{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Golden.Splice.Utils where -- Build_symantic_parser is auto-generated by Setup.hs import Build_symantic_parser (ghcPath, ghcFlags, rootDir) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..)) import Control.Monad (Monad(..), unless, void) import Data.Foldable (asum) import Data.Function (($), (.), const, on) import Data.Functor ((<$>), (<$)) import Data.Eq (Eq(..)) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.String (String, IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Tuple (fst) -- import System.Environment (getEnvironment) import System.FilePath (FilePath, dropExtensions, takeBaseName, (), (<.>), (-<.>)) import System.IO (IO, IOMode(..), openFile, print) import Test.Tasty (TestTree) import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsFileDiff, goldenVsStringDiff) import Text.Show (Show(..)) import qualified Control.Exception as IO import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib as TH import qualified System.Directory as IO import qualified System.IO.Error as IO import qualified System.Process as Process --import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP import qualified Turtle import Golden.Utils import Debug.Trace ghcOpts :: [String] ghcOpts = traceShowId ghcFlags <> [ "-v0" , "-c" , "-ddump-splices" , "-dsuppress-uniques" --, "-static" --, "-dynamic" --, "-O", "-prof", "-fprof-auto-exported" --, "-osuf", "p_o", "-hisuf", "p_hi" -- , "-prof" --, "-fprof-auto" -- , "-eventlog", "-debug" -- , "-fexternal-interpreter", "-opti+RTS", "-opti-p", "-opti-L100", "-opti-ls", "-opti-xc" --, "-fhpc", "-hpcdir", "-opti/home/julm/work/sourcephile/haskell/symantic-parser/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.0.1/symantic-parser-" -- , "-opti-fhpc", "-opti-hpcdir", "-opti/home/julm/work/sourcephile/haskell/symantic-parser/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-9.0.1/symantic-parser-" , "-fforce-recomp" , "-fprint-explicit-kinds" , "-O0" --, "-XConstraintKinds" , "-XDataKinds" --, "-XDefaultSignatures" --, "-XEmptyCase" , "-XFlexibleContexts" , "-XFlexibleInstances" , "-XGADTs" --, "-XInstanceSigs" --, "-XKindSignatures" , "-XLambdaCase" , "-XMultiParamTypeClasses" --, "-XNoStarIsType" --, "-XPolyKinds" , "-XRankNTypes" , "-XScopedTypeVariables" --, "-XStandaloneDeriving" --, "-XStandaloneKindSignatures" , "-XTemplateHaskell" , "-XTypeApplications" , "-XTypeFamilies" , "-XTypeOperators" , "-XUnboxedTuples" --, "-XUndecidableInstances" ] testSplice :: FilePath -> TestTree testSplice spliceFile = goldenVsFileDiff (takeBaseName (dropExtensions spliceFile)) goldenDiff (rootDirspliceFile-<.>"expected"<.>"txt") actualFile $ do h <- openFile actualFile WriteMode --env <- getEnvironment (_, _, _, pid) <- Process.createProcess (Process.proc ghcPath (spliceFile : ghcOpts)) { Process.std_out = Process.UseHandle h , Process.std_err = Process.UseHandle h , Process.cwd = Just rootDir {- , Process.env = Just $ traceShowId $ List.deleteBy ((==) `on` fst) ("HPCTIXFILE", "") env -} } void $ Process.waitForProcess pid normalizeSplice actualFile where actualFile = rootDirspliceFile-<.>"actual"<.>"txt" coverSplice :: IO (TH.TExp a) -> FilePath -> TestTree coverSplice splice spliceFile = goldenVsStringDiff (takeBaseName (dropExtensions spliceFile)) goldenDiff (rootDirspliceFile) $ do --resetTHNameCounter tExp <- splice fromString <$> Process.readProcess "ormolu" [ "-o", "-XMagicHash" , "-o", "-XUnboxedTuples" , "-o", "-XBangPatterns" , "-o", "-XTypeApplications" ] (show (TH.ppr (TH.unType tExp))) {- return $ fromString $ PP.renderStyle PP.Style { PP.lineLength = 100 , PP.ribbonsPerLine = 0.1 , PP.mode = PP.PageMode } $ TH.to_HPJ_Doc $ TH.ppr $ TH.unType tExp -} normalizeSplice :: FilePath -> IO () normalizeSplice = Turtle.inplace pat . fromString where pat :: Turtle.Pattern Text pat = asum [ "(0,0)-(0,0)" <$ numPair <* "-" <* numPair , ":0:0:" <$ ":" <* d <* ":" <* d <* "-" <* d , ":0:0" <$ ":" <* d <* ":" <* d , fromString @Text . numPeriod <$> Turtle.lowerBounded 10 Turtle.digit , fromString @Text . ('%' <$) <$> Turtle.lowerBounded 10 punctSym -- Remove pretty-printed references to the symantic-parser package -- (e.g., turn `symantic-parser-1.2.3:Catcher` into `Catcher`) -- to make the output more stable. , "" <$ "symantic-parser-" <* verNum <* ":" ] verNum = d `Turtle.sepBy` Turtle.char '.' numPair = () <$ "(" <* d <* "," <* d <* ")" punctSym = Turtle.oneOf "!#$%&*+./>" numPeriod = List.zipWith const (List.cycle "0123456789876543210") d = Turtle.some Turtle.digit rmFile :: FilePath -> IO () rmFile path = IO.catchIOError (IO.removeFile path) $ \exn -> unless (IO.isDoesNotExistError exn) $ IO.throwIO exn