NodeElem doc (fromList []) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 0 to 33 | +- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "\r\n"])) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 5 to 7 | +- NodeElem a (fromList []) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 7 to 25 | | | `- NodeElem b (fromList []) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 10 to 21 | | | `- NodeElem c (fromList []) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 13 to 17 | `- NodeText (EscapedText (fromList [EscapedPlain "\r\n"])) in test/Golden/XML/0004.xml at char position 25 to 27