{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-} module Literate.Accounting.Unit where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) --import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Bool (Bool(..)) import Data.Char (Char) import Data.Int (Int) import Data.Eq (Eq) import Data.Foldable (all) import Data.Ord (Ord) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Data.String (String) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Function (flip) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Text.Show (Show) import Prelude (error) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Char as Char import Literate.Accounting.Math import Literate.Accounting.Rebindable errorWithStack :: HasCallStack => String -> a errorWithStack = error -- (msg <> "\n" <> prettyCallStack callStack) type family UnitOf a type instance UnitOf [a] = UnitOf a type family QuantityOf a type instance QuantityOf [a] = QuantityOf a data EUR {- -- * Class 'Unitable' class Unitable repr where unit :: HasCallStack => Ty repr TyUnit -> repr a -> repr a --withUnit :: repr U -> repr a -> repr a --withEuro :: repr a -> repr a --withEuro = withUnit euro -- ** Class 'EURable' class EURable repr where eur :: repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount (€) :: EURable repr => repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount (€) = eur -- ** Class 'USDable' class USDable repr where usd :: repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount --($) = usd -} -- * Type 'Unit' newtype Unit = Unit String deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData) -- deriving anyclass (Generic) instance IsString Unit where fromString = \case s@[c] | Char.CurrencySymbol <- Char.generalCategory c -> Unit s [] -> Unit "" _ -> errorWithStack "Unit" -- * Type 'Quantity' newtype Quantity qty = Quantity qty deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData, Zeroable, Nullable, Addable, Negable, FromInteger, FromRational) instance Addable a => Semigroup (Quantity a) where Quantity x <> Quantity y = Quantity (x + y) instance (Zeroable a, Addable a) => Monoid (Quantity a) where mempty = Quantity zero -- * Type 'Amounts' newtype Amounts unit qty = Amounts { unAmounts :: Map.Map unit qty } deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData) instance Zeroable (Amounts unit qty) where zero = Amounts Map.empty instance Nullable qty => Nullable (Amounts unit qty) where null (Amounts x) = all null x instance (Ord unit, Semigroup qty) => Semigroup (Amounts unit qty) where Amounts x <> Amounts y = Amounts (Map.unionWith (flip (<>)) x y) instance (Ord unit, Semigroup qty) => Monoid (Amounts unit qty) where mempty = Amounts Map.empty instance Negable qty => Negable (Amounts unit qty) where negate (Amounts x) = Amounts (negate <$> x) instance (Ord unit, Addable qty) => Addable (Amounts unit qty) where Amounts x + Amounts y = Amounts (Map.unionWith (+) x y) type instance UnitOf (Amounts unit qty) = unit type instance QuantityOf (Amounts unit qty) = qty -- * Type 'AmountStyle' data AmountStyle = AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning :: Char , amountStyleGroupingIntegral :: (Char, [Int]) , amountStyleGroupingFractional :: (Char, [Int]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft :: Bool , amountStyleUnitSpaced :: Bool -- TODO: , amountStyleSignPlus :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) -- ** Type 'AmountStylePrecision' --type AmountStylePrecision = Natural {- amountStyles :: Map.Map Unit AmountStyle amountStyles = Map.fromList [ (scalarUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = '.' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (chfUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = ',' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (cnyUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = ',' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (eurUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = ',' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (gbpUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = '.' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (inrUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = ',' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (jpyUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = '.' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (rubUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = '.' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) , (usdUnit, AmountStyle { amountStyleFractioning = '.' , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3]) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3]) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False }) ] -} scalarUnit :: Unit scalarUnit = Unit "" -- | unit of currency. chfUnit :: Unit chfUnit = Unit "CHF" -- | unit of currency. cnyUnit :: Unit cnyUnit = Unit "Ұ" -- | unit of currency. eurUnit :: Unit eurUnit = Unit "€" -- | unit of currency. gbpUnit :: Unit gbpUnit = Unit "£" -- | unit of currency. inrUnit :: Unit inrUnit = Unit "₹" -- | unit of currency. jpyUnit :: Unit jpyUnit = Unit "¥" -- | unit of currency. rubUnit :: Unit rubUnit = Unit "₽" -- | unit of currency. usdUnit :: Unit usdUnit = Unit "$" {- import Control.DeepSeq import Data.Bool import Data.Char (Char) import Data.Data import Data.Decimal (Decimal, roundTo) import Data.Eq (Eq(..)) import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Data.Ord (Ord(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.Strict.Maybe import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Typeable () import Data.Word (Word8) import Prelude (Int, seq) import Text.Show (Show(..)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT import qualified Data.Strict as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Hcompta as H -- * Type 'Amount' data Amount = Amount { amount_unit :: !Unit , amount_quantity :: !Quantity } deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) -- type instance H.UnitFor Amount = Unit -- type instance H.QuantityFor Amount = H.Polarized Quantity instance NFData Amount where rnf (Amount q u) = rnf q `seq` rnf u -- instance H.Amount Amount {- type instance H.Unit H.:@ Amount = Unit instance H.GetI H.Unit Amount where getI = amount_unit instance H.SetI H.Unit Amount where setI amount_unit a = a{amount_unit} type instance H.Quantity H.:@ Amount = Quantity instance H.GetI H.Quantity Amount where getI = amount_quantity instance H.SetI H.Quantity Amount where setI amount_quantity a = a{amount_quantity} -} instance H.Zeroable Amount where zero = Amount "" H.zero instance H.Nullable Amount where null = H.null . amount_quantity -- NOTE: the 'Amount'’s 'amount_quantity' MUST already be rounded -- at 'Amount'’s 'amount_style'’s 'style_amount_precision'. instance H.Signable Amount where sign = H.sign . amount_quantity amount :: Amount amount = Amount { amount_unit = "" , amount_quantity = H.zero } amount_style :: Style_Amounts -> Amount -> Style_Amount amount_style styles = style_amount_find styles . amount_unit -- * Type 'Quantity' type Quantity = Decimal quantity_round :: Word8 -> Quantity -> Quantity quantity_round = Data.Decimal.roundTo -- * Type 'Unit' newtype Unit = Unit Text deriving (Data, Eq, IsString, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance H.Zeroable Unit where zero = Unit "" instance H.Nullable Unit where null (Unit x) = T.null x {- instance H.Unit Unit where noUnit = Unit "" textUnit (Unit t) = t -} instance NFData Unit where rnf (Unit t) = rnf t -- ** Example 'Unit's -- * Type 'Style_Amount' data Style_Amount = Style_Amount { amountStyleFractioning :: !(S.Maybe Style_Amount_Fractioning) , amountStyleGroupingIntegral :: !(S.Maybe AmountStyleGrouping) , amountStyleGroupingFractional :: !(S.Maybe AmountStyleGrouping) , amountStyleUnitSideLeft :: !(S.Maybe LR) , amountStyleUnitSpaced :: !(S.Maybe Style_Amount_Spacing) -- TODO: , style_amount_sign_plus :: S.Maybe Bool } deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance NFData Style_Amount where rnf (Style_Amount f gi gf ui up) = rnf f `seq` rnf gi `seq` rnf gf `seq` rnf ui `seq` rnf up instance Semigroup Style_Amount where (<>) = style_amount_union instance Monoid Style_Amount where mempty = style_amount mappend = (<>) style_amount :: Style_Amount style_amount = Style_Amount { amountStyleFractioning = Nothing , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = Nothing , amountStyleGroupingFractional = Nothing , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = Nothing , amountStyleUnitSpaced = Nothing } style_amount_union :: Style_Amount -> Style_Amount -> Style_Amount style_amount_union sty@Style_Amount { amountStyleFractioning=f , amountStyleGroupingIntegral=gi , amountStyleGroupingFractional=gf , amountStyleUnitSideLeft=side , amountStyleUnitSpaced=spaced } sty'@Style_Amount { amountStyleFractioning=f' , amountStyleGroupingIntegral=gi' , amountStyleGroupingFractional=gf' , amountStyleUnitSideLeft=side' , amountStyleUnitSpaced=spaced' } = if sty == sty' then sty' else Style_Amount { amountStyleFractioning = S.maybe f' (const f) f , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = S.maybe gi' (const gi) gi , amountStyleGroupingFractional = S.maybe gf' (const gf) gf , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = S.maybe side' (const side) side , amountStyleUnitSpaced = S.maybe spaced' (const spaced) spaced } -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Fractioning' type Style_Amount_Fractioning = Char -- ** Type 'AmountStyleGrouping' data AmountStyleGrouping = AmountStyleGrouping Char [Int] deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance NFData AmountStyleGrouping where rnf (AmountStyleGrouping s d) = rnf s `seq` rnf d -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Precision' type Style_Amount_Precision = Word8 -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Spacing' type Style_Amount_Spacing = Bool -- ** Type 'LR' data LR = L | R deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable) instance NFData LR where rnf L = () rnf R = () -- ** Type 'Style_Amounts' newtype Style_Amounts = Style_Amounts (Map Unit Style_Amount) deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Ord, Show, Typeable) -- type instance H.UnitFor Amounts = Unit -- type instance H.QuantityFor Amounts = Quantity instance Semigroup Style_Amounts where Style_Amounts x <> Style_Amounts y = Style_Amounts (Map.unionWith (flip (<>)) x y) instance Monoid Style_Amounts where mempty = Style_Amounts mempty mappend = (<>) instance H.Zeroable Style_Amounts where zero = Style_Amounts mempty instance H.Sumable Style_Amounts (Unit, Style_Amount) where Style_Amounts ss += (u, s) = Style_Amounts $ Map.insertWith (flip (<>)) u s ss unStyle_Amounts :: Style_Amounts -> Map Unit Style_Amount unStyle_Amounts (Style_Amounts fp) = fp style_amount_find :: Style_Amounts -> Unit -> Style_Amount style_amount_find (Style_Amounts s) u = Map.findWithDefault mempty u s -- *** Example 'Style_Amounts' amountStyles :: Style_Amounts -- ** Type 'Styled_Amount' type Styled_Amount t = (Style_Amount, t) styled_amount :: Style_Amounts -> Amount -> Styled_Amount Amount styled_amount styles amt = (amount_style styles amt, amt) {- -- * Type 'Amounts' newtype Amounts = Amounts (Map Unit Quantity) deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Ord, Show, Typeable , H.Addable, H.Negable, H.Subable) unAmounts :: Amounts -> Map Unit Quantity unAmounts (Amounts a) = a type instance MT.Element Amounts = Amount -} -- instance H.Amounts Amounts -- instance H.Get (H.Balance_Amounts Unit Quantity) Amounts where -- get (Amounts a) = a -}