-- For reifyTH {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-} -- | This module enables the lifting to any interpreter of any Haskell functions, -- taking as arguments only polymorphic types (possibly constrained) -- or functions using such types. -- -- This reification of an Haskell value using type-directed normalisation-by-evaluation (NBE), -- is inspired by Oleg Kiselyov's [TDPE.hs](http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/course/TDPE.hs). module Symantic.Syntaxes.Reify where import Control.Monad (Monad (..)) import Data.Function qualified as Fun import Language.Haskell.TH qualified as TH import Symantic.Syntaxes.Classes (Abstractable (..), Instantiable (..)) -- | 'ReifyReflect' witnesses the duality between @meta@ and @(repr a)@. -- It indicates which type variables in @a@ are not to be instantiated -- with the arrow type, and instantiates them to @(repr _)@ in @meta@. -- This is directly taken from: http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/course/TDPE.hs -- -- * @meta@ instantiates polymorphic types of the original Haskell expression -- with @(repr _)@ types, according to how 'ReifyReflect' is constructed -- using 'base' and @('-->')@. This is obviously not possible -- if the orignal expression uses monomorphic types (like 'Int'), -- but remains possible with constrained polymorphic types (like @(Num i => i)@), -- because @(i)@ can still be inferred to @(repr _)@, -- whereas the finally chosen @(repr)@ -- (eg. 'E', or 'Identity', or 'TH.CodeQ', or ...) -- can have a 'Num' instance. -- * @(repr a)@ is the symantic type as it would have been, -- had the expression been written with explicit 'lam's -- instead of bare haskell functions. -- DOC: http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/cookbook.html#TDPE -- DOC: http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/NBE.html -- DOC: https://www.dicosmo.org/Articles/2004-BalatDiCosmoFiore-Popl.pdf data ReifyReflect repr meta a = ReifyReflect { reify :: meta -> repr a -- ^ 'reflect' converts from a *represented* Haskell term of type @a@ -- to an object *representing* that value of type @a@. , reflect :: repr a -> meta -- ^ 'reflect' converts back an object *representing* a value of type @a@, -- to the *represented* Haskell term of type @a@. } -- | The base of induction : placeholder for a type which is not the arrow type. base :: ReifyReflect repr (repr a) a base = ReifyReflect{reify = Fun.id, reflect = Fun.id} -- | The inductive case : the arrow type. infixr 8 --> (-->) :: Abstractable repr => Instantiable repr => ReifyReflect repr m a -> ReifyReflect repr n b -> ReifyReflect repr (m -> n) (a -> b) r1 --> r2 = ReifyReflect { reify = \m2n -> lam (\a -> reify r2 (m2n (reflect r1 a))) , reflect = \a2b m -> reflect r2 (a2b .@ reify r1 m) } -- * Using TemplateHaskell to fully auto-generate 'ReifyReflect' -- | @$(reifyTH 'Foo.bar)@ calls 'reify' on 'Foo.bar' -- with an 'ReifyReflect' generated from the infered type of 'Foo.bar'. reifyTH :: TH.Name -> TH.Q TH.Exp reifyTH name = do info <- TH.reify name case info of TH.VarI n (TH.ForallT _vs _ctx ty) _dec -> [|reify $(genReifyReflect ty) $(return (TH.VarE n))|] where genReifyReflect (TH.AppT (TH.AppT TH.ArrowT a) b) = [|$(genReifyReflect a) --> $(genReifyReflect b)|] genReifyReflect TH.VarT{} = [|base|]