{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Language.Symantic.CLI.Test where -- import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) -- import Data.Ord (Ord(..)) -- import Text.Show (Show(..)) import Control.Monad (Monad(..)) import Data.Bool import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Function (($)) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.String (String) import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Show (Show(..)) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term as Doc import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term.IO as DocIO import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P import Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym import qualified Language.Symantic.CLI.Plain as Plain import qualified Language.Symantic.CLI.Help as Help import qualified Language.Symantic.CLI.Read as Read data Command = Command_Source { command_source_output :: [String] , command_source_format :: String , command_source_dump_tct :: Bool } | Command_Compile { command_compile_output :: [String] , command_compile_lang :: String , command_compile_dump_tct :: Bool , command_compile_dump_dtc :: Bool } | Command_Schema { command_schema_output :: [String] } deriving (Show) -- * Type 'Exit' data Exit d = Exit_Help d | Exit_Version deriving Show doc :: Plain.Doc d => Plain.Plain d (Exit d) t a -> d doc = Plain.textPlain {- help_usage :: Plain.Doc d => Help.Help d (Exit d) t a -> d help_usage = Help.help "USAGE" "COMMAND" "OPTION" Help.defReader { Help.reader_command_indent = 4 } -} help_usage :: Plain.Doc d => Help.Help d (Exit d) t a -> d help_usage = Help.textHelp Help.defReader -- * Class 'Hdoc' class ( Sym_Fun repr , Sym_App repr , Sym_Alt repr , Sym_Help d repr , Sym_Rule repr , Sym_Interleaved repr , Sym_Command repr , Sym_Option repr , Sym_Exit repr , Sym_AltApp repr , Plain.Doc d ) => Hdoc d repr where hdoc :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command hdoc = help_words "technical document compiler\n(disclaimer: expect hdoc's documentation to be quite… technical :)" $ main "hdoc" $ opts **> cmds where opts = interleaved $ (\_ -> ()) <<$? option_help (help_usage hdoc) <<|?>> ((), long "version" $ exit Exit_Version) cmds = command_source <||> command_compile <||> command_schema help_words :: String -> repr (Exit d) t a -> repr (Exit d) t a help_words d = help @d (Plain.words d) option_help :: d -> ((), repr (Exit d) ArgOption ()) option_help d = ((), opt (OptionName 'h' "help") $ exit $ Exit_Help d) command_source :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command command_source = help_words "Format a TCT source file." $ command "source" $ interleaved $ Command_Source <<$? option_help (help_usage command_source) <<|*>> rule_output <<|>> option_format <<|?>> option_dump_tct command_compile :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command command_compile = help_words "Compile a TCT source file." $ command "compile" $ (\cmd os -> case cmd of Command_Compile{..} -> Command_Compile{command_compile_output=command_compile_output<>os, ..} _ -> cmd) <$$> opts <** end_options <**> inps where opts = interleaved $ Command_Compile <<$? option_help (help_usage command_compile) <<|*>> rule_output <<|?>> option_lang <<|?>> option_dump_tct <<|?>> option_dump_dtc inps = many $ var "file" string command_schema :: repr (Exit d) ArgCommand Command command_schema = help_words "Show the schema for DTC documents." $ command "schema" $ interleaved $ Command_Schema <<$? option_help (help_usage command_schema) <<|*>> option_output end_options :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption () end_options = help_words "Force the end of options.\nUseful if has the same name as an option." $ endOpt option_lang :: (String, repr (Exit d) ArgOption String) option_lang = let def = "en_US" in (def,) $ help_words ("Use language .\nDefault is: "<>def) $ long "lang" $ var "lang" string rule_output :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String rule_output = rule "output" $ option_output option_output :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String option_output = help_words "Output into .\nDefault is: input whose extension is replaced by here and then." $ opt (OptionName 'o' "output") $ var "file" string option_dump_tct :: (Bool, repr (Exit d) ArgOption Bool) option_dump_tct = (False,) $ help_words "Dump TCT." $ long "dump-tct" $ value True option_dump_dtc :: (Bool, repr (Exit d) ArgOption Bool) option_dump_dtc = (False,) $ help_words "Dump DTC." $ long "dump-dtc" $ value True option_format :: repr (Exit d) ArgOption String option_format = help_words "Output format." $ opt (OptionName 'f' "format") $ "plain" <$$ tag "plain" <||> "html5" <$$ tag "html5" instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Plain.Plain d) instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d Read.Parser -- instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Help.Help d) instance Plain.Doc d => Hdoc d (Help.Help d) parse :: Plain.Doc d => [String] -> IO.IO (Maybe (Either (Exit d) Command)) parse as = case Read.readArgs hdoc $ Read.Args $ Read.Arg <$> as of Right a -> return $ Just $ Right a Left err -> case err of P.FancyError _pos es -> case Set.toList es of [P.ErrorCustom (Read.ErrorRead e)] -> return $ Just $ Left e _ -> return Nothing P.TrivialError pos e es -> do IO.putStr $ P.parseErrorPretty @_ @Void $ P.TrivialError pos e es return Nothing parseIO :: [String] -> IO.IO () parseIO as = do ret <- parse as case ret of Nothing -> return () Just (Right cmd) -> IO.print $ show cmd Just (Left err) -> do case err of Exit_Help d -> DocIO.runTermIO IO.stdout $ Doc.withBreakable (Just 80) d <> Doc.newline Exit_Version -> TL.putStrLn "version"