{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} module Symantic.Syntaxes.CurryN where import Data.Function (($), (.)) import Data.Kind (Type) import Symantic.Syntaxes.ADT (Tuples) -- * Class 'CurryN' -- | Produce and consume 'Tuples'. -- Not actually useful for the Generic side of this module, -- but related through the use of 'Tuples'. class CurryN args where -- Like 'curry' but for an arbitrary number of nested 2-tuples. curryN :: (Tuples args -> res) -> args -..-> res -- Like 'uncurry' but for an arbitrary number of nested 2-tuples. uncurryN :: (args -..-> res) -> Tuples args -> res -- Like 'fmap' on @('->')@ but for an arbitrary number of arguments. mapresultN :: (a -> b) -> (args -..-> a) -> args -..-> b instance CurryN '[a] where curryN = ($) uncurryN = ($) mapresultN = (.) instance CurryN (b ': as) => CurryN (a ': b ': as) where curryN f x = curryN @(b ': as) (\xs -> f (x, xs)) uncurryN f (x, xs) = uncurryN @(b ': as) (f x) xs mapresultN f as2r = mapresultN @(b ': as) f . as2r -- ** Type family ('-..->') type family (args :: [Type]) -..-> (r :: Type) :: Type where '[] -..-> r = r (a : args) -..-> r = a -> args -..-> r -- ** Type family 'Args' type family Args (f :: Type) :: [Type] where Args (a -> r) = a : Args r Args r = '[] -- ** Type family 'Result' type family Result (as :: Type) :: Type where Result (a -> r) = Result r Result r = r