machine: remove horizonStack and experiment with alwaysRaise
[haskell/symantic-parser.git] / test / Golden / Grammar / OptimizeGrammar /
2021-08-05 Julien Moutinhomachine: remove horizonStack and experiment with always... master
2021-08-03 Julien Moutinhorename {catcher => onException}
2021-08-02 Julien Moutinhomachine: make failure be minReads=0
2021-07-31 Julien Moutinhochange ShowLetName into HideableName
2021-07-30 Julien Moutinhomachine: normalOrderReduction at the last moment
2021-07-28 Julien Moutinhoadd registers
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhogrammar: add precedence to showCode
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhomachine: optimize ifThenElse on constant
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhoremove useless benchmarks
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhomore on failures
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhotest: dump splices using TH.runQ instead of calling ghc
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhofix: use a global polyfix for defLet and defRef
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhobug: a ref outside its def must be supported
2021-07-11 Julien Moutinhotest: add goldens for TH splices