NodeElem x (fromList [({}edi,EscapedAttr (fromList [EscapedPlain ""]) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 2 to 50)]) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 0 to 198 | +- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "\n "])) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 51 to 54 | +- NodeComment " the 'taxClass' attribute's namespace is " in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 54 to 138 | +- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "\n "])) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 138 to 141 | +- NodeElem lineItem (fromList [({}taxClass,EscapedAttr (fromList [EscapedPlain "exempt"]) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 150 to 172)]) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 141 to 193 | | | `- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "Baby food"])) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 173 to 182 | `- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "\n"])) in test/Golden/XML/NS/0003.xml at char position 193 to 194