- | To get the PhyloGroups Level Parents Ids of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupLevelParentsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
+getGroupLevelParentsId g = map fst $ getGroupLevelParents g
-- | To get the Ngrams of a PhyloGroup
-- | To get the PhyloGroups Parents of a PhyloGroup
getGroupParents :: PhyloGroup -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
-getGroupParents g p = getGroupsFromIds (map fst $ _phylo_groupPeriodParents g) p
+getGroupParents g p = getGroupsFromIds (getGroupPeriodParentsId g) p
-- | To get the period out of the id of a PhyloGroup
getGroupPeriod = fst . fst . getGroupId
+-- | To get the period child pointers of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupPeriodChilds :: PhyloGroup -> [Pointer]
+getGroupPeriodChilds = _phylo_groupPeriodChilds
+-- | To get the PhyloGroups Period Parents Ids of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupPeriodChildsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
+getGroupPeriodChildsId g = map fst $ getGroupPeriodChilds g
+-- | To get the period parent pointers of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupPeriodParents :: PhyloGroup -> [Pointer]
+getGroupPeriodParents = _phylo_groupPeriodParents
+-- | To get the PhyloGroups Period Parents Ids of a PhyloGroup
+getGroupPeriodParentsId :: PhyloGroup -> [PhyloGroupId]
+getGroupPeriodParentsId g = map fst $ getGroupPeriodParents g
-- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo
getGroups :: Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroups = view ( phylo_periods
. traverse
. phylo_periodLevels
- . traverse
+ . traverse
. phylo_levelGroups
--- | To all PhyloGroups matching a list of PhyloGroupIds in a Phylo
+-- | To get all PhyloGroups matching a list of PhyloGroupIds in a Phylo
getGroupsFromIds :: [PhyloGroupId] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupsFromIds ids p = filter (\g -> elem (getGroupId g) ids) $ getGroups p
+-- | To get the corresponding list of PhyloGroups from a list of PhyloNodes
+getGroupsFromNodes :: [PhyloNode] -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
+getGroupsFromNodes ns p = getGroupsFromIds (map getNodeId ns) p
-- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo with a given level and period
getGroupsWithFilters :: Int -> (Date,Date) -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupsWithFilters lvl prd p = (getGroupsWithLevel lvl p)
-- | To get all the PhyloGroup of a Phylo with a given Period
getGroupsWithPeriod :: (Date,Date) -> Phylo -> [PhyloGroup]
getGroupsWithPeriod prd p = filterGroups getGroupPeriod prd (getGroups p)
--- | To get the good pair of keys (x,y) or (y,x) in a given Map (a,b) c
-getKeyPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> (Int,Int)
-getKeyPair (x,y) m = case findPair (x,y) m of
- Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Example.getKeyPair] Nothing"
- Just i -> i
- where
- --------------------------------------
- findPair :: (Int,Int) -> Map (Int,Int) a -> Maybe (Int,Int)
- findPair (x',y') m'
- | member (x',y') m' = Just (x',y')
- | member (y',x') m' = Just (y',x')
- | otherwise = Nothing
- --------------------------------------
+-- | To create a PhyloGroup in a Phylo out of a list of Ngrams and a set of parameters
+initGroup :: [Ngrams] -> Text -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup
+initGroup ngrams lbl idx lvl from' to' p = PhyloGroup
+ (((from', to'), lvl), idx)
+ lbl
+ (sort $ map (\x -> getIdxInPeaks x p) ngrams)
+ (Map.empty)
+ (Map.empty)
+ Nothing
+ [] [] [] []
--- | To get the last computed Level in a Phylo
-getLastLevel :: Phylo -> Level
-getLastLevel p = (last . sort)
- $ map (snd . getPhyloLevelId)
- $ view ( phylo_periods
- . traverse
- . phylo_periodLevels ) p
+-- | PhyloPeriod | --
+-- | To alter each PhyloPeriod of a Phylo following a given function
+alterPhyloPeriods :: (PhyloPeriod -> PhyloPeriod) -> Phylo -> Phylo
+alterPhyloPeriods f p = over ( phylo_periods
+ . traverse) f p
--- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of PhyloEdges
-getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> PhyloEdges -> [PhyloGroup]
-getNeighbours directed g e = case directed of
- True -> map (\((_s,t),_w) -> t)
- $ filter (\((s,_t),_w) -> s == g) e
- False -> map (\((s,t),_w) -> head $ delete g $ nub [s,t,g])
- $ filter (\((s,t),_w) -> s == g || t == g) e
+-- | To append a list of PhyloPeriod to a Phylo
+appendToPhyloPeriods :: [PhyloPeriod] -> Phylo -> Phylo
+appendToPhyloPeriods l p = over (phylo_periods) (++ l) p
--- | To get the Branches of a Phylo
--- getPhyloBranches :: Phylo -> [PhyloBranch]
--- getPhyloBranches = _phylo_branches
+-- | To get all the PhyloPeriodIds of a Phylo
+getPhyloPeriods :: Phylo -> [PhyloPeriodId]
+getPhyloPeriods p = map _phylo_periodId
+ $ view (phylo_periods) p
+-- | To get the id of a given PhyloPeriod
+getPhyloPeriodId :: PhyloPeriod -> PhyloPeriodId
+getPhyloPeriodId prd = _phylo_periodId prd
+-- | To create a PhyloPeriod
+initPhyloPeriod :: PhyloPeriodId -> [PhyloLevel] -> PhyloPeriod
+initPhyloPeriod id l = PhyloPeriod id l
+-- | PhyloLevel | --
+-- | To alter a list of PhyloLevels following a given function
+alterPhyloLevels :: ([PhyloLevel] -> [PhyloLevel]) -> Phylo -> Phylo
+alterPhyloLevels f p = over ( phylo_periods
+ . traverse
+ . phylo_periodLevels) f p
-- | To get the PhylolevelId of a given PhyloLevel
getPhyloLevels = view (phylo_periodLevels)
--- | To get all the PhyloPeriodIds of a Phylo
-getPhyloPeriods :: Phylo -> [PhyloPeriodId]
-getPhyloPeriods p = map _phylo_periodId
- $ view (phylo_periods) p
+-- | To create a PhyloLevel
+initPhyloLevel :: PhyloLevelId -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloLevel
+initPhyloLevel id groups = PhyloLevel id groups
--- | To get the id of a given PhyloPeriod
-getPhyloPeriodId :: PhyloPeriod -> PhyloPeriodId
-getPhyloPeriodId prd = _phylo_periodId prd
+-- | To set the LevelId of a PhyloLevel and of all its PhyloGroups
+setPhyloLevelId :: Int -> PhyloLevel -> PhyloLevel
+setPhyloLevelId lvl' (PhyloLevel (id, _lvl) groups)
+ = PhyloLevel (id, lvl') groups'
+ where
+ groups' = over (traverse . phylo_groupId)
+ (\((period, _lvl), idx) -> ((period, lvl'), idx))
+ groups
--- | To init the foundation of the Phylo as a Vector of Ngrams
-initFoundations :: [Ngrams] -> Vector Ngrams
-initFoundations l = Vector.fromList $ map toLower l
+-- | PhyloFis | --
--- | To create a PhyloGroup in a Phylo out of a list of Ngrams and a set of parameters
-initGroup :: [Ngrams] -> Text -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Phylo -> PhyloGroup
-initGroup ngrams lbl idx lvl from' to' p = PhyloGroup
- (((from', to'), lvl), idx)
- lbl
- (sort $ map (\x -> getIdxInFoundations x p) ngrams)
- (Map.empty)
- (Map.empty)
- Nothing
- [] [] [] []
+-- | To get the clique of a PhyloFis
+getClique :: PhyloFis -> Clique
+getClique = _phyloFis_clique
+-- | To get the metrics of a PhyloFis
+getFisMetrics :: PhyloFis -> Map (Int,Int) (Map Text [Double])
+getFisMetrics = _phyloFis_metrics
--- | To init the Base of a Phylo from a List of Periods and Foundations
-initPhyloBase :: [(Date, Date)] -> Vector Ngrams -> Phylo
-initPhyloBase pds fds = Phylo ((fst . head) pds, (snd . last) pds) fds (map (\pd -> initPhyloPeriod pd []) pds)
+-- | To get the support of a PhyloFis
+getSupport :: PhyloFis -> Support
+getSupport = _phyloFis_support
--- | To create a PhyloLevel
-initPhyloLevel :: PhyloLevelId -> [PhyloGroup] -> PhyloLevel
-initPhyloLevel id groups = PhyloLevel id groups
+-- | PhyloNodes & Edges | --
--- | To create a PhyloPeriod
-initPhyloPeriod :: PhyloPeriodId -> [PhyloLevel] -> PhyloPeriod
-initPhyloPeriod id l = PhyloPeriod id l
+-- | To filter some GroupEdges with a given threshold
+filterGroupEdges :: Double -> GroupEdges -> GroupEdges
+filterGroupEdges thr edges = filter (\((_s,_t),w) -> w > thr) edges
--- | To filter Fis with small Support but by keeping non empty Periods
-keepFilled :: (Int -> [a] -> [a]) -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
-keepFilled f thr l = if (null $ f thr l) && (not $ null l)
- then keepFilled f (thr - 1) l
- else f thr l
+-- | To get the neighbours (directed/undirected) of a PhyloGroup from a list of GroupEdges
+getNeighbours :: Bool -> PhyloGroup -> GroupEdges -> [PhyloGroup]
+getNeighbours directed g e = case directed of
+ True -> map (\((_s,t),_w) -> t)
+ $ filter (\((s,_t),_w) -> s == g) e
+ False -> map (\((s,t),_w) -> (head' "getNeighbours") $ delete g $ nub [s,t,g])
+ $ filter (\((s,t),_w) -> s == g || t == g) e
--- | To get all combinations of a list
-listToDirectedCombi :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
-listToDirectedCombi l = [(x,y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y]
+-- | To get the PhyloBranchId of PhyloNode if it exists
+getNodeBranchId :: PhyloNode -> PhyloBranchId
+getNodeBranchId n = case n ^. pn_bid of
+ Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getNodeBranchId] branchId not found"
+ Just i -> i
--- | To get all combinations of a list and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs
-listToDirectedCombiWith :: Eq a => forall b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)]
-listToDirectedCombiWith f l = [(f x,f y) | x <- l, y <- l, x /= y]
+-- | To get the PhyloGroupId of a PhyloNode
+getNodeId :: PhyloNode -> PhyloGroupId
+getNodeId n = n ^. pn_id
--- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition
-listToUnDirectedCombi :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
-listToUnDirectedCombi l = [ (x,y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ]
+-- | To get the Level of a PhyloNode
+getNodeLevel :: PhyloNode -> Level
+getNodeLevel n = (snd . fst) $ getNodeId n
--- | To get all combinations of a list with no repetition and apply a function to the resulting list of pairs
-listToUnDirectedCombiWith :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b,b)]
-listToUnDirectedCombiWith f l = [ (f x, f y) | (x:rest) <- tails l, y <- rest ]
+-- | To get the Parent Node of a PhyloNode in a PhyloView
+getNodeParent :: PhyloNode -> PhyloView -> [PhyloNode]
+getNodeParent n v = filter (\n' -> elem (getNodeId n') (getNodeParentsId n))
+ $ v ^. pv_nodes
--- | To set the LevelId of a PhyloLevel and of all its PhyloGroups
-setPhyloLevelId :: Int -> PhyloLevel -> PhyloLevel
-setPhyloLevelId lvl (PhyloLevel (id, _lvl) groups)
- = PhyloLevel (id, lvl) groups'
- where
- groups' = over (traverse . phylo_groupId) (\((period, _lvl), idx) -> ((period, lvl), idx)) groups
+-- | To get the Parent Node id of a PhyloNode if it exists
+getNodeParentsId :: PhyloNode -> [PhyloGroupId]
+getNodeParentsId n = case n ^. pn_parents of
+ Nothing -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getNodeParentsId] node parent not found"
+ Just ids -> ids
+-- | To get a list of PhyloNodes grouped by PhyloBranch in a PhyloView
+getNodesByBranches :: PhyloView -> [(PhyloBranchId,[PhyloNode])]
+getNodesByBranches v = zip bIds $ map (\id -> filter (\n -> (getNodeBranchId n) == id)
+ $ getNodesInBranches v ) bIds
+ where
+ --------------------------------------
+ bIds :: [PhyloBranchId]
+ bIds = getViewBranchIds v
+ --------------------------------------
+-- | To get a list of PhyloNodes owned by any PhyloBranches in a PhyloView
+getNodesInBranches :: PhyloView -> [PhyloNode]
+getNodesInBranches v = filter (\n -> isJust $ n ^. pn_bid)
+ $ v ^. pv_nodes
+-- | To get the PhyloGroupId of the Source of a PhyloEdge
+getSourceId :: PhyloEdge -> PhyloGroupId
+getSourceId e = e ^. pe_source
+-- | To get the PhyloGroupId of the Target of a PhyloEdge
+getTargetId :: PhyloEdge -> PhyloGroupId
+getTargetId e = e ^. pe_target
+-- | PhyloBranch | --
+-- | To get the PhyloBranchId of a PhyloBranch
+getBranchId :: PhyloBranch -> PhyloBranchId
+getBranchId b = b ^. pb_id
+-- | To get a list of PhyloBranchIds given a Level in a Phylo
+getBranchIdsWith :: Level -> Phylo -> [PhyloBranchId]
+getBranchIdsWith lvl p = sortOn snd
+ $ mapMaybe getGroupBranchId
+ $ getGroupsWithLevel lvl p
+-- | To get the Meta value of a PhyloBranch
+getBranchMeta :: Text -> PhyloBranch -> [Double]
+getBranchMeta k b = (b ^. pb_metrics) ! k
+-- | To get all the PhyloBranchIds of a PhyloView
+getViewBranchIds :: PhyloView -> [PhyloBranchId]
+getViewBranchIds v = map getBranchId $ v ^. pv_branches
+-- | PhyloQuery & QueryView | --
+-- | To get the first clustering method to apply to get the contextual units of a Phylo
+getContextualUnit :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Cluster
+getContextualUnit q = q ^. q_contextualUnit
+-- | To get the metrics to apply to contextual units
+getContextualUnitMetrics :: PhyloQueryBuild -> [Metric]
+getContextualUnitMetrics q = q ^. q_contextualUnitMetrics
+-- | To get the filters to apply to contextual units
+getContextualUnitFilters :: PhyloQueryBuild -> [Filter]
+getContextualUnitFilters q = q ^. q_contextualUnitFilters
+-- | To get the cluster methods to apply to the Nths levels of a Phylo
+getNthCluster :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Cluster
+getNthCluster q = q ^. q_nthCluster
+-- | To get the Sup Level of a reconstruction of a Phylo from a PhyloQuery
+getNthLevel :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Level
+getNthLevel q = q ^. q_nthLevel
+-- | To get the Grain of the PhyloPeriods from a PhyloQuery
+getPeriodGrain :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Int
+getPeriodGrain q = q ^. q_periodGrain
+-- | To get the intertemporal matching strategy to apply to a Phylo from a PhyloQuery
+getInterTemporalMatching :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Proximity
+getInterTemporalMatching q = q ^. q_interTemporalMatching
+-- | To get the Steps of the PhyloPeriods from a PhyloQuery
+getPeriodSteps :: PhyloQueryBuild -> Int
+getPeriodSteps q = q ^. q_periodSteps
+-- | PhyloQueryBuild & PhyloQueryView Constructors | --
+-- | To get the Proximity associated to a given Clustering method
+getProximity :: Cluster -> Proximity
+getProximity cluster = case cluster of
+ Louvain (LouvainParams proxi) -> proxi
+ RelatedComponents (RCParams proxi) -> proxi
+ _ -> panic "[ERR][Viz.Phylo.Tools.getProximity] this cluster has no associated Proximity"
+-- | To initialize all the Cluster / Proximity with their default parameters
+initFis :: Maybe Bool -> Maybe Support -> FisParams
+initFis (def True -> kmf) (def 1 -> min') = FisParams kmf min'
+initHamming :: Maybe Double -> HammingParams
+initHamming (def 0.01 -> sens) = HammingParams sens
+initSmallBranch :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> SBParams
+initSmallBranch (def 2 -> periodsInf) (def 2 -> periodsSup) (def 1 -> minNodes) = SBParams periodsInf periodsSup minNodes
+initLouvain :: Maybe Proximity -> LouvainParams
+initLouvain (def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> proxi) = LouvainParams proxi
+initRelatedComponents :: Maybe Proximity -> RCParams
+initRelatedComponents (def Filiation -> proxi) = RCParams proxi
+initWeightedLogJaccard :: Maybe Double -> Maybe Double -> WLJParams
+initWeightedLogJaccard (def 0 -> thr) (def 0.01 -> sens) = WLJParams thr sens
+-- | To initialize a PhyloQuery from given and default parameters
+initPhyloQueryBuild :: Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Cluster -> Maybe [Metric] -> Maybe [Filter] -> Maybe Proximity -> Maybe Level -> Maybe Cluster -> PhyloQueryBuild
+initPhyloQueryBuild name desc (def 5 -> grain) (def 3 -> steps) (def defaultFis -> cluster) (def [] -> metrics) (def [] -> filters)
+ (def defaultWeightedLogJaccard -> matching') (def 2 -> nthLevel) (def defaultRelatedComponents -> nthCluster) =
+ PhyloQueryBuild name' desc' grain steps cluster metrics filters matching' nthLevel nthCluster
+ where
+ name' = maybe "Phylo Title" identity name
+ desc' = maybe "Phylo Desc" identity desc
+-- | To initialize a PhyloQueryView default parameters
+initPhyloQueryView :: Maybe Level -> Maybe Filiation -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Level -> Maybe [Metric] -> Maybe [Filter] -> Maybe [Tagger] -> Maybe (Sort, Order) -> Maybe DisplayMode -> Maybe Bool -> PhyloQueryView
+initPhyloQueryView (def 2 -> lvl) (def Descendant -> f) (def False -> c) (def 1 -> d) (def [] -> ms) (def [] -> fs) (def [] -> ts) s (def Flat -> dm) (def True -> v) =
+ PhyloQueryView lvl f c d ms fs ts s dm v
+-- | To define some obvious boolean getters
+shouldKeepMinorFis :: FisParams -> Bool
+shouldKeepMinorFis = _fis_keepMinorFis
+-- | Default ressources | --
+-- Clusters
+defaultFis :: Cluster
+defaultFis = Fis (initFis Nothing Nothing)
+defaultLouvain :: Cluster
+defaultLouvain = Louvain (initLouvain Nothing)
+defaultRelatedComponents :: Cluster
+defaultRelatedComponents = RelatedComponents (initRelatedComponents Nothing)
+-- Filters
+defaultSmallBranch :: Filter
+defaultSmallBranch = SmallBranch (initSmallBranch Nothing Nothing Nothing)
+-- Params
+defaultPhyloParam :: PhyloParam
+defaultPhyloParam = initPhyloParam Nothing Nothing Nothing
+-- Proximities
+defaultHamming :: Proximity
+defaultHamming = Hamming (initHamming Nothing)
+defaultWeightedLogJaccard :: Proximity
+defaultWeightedLogJaccard = WeightedLogJaccard (initWeightedLogJaccard Nothing Nothing)
+-- Queries
+defaultQueryBuild :: PhyloQueryBuild
+defaultQueryBuild = initPhyloQueryBuild (Just "Cesar et Cleôpatre")
+ (Just "An example of Phylomemy (french without accent)")
+ Nothing Nothing Nothing
+ Nothing Nothing Nothing
+ Nothing Nothing
+defaultQueryView :: PhyloQueryView
+defaultQueryView = initPhyloQueryView Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
+-- Software
+defaultSoftware :: Software
+defaultSoftware = Software "Gargantext" "v4"
+-- Version
+defaultPhyloVersion :: Text
+defaultPhyloVersion = "v1"
--- | To unify the keys (x,y) that Map 1 share with Map 2 such as: (x,y) <=> (y,x)
-unifySharedKeys :: Eq a => Ord a => Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b -> Map (a,a) b
-unifySharedKeys m1 m2 = mapKeys (\(x,y) -> if member (y,x) m2
- then (y,x)
- else (x,y) ) m1