{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fconstraint-solver-iterations=7 #-} -- | Symantic for 'Maybe'. module Language.Symantic.Compiling.Maybe where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Function as Fun import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl)) import Prelude hiding (maybe) import Language.Symantic.Parsing import Language.Symantic.Parsing.Grammar import Language.Symantic.Typing import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Term import Language.Symantic.Compiling.Lambda import Language.Symantic.Interpreting import Language.Symantic.Transforming.Trans -- * Class 'Sym_Maybe_Lam' class Sym_Maybe term where _Nothing :: term (Maybe a) _Just :: term a -> term (Maybe a) maybe :: term b -> term (a -> b) -> term (Maybe a) -> term b default _Nothing :: Trans t term => t term (Maybe a) default _Just :: Trans t term => t term a -> t term (Maybe a) default maybe :: Trans t term => t term b -> t term (a -> b) -> t term (Maybe a) -> t term b _Nothing = trans_lift _Nothing _Just = trans_map1 _Just maybe = trans_map3 maybe type instance Sym_of_Iface (Proxy Maybe) = Sym_Maybe type instance Consts_of_Iface (Proxy Maybe) = Proxy Maybe ': Consts_imported_by Maybe type instance Consts_imported_by Maybe = [ Proxy Applicative , Proxy Eq , Proxy Foldable , Proxy Functor , Proxy Monad , Proxy Monoid , Proxy Show , Proxy Traversable ] instance Sym_Maybe HostI where _Nothing = HostI Nothing _Just = liftM Just maybe = liftM3 Maybe.maybe instance Sym_Maybe TextI where _Nothing = textI0 "Nothing" _Just = textI1 "Just" maybe = textI3 "maybe" instance (Sym_Maybe r1, Sym_Maybe r2) => Sym_Maybe (DupI r1 r2) where _Nothing = dupI0 (Proxy @Sym_Maybe) _Nothing _Just = dupI1 (Proxy @Sym_Maybe) _Just maybe = dupI3 (Proxy @Sym_Maybe) maybe instance ( Read_TypeNameR Type_Name cs rs , Inj_Const cs Maybe ) => Read_TypeNameR Type_Name cs (Proxy Maybe ': rs) where read_typenameR _cs (Type_Name "Maybe") k = k (ty @Maybe) read_typenameR _rs raw k = read_typenameR (Proxy @rs) raw k instance Show_Const cs => Show_Const (Proxy Maybe ': cs) where show_const ConstZ{} = "Maybe" show_const (ConstS c) = show_const c instance -- Proj_ConC ( Proj_Const cs Maybe , Proj_Consts cs (Consts_imported_by Maybe) , Proj_Con cs ) => Proj_ConC cs (Proxy Maybe) where proj_conC _ (TyConst q :$ TyConst c) | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType) , Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy @Maybe) = case () of _ | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Applicative) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Foldable) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Functor) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Monad) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Traversable) -> Just Con _ -> Nothing proj_conC _ (t@(TyConst q) :$ (TyConst c :$ a)) | Just Refl <- eq_skind (kind_of_const c) (SKiType `SKiArrow` SKiType) , Just Refl <- proj_const c (Proxy @Maybe) = case () of _ | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Eq) , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ a) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Monoid) , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ a) -> Just Con | Just Refl <- proj_const q (Proxy @Show) , Just Con <- proj_con (t :$ a) -> Just Con _ -> Nothing proj_conC _c _q = Nothing data instance TokenT meta (ts::[*]) (Proxy Maybe) = Token_Term_Maybe_Nothing (EToken meta '[Proxy Token_Type]) | Token_Term_Maybe_Just (EToken meta ts) | Token_Term_Maybe_maybe (EToken meta ts) (EToken meta ts) deriving instance (Eq meta, Eq_Token meta ts) => Eq (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Maybe)) deriving instance (Show meta, Show_Token meta ts) => Show (TokenT meta ts (Proxy Maybe)) instance -- CompileI ( Read_TypeName Type_Name (Consts_of_Ifaces is) , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) Maybe , Inj_Const (Consts_of_Ifaces is) (->) , Compile is ) => CompileI is (Proxy Maybe) where compileI tok ctx k = case tok of Token_Term_Maybe_Nothing tok_ty_a -> -- Nothing :: Maybe a compile_type tok_ty_a $ \(ty_a::Type (Consts_of_Ifaces is) a) -> check_kind (At Nothing SKiType) (At (Just tok_ty_a) $ kind_of ty_a) $ \Refl -> k (ty @Maybe :$ ty_a) $ TermO $ Fun.const _Nothing Token_Term_Maybe_Just tok_a -> -- Just :: a -> Maybe a compileO tok_a ctx $ \ty_a (TermO a) -> k (ty @Maybe :$ ty_a) $ TermO $ \c -> _Just (a c) Token_Term_Maybe_maybe tok_b tok_a2b -> -- maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b compileO tok_b ctx $ \ty_b (TermO b) -> compileO tok_a2b ctx $ \ty_a2b (TermO a2b) -> check_type2 (ty @(->)) (At (Just tok_a2b) ty_a2b) $ \Refl ty_a2b_a ty_a2b_b -> check_type (At (Just tok_a2b) ty_a2b_b) (At (Just tok_b) ty_b) $ \Refl -> k (ty @Maybe :$ ty_a2b_a ~> ty_b) $ TermO $ \c -> lam $ maybe (b c) (a2b c) instance Inj_Token meta ts Maybe => TokenizeT meta ts (Proxy Maybe) where tokenizeT _t = mempty { tokenizers_infix = tokenizeTMod [] [ (Term_Name "Nothing",) Term_ProTok { term_protok = \meta -> ProTokPi $ \a -> ProTok $ inj_etoken meta $ Token_Term_Maybe_Nothing a , term_fixity = infixN5 } , tokenize1 "Just" infixN5 Token_Term_Maybe_Just ] } instance Gram_Term_AtomsT meta ts (Proxy Maybe) g