{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} -- For NFData instances {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- For NFData instances {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp) {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} -- For Dict {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-} -- For nextInput {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- For Show (ParsingError inp) {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Symantic.Parser.Machine.Generate where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(..)) import Control.Monad (Monad(..)) import Control.Monad.ST (ST, RealWorld) import Data.Bool (Bool(..), otherwise) import Data.Char (Char) import Data.Either (Either(..)) import Data.Eq (Eq(..)) import Data.Foldable (foldr, toList, null) import Data.Function (($), (.), on) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Int (Int) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..)) import Data.Ord (Ord(..), Ordering(..)) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.String (String) import Data.Traversable (Traversable(..)) import Data.Tuple (snd) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Data.Word (Word8) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.Show (showCommaSpace) import Language.Haskell.TH (CodeQ) import Prelude ((+), (-), error) import Text.Show (Show(..), showParen, showString) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map.Internal as Map_ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Set.Internal as Set_ import qualified Data.STRef as ST import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import qualified Symantic.Semantics.Data as Sym import Symantic.Syntaxes.Derive import Symantic.Semantics.SharingObserver import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar as Gram import Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Combinators ( UnscopedRegister(..) , Exception(..) , Failure(..) , SomeFailure(..) , unSomeFailure , inputTokenProxy ) import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Instructions import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.HideName as TH import qualified Symantic.Syntaxes.Classes as Prod import qualified Symantic.Semantics.Data as Prod --import Debug.Trace -- | Convenient utility to generate some final 'TH.CodeQ'. genCode :: Splice a -> CodeQ a genCode = derive . Prod.normalOrderReduction -- * Type 'Gen' -- | Generate the 'CodeQ' parsing the input. data Gen inp vs a = Gen { genAnalysisByLet :: OpenRecs TH.Name GenAnalysis -- ^ 'genAnalysis' for each 'defLet' and 'defJoin' of the 'Machine'. , genAnalysis :: OpenRec TH.Name GenAnalysis -- ^ Synthetized (bottom-up) static genAnalysis of the 'Machine'. , unGen :: GenCtx inp vs a -> CodeQ (ST RealWorld (Result inp a)) } {-# INLINE returnST #-} returnST :: forall s a. a -> ST s a returnST = return @(ST s) -- | @('generateCode' input mach)@ generates @TemplateHaskell@ code -- parsing the given input according to the given 'Machine'. generateCode :: -- Not really used constraints, -- just to please 'checkHorizon'. Ord (InputToken inp) => Show (InputToken inp) => TH.Lift (InputToken inp) => NFData (InputToken inp) => Typeable (InputToken inp) => Inputable inp => Show (InputPosition inp) => Gen inp '[] a -> CodeQ (inp -> ST RealWorld (Result inp a)) generateCode gen = let Gen{unGen=k, ..} = checkHorizon gen in [|| \(input :: inp) -> -- Pattern bindings containing unlifted types -- should use an outermost bang pattern. let !(# initBuffer, initPos, readMore, readNext, append #) = $$(cursorOf [||input||]) finalRet = \_farInp _farExp v _inp _buf _end -> returnST $ ResultDone v finalRaise :: ForallOnException inp -- forall b. (OnException inp b) = ForallOnException $ \ !exn _failInp !farInp !farExp buf end -> returnST $ ResultError ParsingError { parsingErrorOffset = position farInp , parsingErrorException = exn , parsingErrorUnexpected = if readMore buf farInp then Just (let (# c, _ #) = readNext buf farInp in c) else Nothing , parsingErrorExpecting = let (minHoriz, res) = Set.foldr (\f (minH, acc) -> case unSomeFailure f of Just (FailureHorizon h :: Failure (Gram.CombSatisfiable (InputToken inp))) | Just old <- minH -> (Just (min old h), acc) | otherwise -> (Just h, acc) _ -> (minH, f:acc) ) (Nothing, []) farExp in Set.fromList $ case minHoriz of Just h -> SomeFailure (FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) h) : res Nothing -> res } in $$( let -- | Defines 'inputTokenProxy' so that the TemplateHaskell code -- can refer to @(InputToken inp)@ through it. defInputTokenProxy :: TH.CodeQ a -> TH.CodeQ a defInputTokenProxy exprCode = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| let $(return (TH.VarP inputTokenProxy)) = Proxy :: Proxy (InputToken inp) in $(TH.unTypeQ (TH.examineCode exprCode)) |] in defInputTokenProxy $ k GenCtx { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.empty :: Map Exception (NonEmpty (TH.CodeQ (OnException inp a))) , defaultCatch = [||unForallOnException finalRaise||] , onReturn = [||finalRet||] :: CodeQ (OnReturn inp a a) , input = [||initPos||] , inputBuffer = [||initBuffer||] , inputEnded = [||False||] , nextInput = [||readNext||] , moreInput = [||readMore||] , appendInput = [||append||] -- , farthestError = [||Nothing||] , farthestInput = [||initPos||] , farthestExpecting = [||Set.empty||] , checkedHorizon = 0 , analysisByLet = mutualFix genAnalysisByLet } ) ||] -- ** Type 'ParsingError' data ParsingError inp = ParsingError { parsingErrorOffset :: Offset , parsingErrorException :: Exception -- | Note: if a 'FailureHorizon' greater than 1 -- is amongst the 'parsingErrorExpecting' -- then 'parsingErrorUnexpected' is only the 'InputToken' -- at the begining of the expected 'Horizon'. , parsingErrorUnexpected :: Maybe (InputToken inp) , parsingErrorExpecting :: Set SomeFailure } deriving (Generic) deriving instance NFData (InputToken inp) => NFData (ParsingError inp) --deriving instance Show (InputToken inp) => Show (ParsingError inp) instance Show (InputToken inp) => Show (ParsingError inp) where showsPrec p ParsingError{..} = showParen (p >= 11) $ showString "ParsingErrorStandard {" . showString "parsingErrorOffset = " . showsPrec 0 parsingErrorOffset . showCommaSpace . showString "parsingErrorException = " . showsPrec 0 parsingErrorException . showCommaSpace . showString "parsingErrorUnexpected = " . showsPrec 0 parsingErrorUnexpected . showCommaSpace . showString "parsingErrorExpecting = fromList " . showsPrec 0 ( -- Sort on the string representation -- because the 'Ord' of the 'SomeFailure' -- is based upon hashes ('typeRepFingerprint') -- depending on packages' ABI and whether -- cabal-install's setup is --inplace or not, -- and that would be too unstable for golden tests. List.sortBy (compare `on` show) $ Set.toList parsingErrorExpecting ) . showString "}" -- ** Type 'ErrorLabel' type ErrorLabel = String -- * Type 'GenAnalysis' data GenAnalysis = GenAnalysis { minReads :: Horizon -- ^ The minimun number of input tokens to read -- on the current 'input' to reach a success. , mayRaise :: Map Exception () -- ^ The 'Exception's that may be raised depending on the 'input'. , alwaysRaise :: Set Exception -- ^ The 'Exception's raised whatever is or happen to the 'input'. , freeRegs :: Set TH.Name -- ^ The free registers that are used. } deriving (Show) -- ** Type 'Offset' type Offset = Int -- ** Type 'Horizon' -- | Minimal input length required for a successful parsing. type Horizon = Offset -- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as sequences. seqGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis seqGenAnalysis aas@(a:|as) = GenAnalysis { minReads = List.foldl' (\acc -> (acc +) . minReads) (minReads a) as , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas) , alwaysRaise = sconcat (alwaysRaise <$> aas) , freeRegs = sconcat (freeRegs <$> aas) } -- | Merge given 'GenAnalysis' as alternatives. altGenAnalysis :: NonEmpty GenAnalysis -> GenAnalysis altGenAnalysis aas = GenAnalysis { minReads = case (`NE.filter` aas) $ \a -> -- If an alternative 'alwaysRaise's 'ExceptionFailure' whatever its 'input' is, -- it __should__ remain semantically the same (up to the exact 'Failure's) -- to raise an 'ExceptionFailure' even before knowing -- whether that alternative branch will be taken or not, -- hence an upstream 'checkHorizon' is allowed to raise an 'ExceptionFailure' -- based only upon the 'minReads' of such alternatives: Set.toList (alwaysRaise a) /= [ExceptionFailure] of [] -> 0 a:as -> List.foldl' (\acc -> min acc . minReads) (minReads a) as , mayRaise = sconcat (mayRaise <$> aas) , alwaysRaise = foldr Set.intersection Set.empty (alwaysRaise <$> aas) , freeRegs = sconcat (freeRegs <$> aas) } {- -- *** Type 'FarthestError' data FarthestError inp = FarthestError { farthestInput :: InputPosition inp , farthestExpecting :: [Failure (InputToken inp)] } -} -- ** Type 'ForallOnException' newtype ForallOnException inp = ForallOnException { unForallOnException :: forall b. OnException inp b } -- ** Type 'GenCtx' -- | This is an inherited (top-down) context -- only present at compile-time, to build TemplateHaskell splices. data GenCtx inp vs a = ( Inputable inp -- for partialCont -- For checkHorizon , TH.Lift (InputToken inp) , Show (InputToken inp) , Eq (InputToken inp) , Ord (InputToken inp) , Typeable (InputToken inp) , NFData (InputToken inp) ) => GenCtx { valueStack :: ValueStack vs , onExceptionStackByLabel :: Map Exception (NonEmpty (CodeQ (OnException inp a))) -- | Default 'OnException' defined at the begining of the generated 'CodeQ', -- hence a constant within the 'Gen'eration. , defaultCatch :: forall b. CodeQ (OnException inp b) , onReturn :: CodeQ (OnReturn inp a a) , inputBuffer :: CodeQ (InputBuffer inp) , inputEnded :: CodeQ Bool , input :: CodeQ (InputPosition inp) , moreInput :: CodeQ (InputBuffer inp -> InputPosition inp -> Bool) , nextInput :: CodeQ (InputBuffer inp -> InputPosition inp -> (# InputToken inp, InputPosition inp #)) , appendInput :: CodeQ (InputBuffer inp -> inp -> InputBuffer inp) , farthestInput :: CodeQ (InputPosition inp) , farthestExpecting :: CodeQ (Set SomeFailure) -- | Remaining horizon already checked. -- Use to factorize 'input' length checks, -- instead of checking the 'input' length -- one 'InputToken' at a time at each 'read'. -- Updated by 'checkHorizon' -- and reset elsewhere when needed. , checkedHorizon :: Horizon -- | Output of 'mutualFix'. , analysisByLet :: LetRecs TH.Name GenAnalysis } -- ** Type 'ValueStack' data ValueStack vs where ValueStackEmpty :: ValueStack '[] ValueStackCons :: { valueStackHead :: Splice v , valueStackTail :: ValueStack vs } -> ValueStack (v ': vs) instance InstrComment Gen where comment msg k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.comment" $-} [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "comment: "<>msg) in $$(unGen k ctx) ||] } instance InstrValuable Gen where pushValue x k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.pushValue" $-} [|| let _ = "pushValue" in $$(unGen k ctx { valueStack = ValueStackCons x (valueStack ctx) }) ||] } popValue k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.popValue" $-} [|| let _ = "popValue" in $$(unGen k ctx { valueStack = valueStackTail (valueStack ctx) }) ||] } lift2Value f k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.lift2Value" $-} [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("lift2Value checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in $$(unGen k ctx { valueStack = let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in ValueStackCons (f Prod..@ x Prod..@ y) vs }) ||] } swapValue k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.swapValue" $-} unGen k ctx { valueStack = let ValueStackCons y (ValueStackCons x vs) = valueStack ctx in ValueStackCons x (ValueStackCons y vs) } } instance InstrBranchable Gen where caseBranch kx ky = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet kx <> genAnalysisByLet ky , genAnalysis = \final -> altGenAnalysis $ genAnalysis kx final :| [genAnalysis ky final] , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.caseBranch" $-} let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in [|| case $$(genCode v) of Left x -> $$(unGen kx ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||x||]) vs }) Right y -> $$(unGen ky ctx{ valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||y||]) vs }) ||] } choicesBranch bs default_ = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = sconcat $ genAnalysisByLet default_ :| (genAnalysisByLet . snd <$> bs) , genAnalysis = \final -> altGenAnalysis $ (\k -> genAnalysis k final) <$> (default_:|(snd <$> bs)) , unGen = \ctx0 -> {-trace "unGen.choicesBranch" $-} let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx0 in let ctx = ctx0{valueStack = vs} in let go x ((p,b):bs') = [|| if $$(genCode (p Prod..@ x)) then let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("choicesBranch checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in $$({-trace "unGen.choicesBranch.b" $-} unGen b ctx) else let _ = "choicesBranch.else" in $$(go x bs') ||] go _ _ = unGen default_ ctx in go v bs } instance InstrExceptionable Gen where raise exn = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.singleton (ExceptionLabel exn) () , alwaysRaise = Set.singleton (ExceptionLabel exn) , freeRegs = Set.empty } , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.raise: "<>show exn) $-} [|| $$(raiseException ctx (ExceptionLabel exn)) (ExceptionLabel $$(TH.liftTyped exn)) {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) {-farInp-}$$(input ctx) $$(farthestExpecting ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) ||] } fail fs = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () , alwaysRaise = Set.singleton ExceptionFailure , freeRegs = Set.empty } , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.fail: "<>show exn) $-} if null fs then [|| -- Raise without updating the farthest error. $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure) ExceptionFailure {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) $$(farthestInput ctx) $$(farthestExpecting ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) ||] else raiseFailure ctx [||fs||] } commit exn k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.commit: "<>show exn) $-} [|| let _ = "commit" in $$(unGen k ctx{onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.update (\case _r0:|(r1:rs) -> Just (r1:|rs) _ -> Nothing ) exn (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) }) ||] } catch exn k onExn = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = genAnalysisByLet k <> genAnalysisByLet onExn , genAnalysis = \final -> let kAnalysis = genAnalysis k final in let onExnAnalysis = genAnalysis onExn final in altGenAnalysis $ kAnalysis { mayRaise = Map.delete exn (mayRaise kAnalysis) , alwaysRaise = Set.delete exn (alwaysRaise kAnalysis) } :| [ onExnAnalysis ] , unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.catch: "<>show exn) $-} [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString ("catch "<>show exn<>" checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx))) in let onException = $$(onExceptionCode (input ctx) (checkedHorizon ctx) onExn ctx) in $$(unGen k ctx { onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.insertWith (<>) exn (NE.singleton [||onException||]) (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) } ) ||] } -- ** Class 'SpliceInputable' -- | Record an 'input' and a 'checkedHorizon' together -- to be able to put both of them on the 'valueStack', -- and having them moved together by operations -- on the 'valueStack' (eg. 'lift2Value'). -- Used by 'saveInput' and 'loadInput'. class SpliceInputable repr where inputSave :: CodeQ inp -> Horizon -> repr inp data instance Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr a where InputSave :: CodeQ inp -> Horizon -> Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr inp instance SpliceInputable (Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr) where inputSave = InputSave instance SpliceInputable repr => SpliceInputable (Sym.SomeData repr) where inputSave inp = Sym.SomeData . InputSave inp instance SpliceInputable TH.CodeQ where inputSave inp _hor = inp instance SpliceInputable repr => Derivable (Sym.Data SpliceInputable repr) where derive = \case InputSave inp hor -> inputSave inp hor instance InstrInputable Gen where saveInput k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.saveInput" $-} [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "saveInput checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx)) in $$(unGen k ctx { valueStack = inputSave (input ctx) (checkedHorizon ctx) `ValueStackCons` valueStack ctx }) ||] } loadInput k = k { unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace "unGen.loadInput" $-} let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in let (input, checkedHorizon) = case v of Sym.Data (InputSave i h) -> (i, h) -- This case should never happen if 'saveInput' is used. i -> (genCode i, 0) in [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "loadInput checkedHorizon="<>show checkedHorizon) in $$(unGen (checkHorizon k) ctx { valueStack = vs , input , checkedHorizon }) ||] , genAnalysis = \final -> let analysis = genAnalysis k final in -- The input is reset and thus any previous 'checkHorizon' -- cannot check after this 'loadInput'. analysis{minReads = 0} } instance InstrCallable Gen where defLet defs k = k { unGen = \ctx@GenCtx{} -> {-trace ("unGen.defLet: defs="<>show (HM.keys defs)) $-} TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ do decls <- traverse (makeDecl ctx) (HM.toList defs) body <- TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ {-trace "unGen.defLet.body" $-} unGen k ctx return $ TH.LetE ( -- | Use 'List.sortBy' to output more deterministic code -- to be able to golden test it, at the cost of more computations -- (at compile-time only though). List.sortBy (compare `on` TH.hideName) $ toList decls ) body , genAnalysisByLet = HM.unions $ genAnalysisByLet k : ((\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysis sub) <$> defs) : ((\(SomeLet sub) -> genAnalysisByLet sub) <$> HM.elems defs) } where makeDecl ctx (subName, SomeLet sub) = do let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName body <- takeFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ [|| -- buildRec in Parsley -- Called by 'call' or 'jump'. \ !callerOnReturn{- From onReturnCode -} !callerInput !callerBuffer !callerEnd !callerOnExceptionStackByLabel{- from the 'call'er's 'onExceptionStackByLabel' -} -> $$({-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub: "<>show subName) $-} unGen sub ctx { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty -- Build an 'onExceptionStackByLabel' for the 'mayRaise' exceptions of the subroutine, -- where each 'OnException' calls the one passed -- by the 'call'er (in 'callerOnExceptionStackByLabel'). -- -- Note that as it currently is, the 'call'er is not required -- to supply an 'OnException' stack for all the 'mayRaise' exceptions of the subroutine, -- because 'Map.findWithDefault' is used instead of 'Map.!'. , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [|| Map.findWithDefault $$(defaultCatch ctx) lbl callerOnExceptionStackByLabel ||]) ({-trace ("mayRaise: "<>show subName) $ -}mayRaise subAnalysis) , input = [||callerInput||] , inputBuffer = [||callerBuffer||] , inputEnded = [||callerEnd||] , onReturn = {-trace ("unGen.defLet.sub.onReturn: "<>show subName) $-} [||callerOnReturn||] -- These are passed by the caller via 'callerOnReturn' or 'ko' -- , farthestInput = -- , farthestExpecting = -- Some callers can call this declaration -- with zero 'checkedHorizon', hence use this minimum. -- TODO: maybe it could be improved a bit -- by taking the minimum of the checked horizons -- before all the 'call's and 'jump's to this declaration. , checkedHorizon = 0 }) ||] let decl = TH.FunD subName [TH.Clause [] (TH.NormalB body) []] return decl jump isRec (LetName subName) = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty , genAnalysis = \final -> if isRec then GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.empty , alwaysRaise = Set.empty , freeRegs = Set.empty } else final HM.! subName , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.jump: "<>show subName) $-} let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName in [|| let _ = "jump" in $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ giveFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ return (TH.VarE subName)) {-ok-}$$(onReturn ctx) $$(input ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $ onExceptionStackByLabel ctx -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'. `Map.intersection` (mayRaise subAnalysis) ) ||] } call isRec (LetName subName) k = k { genAnalysis = \final -> if isRec then GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.empty , alwaysRaise = Set.empty , freeRegs = Set.empty } else seqGenAnalysis $ (final HM.! subName) :| [ genAnalysis k final ] , unGen = {-trace ("unGen.call: "<>show subName) $-} \ctx -> -- let ks = (Map.keys (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx)) in let subAnalysis = analysisByLet ctx HM.! subName in [|| -- let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "call exceptByLet("<>show subName<>")="<>show (Map.keys (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty subName (exceptByLet ctx))) <> " onExceptionStackByLabel(ctx)="<> show ks) in $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce $ giveFreeRegs (freeRegs subAnalysis) $ return (TH.VarE subName)) {-ok-}$$(onReturnCode k ctx) $$(input ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel $ -- FIXME: maybe it should rather pass all the 'mayRaise' of 'subName' -- and 'defaultCatch' be removed from 'makeDecl''s 'onExceptionStackByLabel'. onExceptionStackByLabel ctx -- Pass only the labels raised by the 'defLet'. `Map.intersection` (mayRaise subAnalysis) ) ||] } ret = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty , genAnalysis = \_final -> GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.empty , alwaysRaise = Set.empty , freeRegs = Set.empty } , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.ret" $-} {-trace "unGen.ret.returnCode" $-} returnCode ({-trace "unGen.ret.onReturn" $-} onReturn ctx) ctx } takeFreeRegs :: TH.Quote m => Set TH.Name -> m TH.Exp -> m TH.Exp takeFreeRegs frs k = go (Set.toList frs) where go [] = k go (r:rs) = [| \ $(return (TH.VarP r)) -> $(go rs) |] giveFreeRegs :: TH.Quote m => Set TH.Name -> m TH.Exp -> m TH.Exp giveFreeRegs frs k = go (Set.toList frs) where go [] = k go (r:rs) = [| $(go rs) $(return (TH.VarE r)) |] -- | Like 'TH.liftString' but on 'TH.Code'. -- Useful to get a 'TH.StringL' instead of a 'TH.ListE'. liftTypedString :: String -> TH.Code TH.Q a liftTypedString = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce . TH.liftString -- | Like 'TH.liftTyped' but adjusted to work on 'onExceptionStackByLabel' -- which already contains 'CodeQ' terms. -- Moreover, only the 'OnException' at the top of the stack -- is needed and thus generated in the resulting 'CodeQ'. -- -- TODO: Use an 'Array' instead of a 'Map'? liftTypedRaiseByLabel :: TH.Lift k => Map k (NonEmpty (CodeQ a)) -> CodeQ (Map k a) liftTypedRaiseByLabel Map_.Tip = [|| Map_.Tip ||] liftTypedRaiseByLabel (Map_.Bin s k (h:|_hs) l r) = [|| Map_.Bin s k $$h $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel l) $$(liftTypedRaiseByLabel r) ||] instance TH.Lift a => TH.Lift (Set a) where liftTyped Set_.Tip = [|| Set_.Tip ||] liftTyped (Set_.Bin s a l r) = [|| Set_.Bin $$(TH.liftTyped s) $$(TH.liftTyped a) $$(TH.liftTyped l) $$(TH.liftTyped r) ||] -- ** Type 'OnReturn' -- | A continuation generated by 'onReturnCode' and later called by 'returnCode'. type OnReturn inp v a = {-farthestInput-}InputPosition inp -> {-farthestExpecting-}Set SomeFailure -> v -> InputPosition inp -> InputBuffer inp -> Bool -> ST RealWorld (Result inp a) -- | Generate an 'OnReturn' continuation to be called with 'returnCode'. -- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns. -- The return 'v'alue is 'pushValue'-ed on the 'valueStack'. onReturnCode :: {-k-}Gen inp (v ': vs) a -> GenCtx inp vs a -> CodeQ (OnReturn inp v a) onReturnCode k ctx = [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "onReturn") in \farInp farExp v !inp buf end -> $$({-trace "unGen.onReturnCode" $-} unGen k ctx { valueStack = ValueStackCons ({-trace "unGen.onReturnCode.value" $-} splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx) , input = [||inp||] , inputBuffer = [||buf||] , inputEnded = [||end||] , farthestInput = [||farInp||] , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] , checkedHorizon = 0 } ) ||] -- | Generate a call to the 'onReturnCode' continuation. -- Used when 'call' 'ret'urns. returnCode :: CodeQ (OnReturn inp v a) -> GenCtx inp (v ': vs) a -> CodeQ (ST RealWorld (Result inp a)) returnCode k = \ctx -> {-trace "returnCode" $-} [|| let _ = "resume" in $$k $$(farthestInput ctx) $$(farthestExpecting ctx) (let _ = "resume.genCode" in $$({-trace "returnCode.genCode" $-} genCode $ valueStackHead $ valueStack ctx)) $$(input ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) ||] -- ** Type 'OnException' -- | A continuation generated by 'catch' and later called by 'raise' or 'fail'. type OnException inp a = Exception -> {-failInp-}InputPosition inp -> {-farInp-}InputPosition inp -> {-farExp-}Set SomeFailure -> {-buffer-}InputBuffer inp -> {-end-}Bool -> ST RealWorld (Result inp a) -- TODO: some static infos should be attached to 'OnException' -- to avoid comparing inputs when they're the same -- and to improve 'checkedHorizon'. onExceptionCode :: CodeQ (InputPosition inp) -> Horizon -> Gen inp (InputPosition inp : vs) a -> GenCtx inp vs a -> TH.CodeQ (OnException inp a) onExceptionCode resetInput resetCheckedHorizon k ctx = [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "onException") in \ !_exn !failInp !farInp !farExp buf end -> $$(unGen k ctx -- Push 'input' and 'checkedHorizon' -- as they were when entering the 'catch' or 'iter', -- they will be available to 'loadInput', if any. { valueStack = inputSave resetInput resetCheckedHorizon `ValueStackCons` valueStack ctx -- Note that 'onExceptionStackByLabel' is reset. -- Move the input to the failing position. , input = [||failInp||] , inputBuffer = [||buf||] , inputEnded = [||end||] -- The 'checkedHorizon' at the 'raise's are not known here. -- Nor whether 'failInp' is after 'checkedHorizon' or not. -- Hence fallback to a safe value. , checkedHorizon = 0 -- Set those to the farthest error computed in 'raiseFailure'. , farthestInput = [||farInp||] , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] }) ||] instance InstrJoinable Gen where defJoin (LetName n) sub k = k { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.defJoin: "<>show n) $-} TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| let $(return (TH.VarP n)) = $(TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode [|| -- Called by 'returnCode'. \farInp farExp v !inp buf end -> $$({-trace ("unGen.defJoin.next: "<>show n) $-} unGen sub ctx { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||v||]) (valueStack ctx) , input = [||inp||] , inputBuffer = [||buf||] , inputEnded = [||end||] , farthestInput = [||farInp||] , farthestExpecting = [||farExp||] , checkedHorizon = 0 {- FIXME: , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.mapWithKey (\lbl () -> NE.singleton [||koByLabel Map.! lbl||]) (mayRaise sub raiseLabelsByLetButSub) -} }) ||]) in $(TH.unTypeQ $ TH.examineCode $ {-trace ("unGen.defJoin.expr: "<>show n) $-} unGen k ctx) |] , genAnalysisByLet = (genAnalysisByLet sub <>) $ HM.insert n (genAnalysis sub) $ genAnalysisByLet k } refJoin (LetName n) = Gen { unGen = \ctx -> {-trace ("unGen.refJoin: "<>show n) $-} returnCode (TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE n))) ctx , genAnalysisByLet = HM.empty , genAnalysis = \final -> HM.findWithDefault (error (show (n,HM.keys final))) n final } instance InstrReadable Char Gen where read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p instance InstrReadable Word8 Gen where read fs p = checkHorizon . checkToken fs p instance InstrIterable Gen where iter (LetName loopJump) loop done = Gen { genAnalysisByLet = HM.unions [ -- No need to give 'freeRegs' when 'call'ing 'loopJump' -- because they're passed when 'call'ing 'iter'. -- This avoids to passing those registers around. HM.singleton loopJump (\final -> (genAnalysis loop final){freeRegs = Set.empty}) , genAnalysisByLet loop , genAnalysisByLet done ] , genAnalysis = \final -> let loopAnalysis = genAnalysis loop final in let doneAnalysis = genAnalysis done final in GenAnalysis { minReads = minReads doneAnalysis , mayRaise = Map.delete ExceptionFailure (mayRaise loopAnalysis) <> mayRaise doneAnalysis , alwaysRaise = Set.delete ExceptionFailure (alwaysRaise loopAnalysis) <> alwaysRaise doneAnalysis , freeRegs = freeRegs loopAnalysis <> freeRegs doneAnalysis } , unGen = \ctx -> TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| let _ = "iter" in let onException loopInput = $(TH.unTypeCode $ onExceptionCode (TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|loopInput|]) 0 done ctx) $(return $ TH.VarP loopJump) = \_callerOnReturn callerInput callerBuffer callerEnded callerOnExceptionStackByLabel -> $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen loop ctx { valueStack = ValueStackEmpty , onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.insertWith (<>) ExceptionFailure (NE.singleton $ TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|onException callerInput|]) (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) , input = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|callerInput|] , inputBuffer = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|callerBuffer|] , inputEnded = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|callerEnded|] -- FIXME: promote to compile time error? , onReturn = TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [|error "invalid onReturn"|] , checkedHorizon = 0 }) in $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen (jump True (LetName loopJump)) ctx{valueStack=ValueStackEmpty}) |] } instance InstrRegisterable Gen where newRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k { genAnalysis = \final -> let analysis = genAnalysis k final in analysis{freeRegs = Set.delete r $ freeRegs analysis} , unGen = \ctx -> let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in TH.unsafeCodeCoerce [| do let dupv = $(TH.unTypeCode $ genCode v) $(return (TH.VarP r)) <- ST.newSTRef dupv $(TH.unTypeCode $ unGen k ctx{valueStack=vs}) |] } readRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k { genAnalysis = \final -> let analysis = genAnalysis k final in analysis{freeRegs = Set.insert r $ freeRegs analysis} , unGen = \ctx -> [|| do sr <- ST.readSTRef $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE r))) $$(unGen k ctx{valueStack=ValueStackCons (splice [||sr||]) (valueStack ctx)}) ||] } writeRegister (UnscopedRegister r) k = k { genAnalysis = \final -> let analysis = genAnalysis k final in analysis{freeRegs = Set.insert r $ freeRegs analysis} , unGen = \ctx -> let ValueStackCons v vs = valueStack ctx in [|| do let dupv = $$(genCode v) ST.writeSTRef $$(TH.unsafeCodeCoerce (return (TH.VarE r))) dupv $$(unGen k ctx{valueStack=vs}) ||] } checkHorizon :: forall inp vs a. -- Those constraints are not used anyway -- because (TH.Lift SomeFailure) uses 'inputTokenProxy'. Ord (InputToken inp) => Show (InputToken inp) => TH.Lift (InputToken inp) => NFData (InputToken inp) => Typeable (InputToken inp) => {-ok-}Gen inp vs a -> Gen inp vs a checkHorizon ok = ok { genAnalysis = \final -> seqGenAnalysis $ GenAnalysis { minReads = 0 , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () , alwaysRaise = Set.empty , freeRegs = Set.empty } :| [ genAnalysis ok final ] , unGen = \ctx0@GenCtx{} -> if checkedHorizon ctx0 >= 1 then [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.oldCheck: checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx0)) in $$(unGen ok ctx0{checkedHorizon = checkedHorizon ctx0 - 1}) ||] else let minHoriz = minReads $ genAnalysis ok $ analysisByLet ctx0 in if minHoriz == 0 then [|| let _ = "checkHorizon.noCheck" in $$(unGen ok ctx0) ||] else [|| let partialCont buf = -- Factorize generated code for raising the "fail". let readFail = $$(raiseException ctx0{inputBuffer=[||buf||]} ExceptionFailure) in $$( let ctx = ctx0 { onExceptionStackByLabel = Map.adjust (\(_r:|rs) -> [||readFail||] :| rs) ExceptionFailure (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx0) , inputBuffer = [||buf||] } in [|| let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.newCheck: checkedHorizon="<>show (checkedHorizon ctx)<>" minHoriz="<>show minHoriz) in if $$(moreInput ctx) buf $$(if minHoriz > 1 then [||$$shiftRight $$(TH.liftTyped (minHoriz - 1)) $$(input ctx)||] else input ctx) then $$(unGen ok ctx{checkedHorizon = minHoriz}) else let _ = $$(liftTypedString $ "checkHorizon.newCheck.fail") in let noMoreInput = $$(unGen (fail (Set.singleton $ SomeFailure $ FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) minHoriz)) ctx{inputEnded=[||True||]}) in if $$(inputEnded ctx) then noMoreInput else returnST $ ResultPartial $ \newInput -> if nullInput newInput then noMoreInput else partialCont ($$(appendInput ctx) buf newInput) -- $$(raiseFailure ctx [||Set.singleton $ SomeFailure $ FailureHorizon @(InputToken inp) minHoriz||]) ||] ) in partialCont $$(inputBuffer ctx0) ||] } -- * Type 'Result' data Result inp a = ResultDone a | ResultError (ParsingError inp) | ResultPartial (inp -> ST RealWorld (Result inp a)) -- | @('raiseFailure' ctx fs)@ raises 'ExceptionFailure' -- with farthest parameters set to or updated with @(fs)@ -- according to the relative position of 'input' wrt. 'farthestInput'. raiseFailure :: Positionable (InputPosition inp) => GenCtx inp cs a -> TH.CodeQ (Set SomeFailure) -> TH.CodeQ (ST RealWorld (Result inp a)) raiseFailure ctx fs = [|| let failExp = $$fs in let (# farInp, farExp #) = case $$comparePosition $$(farthestInput ctx) $$(input ctx) of LT -> (# $$(input ctx), failExp #) EQ -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), failExp <> $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #) GT -> (# $$(farthestInput ctx), $$(farthestExpecting ctx) #) in $$(raiseException ctx ExceptionFailure) ExceptionFailure {-failInp-}$$(input ctx) farInp farExp $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(inputEnded ctx) ||] -- | @('raiseException' ctx exn)@ raises exception @(exn)@ -- using any entry in 'onExceptionStackByLabel', or 'defaultCatch' if none. raiseException :: GenCtx inp vs a -> Exception -> CodeQ (OnException inp a) raiseException ctx exn = NE.head $ Map.findWithDefault (NE.singleton (defaultCatch ctx)) exn (onExceptionStackByLabel ctx) checkToken :: Set SomeFailure -> {-predicate-}Splice (InputToken inp -> Bool) -> {-ok-}Gen inp (InputToken inp ': vs) a -> Gen inp vs a checkToken fs p ok = ok { genAnalysis = \final -> seqGenAnalysis $ GenAnalysis { minReads = 1 , mayRaise = Map.singleton ExceptionFailure () , alwaysRaise = Set.empty , freeRegs = Set.empty } :| [ genAnalysis ok final ] , unGen = \ctx -> {-trace "unGen.read" $-} [|| let _ = "checkToken" in let !(# c, cs #) = $$(nextInput ctx) $$(inputBuffer ctx) $$(input ctx) in $$(genCode $ Prod.ifThenElse (p Prod..@ splice [||c||]) (splice $ unGen ok ctx { valueStack = ValueStackCons (splice [||c||]) (valueStack ctx) , input = [||cs||] }) (splice [|| let _ = "checkToken.fail" in $$(unGen (fail fs) ctx) ||]) )||] }