{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} module Language.LOL.Symantic.Expr.Common where import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import GHC.Prim (Constraint) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Peano import Language.LOL.Symantic.AST import Language.LOL.Symantic.Type -- * Class 'Sym_from' class Sym_from ast (ex:: *) where sym_from :: forall hs ret . Proxy ex -- ^ Select the 'Sym_from' instance for the expression @ex@. -> Context (Var (Root_of_Expr ex)) hs -- ^ The bound variables and their types held in the heterogeneous list @hs@ -- (types being constructed within: 'Type_Root_of_Expr' @ex@. -> ast -- ^ The input data to parse. -> ( forall h . Type_Root_of_Expr ex h -- The type of the parsed symantic expression. -> Forall_Repr_with_Context ex hs h -- The parsed symantic expression -- (still abstracted by a 'Context' at this point). -> Either (Maybe (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex))) ret ) -- ^ The accumulating continuation. -> Either (Maybe (Error_of_Expr ast (Root_of_Expr ex))) ret -- ** Type 'Context' -- | GADT for a typing context, -- accumulating an @item@ at each lambda; -- used to accumulate object-types of lambda variables in 'Sym_from' -- or host-terms of lambda variables in 'Repr_Host'. data Context :: (* -> *) -> [*] -> * where Context_Empty :: Context item '[] Context_Next :: item h -> Context item hs -> Context item (h ': hs) infixr 5 `Context_Next` -- ** Type 'Var' -- | Join a name and a type; -- used to handle lambda variables by name -- (instead of DeBruijn indices for instance). data Var ex h = Var Var_Name (Type_Root_of_Expr ex h) type Var_Name = Text -- ** Type 'Forall_Repr_with_Context' -- | A data type embedding a universal quantification over @repr@ -- to construct a symantic expression polymorphic enough to stay -- interpretable by different interpreters; -- moreover the symantic expression is abstracted by a 'Context' -- built at parsing time. data Forall_Repr_with_Context ex hs h = Forall_Repr_with_Context ( forall repr. ( Sym_of_Expr ex repr , Sym_of_Expr (Root_of_Expr ex) repr ) => Context repr hs -> repr h ) -- *** Type 'Forall_Repr' data Forall_Repr ex h = Forall_Repr { unForall_Repr :: forall repr . Sym_of_Expr ex repr => repr h } -- ** Type 'Root_of_Expr' -- | The root expression, closing an expression with itself. type family Root_of_Expr (ex:: *) :: * -- ** Type 'Sym_of_Expr' -- | The symantic of an expression. type family Sym_of_Expr (ex:: *) (repr:: * -> *) :: Constraint -- ** Type 'Error_of_Expr' -- | The error(s) of an expression. type family Error_of_Expr (ast:: *) (ex:: *) :: * -- ** Type 'Type_of_Expr' -- | The type of an expression, parameterized by a root type. type family Type_of_Expr (ex:: *) :: {-root-}(* -> *) -> {-h-}* -> * -- ** Type 'Type_Root_of_Expr' type Type_Root_of_Expr ex = Type_Root (Type_of_Expr (Root_of_Expr ex)) -- * Type 'Expr_Root' -- | The root expression, passing itself as parameter to the given expression. newtype Expr_Root (ex:: * -> *) = Expr_Root (ex (Expr_Root ex)) type instance Root_of_Expr (Expr_Root ex) = Expr_Root ex type instance Type_of_Expr (Expr_Root ex) = Type_of_Expr (ex (Expr_Root ex)) -- NOTE: require UndecidableInstances. type instance Error_of_Expr ast (Expr_Root ex) = Error_Expr_Cons (Error_Expr_Read ast) (Error_of_Expr ast (ex (Expr_Root ex))) -- NOTE: require UndecidableInstances. type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Root ex) repr = Sym_of_Expr (ex (Expr_Root ex)) repr -- NOTE: require UndecidableInstances. instance -- Sym_from ( Sym_from ast (ex (Expr_Root ex)) , Root_of_Expr (ex (Expr_Root ex)) ~ Expr_Root ex ) => Sym_from ast (Expr_Root ex) where sym_from _px_ex ctx ast k = sym_from (Proxy::Proxy (ex (Expr_Root ex))) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -- ** Class 'Expr_Root_Lift' -- | Lift a given type to a given root type. class Expr_Root_Lift ex root where expr_root_lift :: ex root -> root instance Expr_Lift ex root => Expr_Root_Lift ex (Expr_Root root) where expr_root_lift = Expr_Root . expr_lift -- * Type 'Expr_Cons' -- | Combine two types into one. data Expr_Cons curr next (root:: *) = Expr_Curr (curr root) | Expr_Next (next root) type instance Root_of_Expr (Expr_Cons curr next root) = root type instance Type_of_Expr (Expr_Cons curr next root) = Type_Cons (Type_of_Expr (curr root)) (Type_of_Expr (next root)) type instance Error_of_Expr ast (Expr_Cons curr next root) = Error_Expr_Cons (Error_of_Expr ast (curr root)) (Error_of_Expr ast (next root)) type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Cons curr next root) repr = ( Sym_of_Expr (curr root) repr , Sym_of_Expr (next root) repr ) instance -- Sym_from ( Sym_from ast (curr root) , Sym_from ast (next root) , Root_of_Expr (curr root) ~ root , Root_of_Expr (next root) ~ root ) => Sym_from ast (Expr_Cons curr next root) where sym_from _px_ex ctx ast k = case sym_from (Proxy::Proxy (curr root)) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> Right $ k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) of Right ret -> ret Left Nothing -> sym_from (Proxy::Proxy (next root)) ctx ast $ \ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) -> k ty (Forall_Repr_with_Context repr) Left err -> Left err -- ** Type 'Peano_of_Expr' -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location -- of a given extension within a given extension stack. type family Peano_of_Expr (ex:: * -> *) (exs:: * -> *) :: Peano where Peano_of_Expr ex ex = 'Zero Peano_of_Expr ex (Expr_Cons ex next) = 'Zero Peano_of_Expr other (Expr_Cons curr next) = 'Succ (Peano_of_Expr other next) -- ** Type 'Expr_Lift' -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Expr' on 'Expr_LiftN'. type Expr_Lift ex exs = Expr_LiftN (Peano_of_Expr ex exs) ex exs -- *** Class 'Expr_LiftN' -- | Construct the sequence of 'Expr_Curr' and 'Expr_Next' -- lifting a given extension to the top of a given extension stack. class Expr_LiftN (n::Peano) ex exs where expr_liftN :: forall (root:: *). Proxy n -> ex root -> exs root instance Expr_LiftN 'Zero curr curr where expr_liftN _ = id instance Expr_LiftN 'Zero curr (Expr_Cons curr next) where expr_liftN _ = Expr_Curr instance Expr_LiftN n other next => Expr_LiftN ('Succ n) other (Expr_Cons curr next) where expr_liftN _ = Expr_Next . expr_liftN (Proxy::Proxy n) -- | Lift an expression within an expression stack to its top, -- using a 'Peano' number calculated by 'Peano_of_Expr' -- to avoid the overlapping of the 'Expr_LiftN' instances. expr_lift :: forall ex exs (root:: *). Expr_Lift ex exs => ex root -> exs root expr_lift = expr_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Expr ex exs)) -- ** Type 'Expr_Unlift' -- | Apply 'Peano_of_Expr' on 'Expr_UnliftN'. type Expr_Unlift ex exs = Expr_UnliftN (Peano_of_Expr ex exs) ex exs -- *** Class 'Expr_UnliftN' -- | Deconstruct a sequence of 'Expr_Curr' and 'Expr_Next' -- trying to unlift a given extension out of a given extension stack. class Expr_UnliftN (n::Peano) ex exs where expr_unliftN :: forall (root:: *). Proxy n -> exs root -> Maybe (ex root) instance Expr_UnliftN 'Zero curr curr where expr_unliftN _ = Just instance Expr_UnliftN 'Zero curr (Expr_Cons curr next) where expr_unliftN _ (Expr_Curr x) = Just x expr_unliftN _ (Expr_Next _) = Nothing instance Expr_UnliftN n other next => Expr_UnliftN ('Succ n) other (Expr_Cons curr next) where expr_unliftN _ (Expr_Next x) = expr_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy n) x expr_unliftN _ (Expr_Curr _) = Nothing -- | Unlift an expression within an expression stack, -- using a 'Peano' number calculated by 'Peano_of_Expr' -- to avoid the overlapping of the 'Expr_UnliftN' instances. expr_unlift :: forall ex exs (root:: *). Expr_Unlift ex exs => exs root -> Maybe (ex root) expr_unlift = expr_unliftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Expr ex exs)) -- * Type 'Error_Expr_Cons' -- | Combine two error expressions into one. data Error_Expr_Cons curr next = Error_Expr_Curr curr | Error_Expr_Next next deriving (Eq, Show) -- ** Class 'Error_Expr_LiftN' -- | Construct the sequence of 'Error_Expr_Curr' and 'Error_Expr_Next' -- lifting a given error type to the top of a given error type stack. class Error_Expr_LiftN (n::Peano) err errs where error_expr_liftN :: Proxy n -> err -> errs instance Error_Expr_LiftN 'Zero curr curr where error_expr_liftN _ = id instance Error_Expr_LiftN 'Zero curr (Error_Expr_Cons curr next) where error_expr_liftN _ = Error_Expr_Curr instance Error_Expr_LiftN n other next => Error_Expr_LiftN ('Succ n) other (Error_Expr_Cons curr next) where error_expr_liftN _ = Error_Expr_Next . error_expr_liftN (Proxy::Proxy n) -- | Lift an error type within a type stack to its top, -- using a 'Peano' number calculated by 'Peano_of_Error_Expr' -- to avoid the overlapping of the 'Error_Expr_LiftN' instances. error_expr_lift :: forall err errs. Error_Expr_Lift err errs => err -> errs error_expr_lift = error_expr_liftN (Proxy::Proxy (Peano_of_Error_Expr err errs)) type Error_Expr_Lift err errs = Error_Expr_LiftN (Peano_of_Error_Expr err errs) err errs -- | Return a 'Peano' number derived from the location -- of a given error type within a given error type stack. type family Peano_of_Error_Expr (err:: *) (errs:: *) :: Peano where Peano_of_Error_Expr err err = 'Zero Peano_of_Error_Expr err (Error_Expr_Cons err next) = 'Zero Peano_of_Error_Expr other (Error_Expr_Cons curr next) = 'Succ (Peano_of_Error_Expr other next) -- ** Type 'Error_Expr_Read' data Error_Expr_Read ast = Error_Expr_Read Error_Read ast deriving (Eq, Show)