{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Language.Symantic.Expr.From where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl)) import GHC.Prim (Constraint) import Language.Symantic.Type import Language.Symantic.Expr.Root import Language.Symantic.Expr.Alt import Language.Symantic.Expr.Error import Language.Symantic.Trans.Common import Language.Symantic.Repr -- * Class 'Expr_From' -- | Parse given @ast@ into -- a 'Type_Root_of_Expr' and -- a 'Forall_Repr_with_Context', -- or return an 'Error_of_Expr'. class Expr_From ast (ex:: *) where expr_from :: ExprFrom ast ex hs ret instance -- Expr_From ( Expr_From ast (ex (Expr_Root ex)) , Root_of_Expr (ex (Expr_Root ex)) ~ Expr_Root ex ) => Expr_From ast (Expr_Root ex) where expr_from _ex ctx ast k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy (ex (Expr_Root ex))) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) instance -- Expr_From ( Expr_From ast (curr root) , Expr_From ast (next root) , Root_of_Expr (curr root) ~ root , Root_of_Expr (next root) ~ root , Error_Expr_Unlift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast (Type_Root_of_Expr root)) (Type_Root_of_Expr root) ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Expr_From ast (Expr_Alt curr next root) where expr_from _ex ctx ast k = case expr_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> Right $ k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) of Right ret -> ret Left err -> case error_expr_unlift err of Just (Error_Expr_Unsupported_here _ :: Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast (Type_Root_of_Expr root)) (Type_Root_of_Expr root) ast) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) _ -> Left err -- ** Type 'ExprFrom' -- | Convenient type synonym defining a parser. type ExprFrom ast ex hs ret = Proxy ex -- ^ Select the 'Expr_From' instance. -> ast -- ^ The input data to parse. -> Lambda_Context (Lambda_Var (Type_Root_of_Expr ex)) hs -- ^ The bound variables in scope and their types: -- held in the heterogeneous list @hs@, -- from the closest including lambda abstraction to the farest. -> ( forall h . Type_Root_of_Expr ex h -> Forall_Repr_with_Context ex hs h -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ret ) -- ^ The accumulating continuation. -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ret -- ** Type 'Lambda_Context' -- | GADT for a typing context, -- accumulating an @item@ at each lambda; -- used to accumulate object-types (in 'Expr_From') -- or host-terms (in 'Repr_Host') -- associated with the 'Lambda_Var's in scope. data Lambda_Context :: (* -> *) -> [*] -> * where Lambda_Context_Empty :: Lambda_Context item '[] Lambda_Context_Next :: item h -> Lambda_Context item hs -> Lambda_Context item (h ': hs) infixr 5 `Lambda_Context_Next` -- ** Type 'Lambda_Var' -- | Join a name and a type. -- -- This data type is used to handle lambda variables by name -- (instead of DeBruijn indices for instance). data Lambda_Var ty h = Lambda_Var Lambda_Var_Name (ty h) type Lambda_Var_Name = Text -- ** Type 'Forall_Repr_with_Context' -- | A data type embedding a universal quantification -- over an interpreter @repr@ -- and qualified by the symantics of an expression. -- -- Moreover the expression is abstracted by a 'Lambda_Context' -- built at parsing time to build a /Higher-Order Abstract Syntax/ (HOAS) -- for lambda abstractions. -- -- This data type is used to keep a parsed expression polymorphic enough -- to stay interpretable by different interpreters. -- -- NOTE: 'Sym_of_Expr'@ ex repr@ -- is needed to be able to use symantic methods of the parsed expression -- into a 'Forall_Repr_with_Context'@ ex@. -- -- NOTE: 'Sym_of_Expr'@ (@'Root_of_Expr'@ ex) repr@ -- is needed to be able to use an expression -- out of a 'Forall_Repr_with_Context'@ (@'Root_of_Expr'@ ex)@ -- into a 'Forall_Repr_with_Context'@ ex@, -- which happens when a symantic method includes a polymorphic type -- and thus calls: 'expr_from'@ (Proxy::Proxy (@'Root_of_Expr'@ ex))@. -- -- NOTE: 'Sym_Lambda_Lam repr@ -- is needed to be able to parse partially applied functions -- (when their type is knowable). data Forall_Repr_with_Context ex hs h = Forall_Repr_with_Context ( forall repr. ( Sym_of_Expr ex repr , Sym_of_Expr (Root_of_Expr ex) repr , Sym_Lambda_Lam repr ) => Lambda_Context repr hs -> repr h ) -- ** Type 'Forall_Repr' -- | 'Forall_Repr_with_Context' applied on a 'Lambda_Context'. data Forall_Repr ex h = Forall_Repr { unForall_Repr :: forall repr . ( Sym_of_Expr ex repr , Sym_of_Expr (Root_of_Expr ex) repr , Sym_Lambda_Lam repr ) => repr h } -- * Class 'Sym_Lambda_Lam' class Sym_Lambda_Lam repr where -- | /Lambda abstraction/. lam :: (repr arg -> repr res) -> repr ((->) arg res) default lam :: Trans t repr => (t repr arg -> t repr res) -> t repr ((->) arg res) lam f = trans_lift $ lam $ trans_apply . f . trans_lift instance Sym_Lambda_Lam Repr_Host where lam f = Repr_Host (unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host) instance Sym_Lambda_Lam Repr_Text where lam f = Repr_Text $ \p v -> let p' = Precedence 1 in let x = "x" <> Text.pack (show v) in paren p p' $ "\\" <> x <> " -> " <> unRepr_Text (f (Repr_Text $ \_p _v -> x)) p' (succ v) instance (Sym_Lambda_Lam r1, Sym_Lambda_Lam r2) => Sym_Lambda_Lam (Repr_Dup r1 r2) where lam f = repr_dup_1 (lam f) `Repr_Dup` repr_dup_2 (lam f) -- ** Type family 'Sym_of_Expr' -- | The symantic of an expression. type family Sym_of_Expr (ex:: *) (repr:: * -> *) :: Constraint type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Root ex) repr = Sym_of_Expr (ex (Expr_Root ex)) repr type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Alt curr next root) repr = ( Sym_of_Expr (curr root) repr , Sym_of_Expr (next root) repr ) -- * Checks -- | Parsing utility to check that two types are equal, -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Type_mismatch'. check_type0_family :: forall ast ex ta root ty h ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Family ta ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ta -> Proxy ex -> ast -> ty h -> (ty (Host_of_Type0_Family ta h) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type0_family ta ex ast ty k = case type0_family ta ty of Just t -> k t Nothing -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type (error_type_lift $ Error_Type_No_Type_Family ast) ast -- | Parsing utility to check that two types are equal, -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Type_mismatch'. check_type0_eq :: forall ast ex root ty x y ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ex -> ast -> ty x -> ty y -> (x :~: y -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type0_eq ex ast x y k = case x `type0_eq` y of Just Refl -> k Refl Nothing -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast (Exists_Type0 x) (Exists_Type0 y) -- | Parsing utility to check that two 'Type1' are equal, -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Type_mismatch'. check_type1_eq :: forall ast ex root ty h1 h2 a1 a2 ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type1_Eq ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ex -> ast -> ty (h1 a1) -> ty (h2 a2) -> (h1 :~: h2 -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type1_eq ex ast h1 h2 k = case h1 `type1_eq` h2 of Just Refl -> k Refl Nothing -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast (Exists_Type0 h1) (Exists_Type0 h2) -- | Parsing utility to check that a 'Type0' or higher -- is an instance of a given 'Constraint', -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Constraint_missing'. check_type0_constraint :: forall ast ex c root ty h ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Constraint c ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ex -> Proxy c -> ast -> ty h -> (Dict (c h) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type0_constraint ex c ast ty k = case type0_constraint c ty of Just Dict -> k Dict Nothing -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Constraint_missing ast {-(Exists_Dict c)-} -- FIXME: not easy to report the constraint -- and still support 'Eq' and 'Show' deriving. (Exists_Type0 ty) -- | Parsing utility to check that a 'Type1' or higher -- is an instance of a given 'Constraint', -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Constraint_missing'. check_type1_constraint :: forall ast ex c root ty h a ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type1_Constraint c ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ex -> Proxy c -> ast -> ty (h a) -> (Dict (c h) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type1_constraint ex c ast ty k = case type1_constraint c ty of Just Dict -> k Dict Nothing -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Constraint_missing ast (Exists_Type0 ty) -- | Parsing utility to check that the given type is at least a 'Type1' -- or raise 'Error_Expr_Type_mismatch'. check_type1 :: forall ast ex root ty h ret. ( root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) ) => Proxy ex -> ast -> ty h -> (forall (t1:: *). ( Type1 t1 ty h , Type1_Lift t1 ty (Type_Var0 :|: Type_Var1 :|: Type_of_Expr root) ) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret) -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) ret check_type1 ex ast ty k = (`fromMaybe` type1_unlift (unType_Root ty) (Just . k)) $ Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Type_mismatch ast (Exists_Type0 (type_var1 SZero (type_var0 SZero) :: ty (Var1 Var0))) (Exists_Type0 ty) -- * Parsers -- | Like 'expr_from' but for a root expression. root_expr_from :: forall ast root. ( Expr_From ast root , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => Proxy root -> ast -> Either (Error_of_Expr ast root) (Exists_Type0_and_Repr (Type_Root_of_Expr root) (Forall_Repr root)) root_expr_from _ex ast = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast Lambda_Context_Empty $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> Right $ Exists_Type0_and_Repr ty $ Forall_Repr $ repr Lambda_Context_Empty -- | Parse a literal. lit_from :: forall ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , Read lit , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex)) ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> Text -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret lit_from lit ty_lit toread ex ast _ctx k = case read_safe toread of Left err -> Left $ error_expr ex $ Error_Expr_Read err ast Right (i::lit) -> k ty_lit $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ const $ lit i -- | Parse a unary class operator. class_op1_from :: forall root ty cl ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root , Type0_Constraint cl ty ) => (forall lit repr. (cl lit, Sym_of_Expr ex repr) => repr lit -> repr lit) -> Proxy cl -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret class_op1_from op cl ast_x ex _ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> check_type0_constraint ex cl ast_x ty_x $ \Dict -> k ty_x $ Forall_Repr_with_Context (op . x) -- | Parse a binary class operator. class_op2_from :: forall root ty cl ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Constraint cl ty , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall lit repr. (cl lit, Sym_of_Expr ex repr) => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> Proxy cl -> ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret class_op2_from op cl ast_x ast_y ex ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_y ctx $ \ty_y (Forall_Repr_with_Context y) -> check_type0_constraint ex cl ast_x ty_x $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex cl ast_y ty_y $ \Dict -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_x ty_y $ \Refl -> k ty_x $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> x c `op` y c -- | Parse a binary class operator, partially applied. class_op2_from1 :: forall root ty cl ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint cl ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall lit repr. (cl lit, Sym_of_Expr ex repr) => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> Proxy cl -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret class_op2_from1 op cl ast_x ex _ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> check_type0_constraint ex cl ast_x ty_x $ \Dict -> k (type_fun ty_x ty_x) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> lam $ \y -> x c `op` y -- | Parse a unary operator. op1_from :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret op1_from op ty_lit ast_x ex ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_lit ty_x $ \Refl -> k ty_x $ Forall_Repr_with_Context (op . x) -- | Parse a unary operator, partially applied. op1_from0 :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret op1_from0 op ty_lit _ex _ast _ctx k = k (type_fun ty_lit ty_lit) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \_c -> lam op -- | Parse a binary operator. op2_from :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret op2_from op ty_lit ast_x ast_y ex ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_y ctx $ \ty_y (Forall_Repr_with_Context y) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_lit ty_x $ \Refl -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_lit ty_y $ \Refl -> k ty_x $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> x c `op` y c -- | Parse a binary operator, partially applied. op2_from1 :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> ast -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret op2_from1 op ty_lit ast_x ex ast ctx k = expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_x ctx $ \ty_x (Forall_Repr_with_Context x) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_lit ty_x $ \Refl -> k (type_fun ty_x ty_x) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> lam $ \y -> x c `op` y -- | Parse a binary operator, partially applied. op2_from0 :: forall root ty lit ex ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr ex , root ~ Root_of_Expr ex , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Expr_From ast root , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr. Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr lit -> repr lit -> repr lit) -> ty lit -> ExprFrom ast ex hs ret op2_from0 op ty_lit _ex _ast _ctx k = k (type_fun ty_lit $ type_fun ty_lit ty_lit) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \_c -> lam $ \x -> lam $ \y -> x `op` y