]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-compta.git/blob - src/Symantic/Compta/Calc/Unit.hs
[haskell/symantic-compta.git] / src / Symantic / Compta / Calc / Unit.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedLists #-}
2 module Symantic.Compta.Calc.Unit where
4 import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
5 --import Data.Word (Word8)
6 import Data.Bool (Bool(..))
7 import Data.Char (Char)
8 import Data.Int (Int)
9 import Data.Eq (Eq)
10 import Data.Ord (Ord)
11 import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
12 import GHC.Generics (Generic)
13 import Data.String (String)
14 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
15 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
16 import Data.Function (flip)
17 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
18 import Text.Show (Show)
19 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
20 import qualified Data.Char as Char
22 import Symantic.Compta.Lang
23 import Symantic.Compta.Utils.Error
25 data EUR
27 -- * Class 'Unitable'
28 class Unitable repr where
29 unit :: HasCallStack => Ty repr TyUnit -> repr a -> repr a
30 --withUnit :: repr U -> repr a -> repr a
32 --withEuro :: repr a -> repr a
33 --withEuro = withUnit euro
35 -- ** Class 'EURable'
36 class EURable repr where
37 eur :: repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount
38 (€) :: EURable repr => repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount
39 (€) = eur
40 -- ** Class 'USDable'
41 class USDable repr where
42 usd :: repr TyQuantity -> repr TyAmount
43 --($) = usd
45 -- * Type 'Unit'
46 newtype Unit = Unit String
47 deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Show, NFData)
48 deriving anyclass (Generic)
49 instance IsString Unit where
50 fromString = \case
51 s@[c] | Char.CurrencySymbol <- Char.generalCategory c -> Unit s
52 [] -> Unit ""
53 _ -> errorWithStack "Unit"
55 -- * Type 'Quantity'
56 newtype Quantity qty = Quantity qty
57 deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData, Zeroable, Nullable, Addable, Negable, FromInteger, FromRational)
58 instance Addable a => Semigroup (Quantity a) where
59 Quantity x <> Quantity y = Quantity (x + y)
60 instance (Zeroable a, Addable a) => Monoid (Quantity a) where
61 mempty = Quantity zero
63 -- * Type 'Amounts'
64 newtype Amounts unit qty = Amounts (Map.Map unit qty)
65 deriving newtype (Eq, Show, NFData)
66 {-
67 instance Zeroable (Amounts a) where
68 zero = Amounts Map.empty
69 instance Nullable (Amounts a) where
70 null (Amounts x) = Foldable.all null x
71 -}
72 instance (Ord unit, Semigroup qty) => Semigroup (Amounts unit qty) where
73 Amounts x <> Amounts y = Amounts (Map.unionWith (flip (<>)) x y)
74 instance (Ord unit, Semigroup qty) => Monoid (Amounts unit qty) where
75 mempty = Amounts Map.empty
76 instance Negable qty => Negable (Amounts unit qty) where
77 negate (Amounts x) = Amounts (negate <$> x)
79 -- * Type 'AmountStyle'
80 data AmountStyle = AmountStyle
81 { amountStyleFractioning :: Char
82 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral :: (Char, [Int])
83 , amountStyleGroupingFractional :: (Char, [Int])
84 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft :: Bool
85 , amountStyleUnitSpaced :: Bool
86 -- TODO: , amountStyleSignPlus :: Bool
87 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData)
89 -- ** Type 'AmountStylePrecision'
90 --type AmountStylePrecision = Natural
91 {-
92 amountStyles :: Map.Map Unit AmountStyle
93 amountStyles = Map.fromList
94 [ (scalarUnit, AmountStyle
95 { amountStyleFractioning = '.'
96 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3])
97 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3])
98 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False
99 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
100 })
101 , (chfUnit, AmountStyle
102 { amountStyleFractioning = ','
103 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3])
104 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3])
105 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False
106 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
107 })
108 , (cnyUnit, AmountStyle
109 { amountStyleFractioning = ','
110 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3])
111 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3])
112 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False
113 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
114 })
115 , (eurUnit, AmountStyle
116 { amountStyleFractioning = ','
117 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3])
118 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3])
119 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False
120 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
121 })
122 , (gbpUnit, AmountStyle
123 { amountStyleFractioning = '.'
124 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3])
125 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3])
126 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True
127 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
128 })
129 , (inrUnit, AmountStyle
130 { amountStyleFractioning = ','
131 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = ('.', [3])
132 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = ('.', [3])
133 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = False
134 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
135 })
136 , (jpyUnit, AmountStyle
137 { amountStyleFractioning = '.'
138 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3])
139 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3])
140 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True
141 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
142 })
143 , (rubUnit, AmountStyle
144 { amountStyleFractioning = '.'
145 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3])
146 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3])
147 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True
148 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
149 })
150 , (usdUnit, AmountStyle
151 { amountStyleFractioning = '.'
152 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = (',', [3])
153 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = (',', [3])
154 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = True
155 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = False
156 })
157 ]
158 -}
160 scalarUnit :: Unit
161 scalarUnit = Unit ""
163 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_franc Swiss franc> unit of currency.
164 chfUnit :: Unit
165 chfUnit = Unit "CHF"
167 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuan Yuan> unit of currency.
168 cnyUnit :: Unit
169 cnyUnit = Unit "Ұ"
171 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euro Euro> unit of currency.
172 eurUnit :: Unit
173 eurUnit = Unit "€"
175 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_sterling Pound sterling> unit of currency.
176 gbpUnit :: Unit
177 gbpUnit = Unit "£"
179 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_rupee Indian rupee> unit of currency.
180 inrUnit :: Unit
181 inrUnit = Unit "₹"
183 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_yen Japanese yen> unit of currency.
184 jpyUnit :: Unit
185 jpyUnit = Unit "¥"
187 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_ruble Russian ruble> unit of currency.
188 rubUnit :: Unit
189 rubUnit = Unit "₽"
191 -- | <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar United States dollar> unit of currency.
192 usdUnit :: Unit
193 usdUnit = Unit "$"
197 {-
198 import Control.DeepSeq
199 import Data.Bool
200 import Data.Char (Char)
201 import Data.Data
202 import Data.Decimal (Decimal, roundTo)
203 import Data.Eq (Eq(..))
204 import Data.Function (($), (.), const, flip)
205 import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
206 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
207 import Data.Ord (Ord(..))
208 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
209 import Data.Strict.Maybe
210 import Data.String (IsString)
211 import Data.Text (Text)
212 import Data.Typeable ()
213 import Data.Word (Word8)
214 import Prelude (Int, seq)
215 import Text.Show (Show(..))
216 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
217 import qualified Data.MonoTraversable as MT
218 import qualified Data.Strict as S
219 import qualified Data.Text as T
221 import qualified Hcompta as H
223 -- * Type 'Amount'
224 data Amount
225 = Amount
226 { amount_unit :: !Unit
227 , amount_quantity :: !Quantity
228 } deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
230 -- type instance H.UnitFor Amount = Unit
231 -- type instance H.QuantityFor Amount = H.Polarized Quantity
233 instance NFData Amount where
234 rnf (Amount q u) = rnf q `seq` rnf u
235 -- instance H.Amount Amount
237 {-
238 type instance H.Unit H.:@ Amount = Unit
239 instance H.GetI H.Unit Amount where
240 getI = amount_unit
241 instance H.SetI H.Unit Amount where
242 setI amount_unit a = a{amount_unit}
244 type instance H.Quantity H.:@ Amount = Quantity
245 instance H.GetI H.Quantity Amount where
246 getI = amount_quantity
247 instance H.SetI H.Quantity Amount where
248 setI amount_quantity a = a{amount_quantity}
249 -}
251 instance H.Zeroable Amount where
252 zero = Amount "" H.zero
253 instance H.Nullable Amount where
254 null = H.null . amount_quantity
255 -- NOTE: the 'Amount'’s 'amount_quantity' MUST already be rounded
256 -- at 'Amount'’s 'amount_style'’s 'style_amount_precision'.
257 instance H.Signable Amount where
258 sign = H.sign . amount_quantity
260 amount :: Amount
261 amount =
262 Amount
263 { amount_unit = ""
264 , amount_quantity = H.zero
265 }
267 amount_style :: Style_Amounts -> Amount -> Style_Amount
268 amount_style styles = style_amount_find styles . amount_unit
270 -- * Type 'Quantity'
271 type Quantity = Decimal
273 quantity_round :: Word8 -> Quantity -> Quantity
274 quantity_round = Data.Decimal.roundTo
276 -- * Type 'Unit'
277 newtype Unit
278 = Unit Text
279 deriving (Data, Eq, IsString, Ord, Show, Typeable)
280 instance H.Zeroable Unit where
281 zero = Unit ""
282 instance H.Nullable Unit where
283 null (Unit x) = T.null x
284 {-
285 instance H.Unit Unit where
286 noUnit = Unit ""
287 textUnit (Unit t) = t
288 -}
289 instance NFData Unit where
290 rnf (Unit t) = rnf t
292 -- ** Example 'Unit's
295 -- * Type 'Style_Amount'
296 data Style_Amount
297 = Style_Amount
298 { amountStyleFractioning :: !(S.Maybe Style_Amount_Fractioning)
299 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral :: !(S.Maybe AmountStyleGrouping)
300 , amountStyleGroupingFractional :: !(S.Maybe AmountStyleGrouping)
301 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft :: !(S.Maybe LR)
302 , amountStyleUnitSpaced :: !(S.Maybe Style_Amount_Spacing)
303 -- TODO: , style_amount_sign_plus :: S.Maybe Bool
304 } deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
305 instance NFData Style_Amount where
306 rnf (Style_Amount f gi gf ui up) =
307 rnf f `seq`
308 rnf gi `seq`
309 rnf gf `seq`
310 rnf ui `seq`
311 rnf up
312 instance Semigroup Style_Amount where
313 (<>) = style_amount_union
314 instance Monoid Style_Amount where
315 mempty = style_amount
316 mappend = (<>)
318 style_amount :: Style_Amount
319 style_amount =
320 Style_Amount
321 { amountStyleFractioning = Nothing
322 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = Nothing
323 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = Nothing
324 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = Nothing
325 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = Nothing
326 }
328 style_amount_union
329 :: Style_Amount
330 -> Style_Amount
331 -> Style_Amount
332 style_amount_union
333 sty@Style_Amount
334 { amountStyleFractioning=f
335 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral=gi
336 , amountStyleGroupingFractional=gf
337 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft=side
338 , amountStyleUnitSpaced=spaced
339 }
340 sty'@Style_Amount
341 { amountStyleFractioning=f'
342 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral=gi'
343 , amountStyleGroupingFractional=gf'
344 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft=side'
345 , amountStyleUnitSpaced=spaced'
346 } =
347 if sty == sty'
348 then sty'
349 else
350 Style_Amount
351 { amountStyleFractioning = S.maybe f' (const f) f
352 , amountStyleGroupingIntegral = S.maybe gi' (const gi) gi
353 , amountStyleGroupingFractional = S.maybe gf' (const gf) gf
354 , amountStyleUnitSideLeft = S.maybe side' (const side) side
355 , amountStyleUnitSpaced = S.maybe spaced' (const spaced) spaced
356 }
358 -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Fractioning'
359 type Style_Amount_Fractioning
360 = Char
362 -- ** Type 'AmountStyleGrouping'
363 data AmountStyleGrouping
364 = AmountStyleGrouping Char [Int]
365 deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
366 instance NFData AmountStyleGrouping where
367 rnf (AmountStyleGrouping s d) = rnf s `seq` rnf d
369 -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Precision'
370 type Style_Amount_Precision
371 = Word8
373 -- ** Type 'Style_Amount_Spacing'
374 type Style_Amount_Spacing
375 = Bool
377 -- ** Type 'LR'
378 data LR = L | R
379 deriving (Data, Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
380 instance NFData LR where
381 rnf L = ()
382 rnf R = ()
384 -- ** Type 'Style_Amounts'
385 newtype Style_Amounts
386 = Style_Amounts (Map Unit Style_Amount)
387 deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Ord, Show, Typeable)
389 -- type instance H.UnitFor Amounts = Unit
390 -- type instance H.QuantityFor Amounts = Quantity
392 instance Semigroup Style_Amounts where
393 Style_Amounts x <> Style_Amounts y =
394 Style_Amounts (Map.unionWith (flip (<>)) x y)
395 instance Monoid Style_Amounts where
396 mempty = Style_Amounts mempty
397 mappend = (<>)
398 instance H.Zeroable Style_Amounts where
399 zero = Style_Amounts mempty
400 instance H.Sumable Style_Amounts (Unit, Style_Amount) where
401 Style_Amounts ss += (u, s) = Style_Amounts $ Map.insertWith (flip (<>)) u s ss
403 unStyle_Amounts :: Style_Amounts -> Map Unit Style_Amount
404 unStyle_Amounts (Style_Amounts fp) = fp
406 style_amount_find :: Style_Amounts -> Unit -> Style_Amount
407 style_amount_find (Style_Amounts s) u = Map.findWithDefault mempty u s
409 -- *** Example 'Style_Amounts'
410 amountStyles :: Style_Amounts
412 -- ** Type 'Styled_Amount'
413 type Styled_Amount t = (Style_Amount, t)
415 styled_amount :: Style_Amounts -> Amount -> Styled_Amount Amount
416 styled_amount styles amt = (amount_style styles amt, amt)
418 -- * Type 'Amounts'
419 newtype Amounts = Amounts (Map Unit Quantity)
420 deriving (Data, Eq, NFData, Ord, Show, Typeable
421 , H.Addable, H.Negable, H.Subable)
422 unAmounts :: Amounts -> Map Unit Quantity
423 unAmounts (Amounts a) = a
425 type instance MT.Element Amounts = Amount
426 -- instance H.Amounts Amounts
428 -- instance H.Get (H.Balance_Amounts Unit Quantity) Amounts where
429 -- get (Amounts a) = a
430 -}