]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-atom.git/blob - src/Symantic/Atom.hs
[haskell/symantic-atom.git] / src / Symantic / Atom.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
6 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
8 {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
9 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
10 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
11 module Symantic.Atom where
13 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative((<|>)))
14 import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(..))
15 import Data.Bool
16 import Data.Eq (Eq)
17 import Data.Either (Either(..))
18 import Data.Function (($), (.))
19 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
20 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
21 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
22 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
23 import Data.String (IsString(..))
24 import Data.Tuple (fst)
25 import Text.Show (Show)
26 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
27 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
28 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
29 import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
30 import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
31 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
32 import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
33 import qualified Data.Time.Format.ISO8601 as Time
35 import Symantic.XML hiding (Source, source)
36 import Symantic.XML.RelaxNG
38 -- | Main symantic to be used.
39 format =
40 namespace Nothing xmlns_atom <.>
41 namespace (Just "atom") xmlns_atom <.>
42 namespace (Just "xhtml") xmlns_xhtml <.>
43 namespace (Just "xsd") xmlns_xsd <.>
44 namespace (Just "local") xmlns_local <.>
45 start
47 start = feed <+> entry
49 elem = element . QName xmlns_atom
50 attr = attribute . QName xmlns_empty
52 xmlns_atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"
53 xmlns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
54 xmlns_local = ""
56 data Common
57 = Common
58 { base :: Maybe URI
59 , lang :: Maybe LanguageTag
60 , undefs :: [(QName, TL.Text)]
61 } deriving (Show, Generic)
63 common =
64 define "common" $
65 adt @Common $
66 attribute (QName xmlns_xml "base") uri <?&>
67 attribute (QName xmlns_xml "lang") languageTag <?&>
68 permWithDefault [] (many1 undefinedAttribute)
70 undefinedAttribute =
71 define "undefinedAttribute" $
72 construct (,) $
73 attributeMatch
74 ((*:*) :-: (xmlns_xml:::"base"
75 :|: xmlns_xml:::"lang"
76 :|: (:*) xmlns_local)
77 ) text
79 newtype URI = URI TL.Text
80 deriving (Eq,Show)
81 instance DecodeText URI where
82 decodeText = URI . fst <$> P.match (P.skipMany P.anySingle)
84 instance RNCText URI where
85 -- | Unconstrained; it's not entirely clear how IRI fit into
86 -- @xsd:anyURI@ so let's not try to constrain it here.
87 rncText_qname = QName "" "text"
88 uri =
89 define "uri" $
90 text @_ @URI
92 newtype LanguageTag = LanguageTag TL.Text
93 deriving (Eq,Show)
94 instance DecodeText LanguageTag where
95 decodeText = LanguageTag . fst <$> P.match (
96 P.count' 1 8 letter
97 *> P.many (P.char '-' *> P.count' 1 8 letterNum))
98 where
99 letter = P.label "[A-Za-z]" $ P.satisfy $ \c ->
100 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
101 'a' <= c && c <= 'z'
102 letterNum = P.label "[A-Za-z0-9]" $ P.satisfy $ \c ->
103 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
104 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
105 '0' <= c && c <= '9'
106 instance RNCText LanguageTag where
107 rncText_qname = QName xmlns_xsd "string"
108 rncText_params = Map.fromList
109 [ ("pattern", "[A-Za-z]{1,8}(-[A-Za-z0-9]{1,8})*") ]
110 languageTag =
111 define "languageTag" $
112 text @_ @LanguageTag
114 data Text
115 = Text_Html { text_common :: Common, text_content :: TL.Text }
116 | Text_Text { text_common :: Common, text_content :: TL.Text }
117 | Text_Xhtml { text_common :: Common, text_content :: TL.Text }
118 deriving (Show,Generic)
120 textConstruct =
121 define "textConstruct" $
122 adt @Text $
123 type_ "html" <.> permutable common <:> text <+>
124 type_ "xhtml" <.> permutable common <:> text <+> -- xhtmlDiv
125 option (type_ "text") <.> permutable common <:> text
126 where type_ t = attr "type" (literal t)
128 data Person
129 = Person
130 { person_name :: TL.Text
131 , person_uri :: Maybe URI
132 , person_email :: Maybe Email
133 , person_extension :: [Extension]
134 , person_common :: Common
135 } deriving (Show,Generic)
137 person =
138 define "person" $
139 adt @Person $
140 permutable $
141 elem "name" text <&>
142 elem "uri" uri <?&>
143 elem "email" emailAddress <?&>
144 extension <*&>
145 common
147 newtype Email = Email TL.Text
148 deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
149 instance DecodeText Email where
150 decodeText = Email . fst <$> P.match (
151 P.some c *> P.char '@' *> P.some c)
152 where c = P.notFollowedBy (P.spaceChar <|> P.char '@') *> P.printChar
153 instance RNCText Email where
154 rncText_qname = QName xmlns_xsd "string"
155 rncText_params = Map.fromList
156 [ ("pattern", ".+@.+") ]
157 emailAddress =
158 define "emailAddress" $
159 text @_ @Email
161 type DateTime = Time.UTCTime
162 instance IsString str => MonadFail (Either str) where
163 fail = Left . fromString
164 instance DecodeText DateTime where
165 decodeText = do
166 t <- P.many P.anySingle
167 Time.iso8601ParseM t
168 instance RNCText DateTime where
169 rncText_qname = QName xmlns_xsd "datetime"
170 dateConstruct =
171 define "dateConstruct" $
172 permutable common <:>
173 text @_ @DateTime
175 data Feed
176 = Feed
177 { feed_authors :: [Person]
178 , feed_categories :: [Category]
179 , feed_contributors :: [Person]
180 , feed_generator :: Maybe Generator
181 , feed_icon :: Maybe (Common, URI)
182 , feed_id :: (Common, URI)
183 , feed_links :: [Link]
184 , feed_logo :: Maybe (Common, URI)
185 , feed_rights :: Maybe Text
186 , feed_subtitle :: Maybe Text
187 , feed_title :: Text
188 , feed_updated :: (Common, DateTime)
189 , feed_extensions :: [Extension]
190 , feed_entries :: [Entry]
191 , feed_common :: Common
192 } deriving (Show,Generic)
194 feed =
195 define "feed" $
196 elem "feed" $
197 adt @Feed $
198 permutable $
199 author <*&>
200 category <*&>
201 contributor <*&>
202 generator <?&>
203 icon <?&>
204 id <&>
205 link <*&>
206 logo <?&>
207 rights <?&>
208 subtitle <?&>
209 title <&>
210 updated <&>
211 extension <*&>
212 entry <*&>
213 common
215 author =
216 define "author" $
217 elem "author" person
219 data Category
220 = Category
221 { category_term :: TL.Text
222 , category_scheme :: Maybe URI
223 , category_label :: Maybe TL.Text
224 , category_extensions :: [Extension]
225 , category_common :: Common
226 } deriving (Show,Generic)
228 category =
229 define "category" $
230 elem "category" $
231 adt @Category $
232 permutable $
233 attr "term" text <&>
234 attr "scheme" uri <?&>
235 attr "label" text <?&>
236 extension <*&>
237 common
239 contributor =
240 define "contributor" $
241 elem "contributor" person
243 data Generator
244 = Generator
245 { generator_uri :: Maybe URI
246 , generator_version :: Maybe TL.Text
247 , generator_common :: Common
248 , generator_text :: TL.Text
249 } deriving (Show,Generic)
251 generator =
252 define "generator" $
253 elem "generator" $
254 adt @Generator $
255 permutable $
256 attr "uri" uri <?&>
257 attr "version" text <?&>
258 common <:>
259 perm text
261 icon =
262 define "icon" $
263 elem "icon" $
264 permutable common <:>
265 uri
267 id =
268 define "id" $
269 elem "id" $
270 permutable common <:>
271 uri
273 data Link
274 = Link
275 { link_href :: URI
276 , link_rel :: Maybe (Either RelName URI)
277 , link_type :: Maybe MediaType
278 , link_hreflang :: Maybe LanguageTag
279 , link_title :: Maybe TL.Text
280 , link_length :: Maybe TL.Text
281 , link_extension :: [Extension]
282 , link_common :: Common
283 } deriving (Show,Generic)
285 link =
286 define "link" $
287 elem "link" $
288 adt @Link $
289 permutable $
290 attr "href" uri <&>
291 attr "rel" (relName <+> uri) <?&>
292 attr "type" text <?&>
293 attr "hreflang" languageTag <?&>
294 attr "title" text <?&>
295 attr "length" text <?&>
296 extension <*&>
297 common
299 newtype RelName = RelName TL.Text
300 deriving (Eq,Show)
301 instance DecodeText RelName where
302 decodeText = RelName . fst <$> P.match (
303 P.some $
304 P.notFollowedBy (P.char ':' P.<|> P.spaceChar)
305 *> P.printChar)
306 instance RNCText RelName where
307 rncText_qname = QName xmlns_xsd "string"
308 rncText_params = Map.fromList
309 [ ("minLength", "1")
310 , ("pattern", "[^: ]*")
311 ]
312 relName =
313 define "relName" $
314 text @_ @RelName
316 newtype MediaType = MediaType TL.Text
317 deriving (Eq,Show)
318 instance DecodeText MediaType where
319 decodeText = MediaType . fst <$> P.match (
320 P.some c *> P.char '/' *> P.some c)
321 where c = P.notFollowedBy (P.spaceChar <|> P.char '/') *> P.printChar
322 instance RNCText MediaType where
323 rncText_qname = QName xmlns_xsd "string"
324 rncText_params = Map.fromList
325 [ ("pattern", ".+/.+")
326 ]
327 mediaType =
328 define "mediaType" $
329 text @_ @MediaType
331 logo =
332 define "logo" $
333 elem "logo" $
334 permutable common <:>
335 uri
337 rights = elem "rights" textConstruct
339 subtitle = elem "subtitle" textConstruct
341 title = elem "title" textConstruct
343 updated = elem "updated" dateConstruct
345 data Entry
346 = Entry
347 { entry_authors :: [Person]
348 , entry_categories :: [Category]
349 , entry_content :: Maybe (Common, Content)
350 , entry_contributors :: [Person]
351 , entry_id :: (Common, URI)
352 , entry_links :: [Link]
353 , entry_published :: Maybe (Common, DateTime)
354 , entry_rights :: Maybe Text
355 , entry_source :: Maybe Source
356 , entry_summary :: Maybe Text
357 , entry_title :: Text
358 , entry_updated :: (Common, DateTime)
359 , entry_extensions :: [Extension]
360 , entry_common :: Common
361 } deriving (Show,Generic)
363 entry =
364 define "entry" $
365 elem "entry" $
366 adt @Entry $
367 permutable $
368 author <*&>
369 category <*&>
370 content <?&>
371 contributor <*&>
372 id <&>
373 link <*&>
374 published <?&>
375 rights <?&>
376 source <?&>
377 summary <?&>
378 title <&>
379 updated <&>
380 extension <*&>
381 common
383 data Content
384 = Content_Text TL.Text
385 | Content_Html TL.Text
386 | Content_Xhtml XHTML
387 | Content_Src (Maybe MediaType) URI
388 | Content_Any (Maybe MediaType) (Either TL.Text Any)
389 deriving (Show,Generic)
391 content =
392 define "content" $
393 elem "content" $
394 permutable common <:>
395 adt @Content (
396 (type_ "text" <.> text) <+>
397 (type_ "html" <.> text) <+>
398 (type_ "xhtml" <.> divXHTML) <+>
399 (optional mediaType <:> attr "src" uri <.> empty) <+>
400 (optional mediaType <:> (text <+> anyNode))
401 )
402 where type_ t = attr "type" (literal t)
404 published = elem "published" dateConstruct
405 summary = elem "summary" textConstruct
407 data Source
408 = Source
409 { source_authors :: [Person]
410 , source_categories :: [Category]
411 , source_contributors :: [Person]
412 , source_generator :: Maybe Generator
413 , source_icon :: Maybe (Common, URI)
414 , source_id :: Maybe (Common, URI)
415 , source_links :: [Link]
416 , source_logo :: Maybe (Common, URI)
417 , source_rights :: Maybe Text
418 , source_subtitle :: Maybe Text
419 , source_title :: Maybe Text
420 , source_updated :: Maybe (Common, DateTime)
421 , source_extensions :: [Extension]
422 , source_common :: Common
423 } deriving (Show,Generic)
425 source =
426 define "source" $
427 elem "source" $
428 adt @Source $
429 permutable $
430 author <*&>
431 category <*&>
432 contributor <*&>
433 generator <?&>
434 icon <?&>
435 id <?&>
436 link <*&>
437 logo <?&>
438 rights <?&>
439 subtitle <?&>
440 title <?&>
441 updated <?&>
442 extension <*&>
443 common
446 type Extension = (QName, ([(QName, TL.Text)], Tree.Forest AnyNode))
448 extension =
449 define "extension" $
450 construct (,) $
451 elementMatch ((*:*) :-: (:*) xmlns_atom) $
452 many0 (construct (,) (attributeMatch (*:*) text))
453 <:>
454 many0 anyNode
456 type Any = Tree.Tree AnyNode
457 data AnyNode
458 = AnyNode_Elem QName [(QName, TL.Text)]
459 | AnyNode_Text TL.Text
460 deriving (Show,Generic)
462 anyNode =
463 define "anyNode" $
464 adt @(Tree.Tree AnyNode) $
465 dimap
466 (\case
467 Left (n,(as,ts)) -> (AnyNode_Elem n as, ts)
468 Right t -> (AnyNode_Text t, mempty)
469 )
470 (\case
471 (AnyNode_Elem n as, ts) -> Left (n,(as,ts))
472 (AnyNode_Text t, _) -> Right t
473 ) $
474 construct (,) (elementMatch (*:*) (
475 many0 (construct (,) (attributeMatch (*:*) text))
476 <:>
477 many0 anyNode
478 ))
479 <+> text
481 type XHTML = Tree.Tree XHTMLNode
482 data XHTMLNode
483 = XHTMLNode_Elem QName [(QName, TL.Text)]
484 | XHTMLNode_Text TL.Text
485 deriving (Show,Generic)
487 xhtmlNode =
488 define "xhtmlNode" $
489 adt @(Tree.Tree XHTMLNode) $
490 dimap
491 (\case
492 Left (n,(as,ts)) -> (XHTMLNode_Elem n as, ts)
493 Right t -> (XHTMLNode_Text t, mempty)
494 )
495 (\case
496 (XHTMLNode_Elem n as, ts) -> Left (n,(as,ts))
497 (XHTMLNode_Text t, _) -> Right t
498 ) $
499 construct (,) (elementMatch ((:*) xmlns_xhtml) (
500 many0 (construct (,) (attributeMatch (*:*) text))
501 <:>
502 many0 xhtmlNode
503 ))
504 <+> text
506 divXHTML =
507 define "divXHTML" $
508 let div = QName xmlns_xhtml "div" in
509 adt @(Tree.Tree XHTMLNode) $
510 dimap
511 (\case
512 (as,Left ts) -> (XHTMLNode_Elem div as, ts)
513 (_as,Right t) -> (XHTMLNode_Text t, mempty)
514 )
515 (\case
516 (XHTMLNode_Elem _n as, ts) -> (as,Left ts)
517 (XHTMLNode_Text t, _) -> (mempty,Right t)
518 ) $
519 element div $
520 many0 (construct (,) (attributeMatch (*:*) text))
521 <:>
522 (many0 xhtmlNode <+> text)