]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic-xml.git/blob - Language/Symantic/RNC/Write/Namespaces.hs
RNC: add some tests
[haskell/symantic-xml.git] / Language / Symantic / RNC / Write / Namespaces.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 module Language.Symantic.RNC.Write.Namespaces where
5 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..), (<$>))
6 import Control.Monad (Monad(..), forM, sequence)
7 import Data.Default.Class (Default(..))
8 import Data.Function (($), (.), id)
9 import Data.Functor (Functor(..))
10 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe, isNothing)
11 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
12 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
13 import Text.Show (Show(..))
14 import Data.String (String)
15 import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
16 import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
17 import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
19 import qualified Language.Symantic.XML as XML
20 import Language.Symantic.RNC.Sym
22 -- | Collect 'XML.Namespace's used and get them a dedicated prefix.
23 runNS :: forall a. [NS a] -> XML.Namespaces XML.NCName
24 runNS ns =
25 namespaces
26 { XML.namespaces_prefixes =
27 (`S.evalState` HS.empty) $
28 let prefixesByNamespace =
29 HM.delete "" $ -- NOTE: no prefix when there is no namespace.
30 HM.update -- NOTE: no prefix when this is the default namespace.
31 (\p -> if isNothing p then Nothing else Just p)
32 (XML.namespaces_default namespaces) $
33 XML.namespaces_prefixes namespaces in
34 forM prefixesByNamespace $ \mp -> do
35 usedPrefixes <- S.get
36 let fp = maybe
37 (XML.freshNCName usedPrefixes)
38 (XML.freshifyNCName usedPrefixes)
39 mp
40 S.modify' $ HS.insert fp
41 return fp
42 }
43 where
44 namespaces :: XML.Namespaces (Maybe XML.NCName)
45 namespaces = mconcat $ (`S.evalState` def) $ sequence $ unNS <$> ns
47 coerceNS :: NS a -> NS b
48 coerceNS = NS . unNS
49 {-# INLINE coerceNS #-}
51 -- * Type 'NS'
52 -- | Collect 'XML.Namespaces's and any prefixes associated with it,
53 -- using 'State' to avoid recurring into already visited 'rule's.
54 newtype NS a = NS { unNS :: S.State State (XML.Namespaces (Maybe XML.NCName)) }
56 -- ** Type 'State'
57 newtype State = State
58 { state_rules :: {-!-}(HS.HashSet String)
59 } deriving (Show)
60 instance Default State where
61 def = State
62 { state_rules = HS.empty
63 }
65 instance Show (NS a) where
66 showsPrec p = showsPrec p . runNS . pure
67 instance Semigroup (NS a) where
68 NS x <> NS y = NS $ (<>) <$> x <*> y
69 instance Monoid (NS a) where
70 mempty = NS $ return mempty
71 mappend = (<>)
72 instance Functor NS where
73 fmap _f = coerceNS
74 instance Applicative NS where
75 pure _ = mempty
76 NS f <*> NS x = NS f <> NS x
77 NS f <* NS x = NS f <> NS x
78 NS f *> NS x = NS f <> NS x
79 instance Alternative NS where
80 empty = mempty
81 NS f <|> NS x = NS f <> NS x
82 many = coerceNS
83 some = coerceNS
84 instance Sym_Rule NS where
85 rule n (NS ns) = NS $ do
86 -- NOTE: avoid infinite loops
87 -- by not reentering into already visited rules.
88 st@State{..} <- S.get
89 if HS.member n state_rules
90 then return mempty
91 else do
92 S.put $ st{state_rules = HS.insert n state_rules}
93 ns
94 arg _n = mempty
95 type instance Permutation NS = NS
96 instance Sym_Permutation NS where
97 runPermutation = coerceNS
98 toPermutation = id
99 toPermutationWithDefault _def = id
100 instance Sym_RNC NS where
101 -- namespace n ns =
102 -- NS $ return $ HM.singleton ns $ HS.singleton n
103 namespace mp n =
104 NS $ return $
105 case mp of
106 Just p -> XML.Namespaces{XML.namespaces_prefixes = HM.singleton n $ Just p, XML.namespaces_default = ""}
107 Nothing -> def{XML.namespaces_default = n}
108 element XML.QName{..} (NS nsM) =
109 NS $ (<$> nsM) $ \ns -> ns{XML.namespaces_prefixes =
110 HM.insert qNameSpace Nothing $ XML.namespaces_prefixes ns}
111 attribute XML.QName{..} (NS nsM) =
112 NS $ (<$> nsM) $ \ns -> ns{XML.namespaces_prefixes =
113 HM.insert qNameSpace Nothing $ XML.namespaces_prefixes ns}
114 anyElem qNameSpace f =
115 let NS nsM = f $ XML.NCName "*" in
116 NS $ (<$> nsM) $ \ns -> ns{XML.namespaces_prefixes =
117 HM.insert qNameSpace Nothing $ XML.namespaces_prefixes ns}
118 try = id
119 fail = mempty
120 escapedText = mempty
121 text = mempty
122 any = mempty
123 choice = mconcat
124 option _def = coerceNS
125 optional = coerceNS
126 manySeq = coerceNS
127 someSeq = coerceNS