import qualified Data.Functor as Functor
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
-import qualified Symantic.Parser.Haskell as H
+import qualified Symantic.Parser.Grammar.Pure as H
import Symantic.Parser.Grammar
import Symantic.Parser.Machine.Input
-- ** Type 'InstrPure'
data InstrPure a where
- InstrPureHaskell :: H.Haskell a -> InstrPure a
- InstrPureSameOffset :: Cursorable cur => InstrPure (cur -> cur -> Bool)
+ InstrPure :: H.CombPure a -> InstrPure a
+ InstrPureSameOffset :: CodeQ (cur -> cur -> Bool) -> InstrPure (cur -> cur -> Bool)
+ InstrP
instance Show (InstrPure a) where
showsPrec p = \case
- InstrPureHaskell x -> showsPrec p x
- InstrPureSameOffset -> showString "InstrPureSameOffset"
+ InstrPure x -> showsPrec p x
+ InstrPureSameOffset{} -> showString "InstrPureSameOffset"
instance Trans InstrPure TH.CodeQ where
trans = \case
- InstrPureHaskell x -> trans x
- InstrPureSameOffset -> sameOffset
+ InstrPure x -> trans x
+ InstrPureSameOffset x -> x
-- ** Type 'LetName'
newtype LetName a = LetName { unLetName :: TH.Name }
InstrPure (x -> y) ->
Instr inp (y ': xs) es ret ->
Instr inp (x ': xs) es ret
-pattern Fmap f k = Push f (LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell (H.Flip H.:@ (H.:$))) k)
+pattern Fmap f k = Push f (LiftI2 (InstrPure (H.Flip H.:@ (H.:$))) k)
-- | @('App' k)@ pops @(x)@ and @(x2y)@ from the 'valueStack',
-- pushes @(x2y x)@ and continues with the next 'Instr'uction @(k)@.
pattern App ::
Instr inp (y : vs) es ret ->
Instr inp (x : (x -> y) : vs) es ret
-pattern App k = LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell (H.:$)) k
+pattern App k = LiftI2 (InstrPure (H.:$)) k
-- | @('If' ok ko)@ pops a 'Bool' from the 'valueStack'
-- and continues either with the 'Instr'uction @(ok)@ if it is 'True'
Instr inp vs es ret ->
Instr inp vs es ret ->
Instr inp (Bool ': vs) es ret
-pattern If ok ko = Choices [InstrPureHaskell H.Id] [ok] ko
+pattern If ok ko = Choices [InstrPure H.Id] [ok] ko
-- * Type 'Machine'
-- | Making the control-flow explicit.
auto Ret
instance Applicable (Machine inp) where
- pure x = Machine $ Push (InstrPureHaskell x)
+ pure x = Machine $ Push (InstrPure x)
Machine f <*> Machine x = Machine $ f . x . App
liftA2 f (Machine x) (Machine y) = Machine $
- x . y . LiftI2 (InstrPureHaskell f)
+ x . y . LiftI2 (InstrPure f)
Machine x *> Machine y = Machine $ x . Pop . y
Machine x <* Machine y = Machine $ x . y . Pop
Cursorable (Cursor inp) =>
Instr inp vs ('Succ es) ret ->
Instr inp (Cursor inp : vs) ('Succ es) ret
-failIfConsumed k = PushInput (LiftI2 InstrPureSameOffset (If k (Fail [])))
+failIfConsumed k = PushInput (LiftI2 (InstrPureSameOffset sameOffset) (If k (Fail [])))
-- | @('makeJoin' k f)@ factorizes @(k)@ in @(f)@,
-- by introducing a 'DefJoin' if necessary,
\f -> DefJoin joinName k (f (RefJoin joinName))
instance tok ~ InputToken inp => Satisfiable (Machine inp) tok where
- satisfy es p = Machine $ Read es (InstrPureHaskell p)
+ satisfy es p = Machine $ Read es (InstrPure p)
instance Selectable (Machine inp) where
branch (Machine lr) (Machine l) (Machine r) = Machine $ \k ->
makeJoin k $ \j ->
instance Matchable (Machine inp) where
conditional ps bs (Machine m) (Machine default_) = Machine $ \k ->
makeJoin k $ \j ->
- m (Choices (InstrPureHaskell Functor.<$> ps)
+ m (Choices (InstrPure Functor.<$> ps)
((\b -> unMachine b j) Functor.<$> bs)
(default_ j))
(PushInput (x (Pop (PopFail (LoadInput (Fail []))))))
-- On x failure, reset the input,
-- and go on with the next 'Instr'uctions.
- (LoadInput (Push (InstrPureHaskell H.unit) k))
+ (LoadInput (Push (InstrPure H.unit) k))
instance Letable TH.Name (Machine inp) where
def n v = Machine $ \k ->
Subroutine (LetName n) (unMachine v Ret) (Call (LetName n) k)