]> Git — Sourcephile - haskell/symantic.git/blob - symantic-cli/Language/Symantic/CLI/Write/Help.hs
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[haskell/symantic.git] / symantic-cli / Language / Symantic / CLI / Write / Help.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
2 module Language.Symantic.CLI.Write.Help where
4 import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
5 import Data.Bool
6 import Data.Function (($))
7 import Data.Functor ((<$>))
8 import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
9 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
10 import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
11 import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
12 import qualified Language.Symantic.Document.Term as Doc
14 import Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym
15 import qualified Language.Symantic.CLI.Write.Plain as Plain
17 -- * Type 'Reader'
18 data Reader d
19 = Reader
20 { reader_help :: Maybe d -- ^ Current help.
21 -- , reader_define :: Bool -- ^ Whether to print a definition, or not.
22 -- , reader_or :: d
23 , reader_command_indent :: Doc.Indent
24 , reader_option_indent :: Doc.Indent
25 , reader_plain :: Plain.Reader d
26 , reader_option_empty :: Bool
27 }
29 defReader :: Doc.Textable d => Reader d
30 defReader = Reader
31 { reader_help = Nothing
32 -- , reader_define = True
33 -- , reader_or = Doc.stringH " | "
34 , reader_command_indent = 2
35 , reader_option_indent = 20
36 , reader_plain = Plain.defReader
37 , reader_option_empty = False
38 }
40 -- * Type 'Result'
41 type Result d = [d]
43 defResult :: Monoid d => Result d
44 defResult = mempty
46 -- * Type 'Help'
47 data Help d e t a
48 = Help
49 { help_result :: Reader d -> Result d
50 , help_plain :: Plain.Plain d e t a
51 }
53 runHelp :: Monoid d => Doc.Textable d => Help d e t a -> d
54 runHelp h = Doc.catV $ help_result h defReader
56 textHelp :: Plain.Doc d => Reader d -> Help d e t a -> d
57 textHelp def (Help h _p) =
58 let res = h def in
59 Doc.catV res
61 coerceHelp :: Help d e s a -> Help d e t b
62 coerceHelp Help{help_plain, ..} = Help
63 { help_plain = Plain.coercePlain help_plain
64 , ..
65 }
67 instance Doc.Textable d => Semigroup (Help d e s a) where
68 Help hx px <> Help hy py = Help (hx<>hy) (px<>py)
69 instance (Doc.Textable d, Monoid d) => Monoid (Help d e s a) where
70 mempty = Help mempty mempty
71 mappend = (<>)
72 {-
73 instance (Semigroup d, IsString d) => IsString (Help d e s a) where
74 fromString "" = Help $ \_ro -> Nothing
75 fromString s = Help $ \_ro -> Just $ fromString s
76 instance Show (Help Doc.Term e s a) where
77 show = TL.unpack . Doc.textTerm . textHelp
78 -}
79 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Fun (Help d) where
80 f <$$> Help h p = Help h (f<$$>p)
81 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_App (Help d) where
82 value a = Help mempty (value a)
83 end = Help mempty end
84 Help hf pf <**> Help hx px = Help (hf<>hx) (pf<**>px)
85 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Alt (Help d) where
86 Help hl pl <||> Help hr pr = Help (hl<>hr) (pl<||>pr)
87 try (Help h p) = Help h (try p)
88 choice hs = Help (mconcat $ help_result <$> hs) (choice (help_plain <$> hs))
89 option a (Help h p) = Help h (option a p)
90 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_AltApp (Help d) where
91 many (Help h p) = Help h (many p)
92 some (Help h p) = Help h (many p)
93 -- * Type 'PermHelp'
94 data PermHelp d e t a
95 = PermHelp (Reader d -> Result d)
96 [Plain.Plain d e t a]
97 type instance Perm (Help d e t) = PermHelp d e t
98 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Interleaved (Help d) where
99 interleaved (PermHelp h ps) = Help h $ interleaved $ Compose ps
100 f <<$>> Help h p = PermHelp h $ getCompose $ f<<$>>p
101 f <<$?>> (a, Help h p) = PermHelp h $ getCompose $ f<<$?>>(a,p)
102 f <<$*>> Help h p = PermHelp h $ getCompose $ f<<$*>>p
103 PermHelp hl pl <<|>> Help hr pr = PermHelp (hl<>hr) $ getCompose $ Compose pl<<|>>pr
104 PermHelp hl pl <<|?>> (a, Help hr pr) = PermHelp (hl<>hr) $ getCompose $ Compose pl<<|?>>(a,pr)
105 PermHelp hl pl <<|*>> Help hr pr = PermHelp (hl<>hr) $ getCompose $ Compose pl<<|*>>pr
106 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Rule (Help d) where
107 rule n (Help h p) =
108 Help (\ro ->
109 pure $
110 Doc.breakableFill 4 (ref<>" ::= "<> Plain.runPlain p' (reader_plain ro)) <>
111 Doc.align (Doc.catV (h ro{reader_help=Nothing}))
112 ) p'
113 where
114 p' = rule n p
115 ref = Doc.bold $ Doc.between (Doc.charH '<') (Doc.charH '>') (Doc.textH n)
116 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Option (Help d) where
117 var n (Help _h p) = Help mempty (var n p)
118 string = Help mempty string
119 tag n = Help mempty (tag n)
120 opt n (Help _h p) =
121 Help (\ro ->
122 case reader_help ro of
123 Nothing ->
124 if reader_option_empty ro
125 then pure $ Doc.bold (Plain.runPlain p' (reader_plain ro))
126 else []
127 Just msg ->
128 pure $
129 Doc.breakableFill (reader_option_indent ro)
130 (Doc.bold $ Plain.runPlain p' (reader_plain ro) <>
131 Doc.spaces 2) <>
132 Doc.align msg
133 ) p'
134 where p' = opt n p
135 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Help d (Help d) where
136 help msg (Help h p) = Help
137 (\ro -> h ro{reader_help=Just msg})
138 (Language.Symantic.CLI.Sym.help msg p)
139 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Command (Help d) where
140 main n (Help h p) =
141 Help (\ro ->
142 [ Plain.runPlain p' (reader_plain ro) <>
143 (case reader_help ro of
144 Nothing -> Doc.empty
145 Just msg ->
146 Doc.incrIndent (reader_command_indent ro) $
147 Doc.newline <> msg)
148 , Doc.catV $ h ro{reader_help=Nothing}
149 ]
150 ) p'
151 where p' = main n p
152 command n (Help h p) =
153 Help (\ro ->
154 pure $
155 let d = ref<>" ::= "<>Plain.runPlain p' (reader_plain ro) in
156 case h ro{reader_help=Nothing} of
157 [] -> d
158 hs ->
159 Doc.breakableFill 4 d <>
160 Doc.align (Doc.catV hs)
161 ) p'
162 where
163 p' = command n p
164 ref = Doc.bold $ Doc.between (Doc.charH '<') (Doc.charH '>') (Doc.stringH n)
165 instance Plain.Doc d => Sym_Exit (Help d) where
166 exit e = Help mempty $ exit e