{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | Expression for 'Foldable'. module Language.Symantic.Expr.Foldable where import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, liftM3) import Data.Monoid import Data.Foldable (Foldable) import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl)) import Prelude hiding ((<$>), Foldable(..) , all, and, any, concat, concatMap, mapM_ , notElem, or, sequence_) import Language.Symantic.Type import Language.Symantic.Repr import Language.Symantic.Expr.Root import Language.Symantic.Expr.Error import Language.Symantic.Expr.From import Language.Symantic.Expr.Lambda import Language.Symantic.Trans.Common -- * Class 'Sym_Foldable' -- | Symantic. class Sym_Foldable repr where foldMap :: (Foldable f, Monoid m) => repr (a -> m) -> repr (f a) -> repr m foldr :: Foldable f => repr (a -> b -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b foldr' :: Foldable f => repr (a -> b -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b foldl :: Foldable f => repr (b -> a -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b foldl' :: Foldable f => repr (b -> a -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b length :: Foldable f => repr (f a) -> repr Int null :: Foldable f => repr (f a) -> repr Bool minimum :: (Foldable f, Ord a) => repr (f a) -> repr a maximum :: (Foldable f, Ord a) => repr (f a) -> repr a elem :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => repr a -> repr (f a) -> repr Bool sum :: (Foldable f, Num a) => repr (f a) -> repr a product :: (Foldable f, Num a) => repr (f a) -> repr a toList :: Foldable f => repr (f a) -> repr [a] all :: Foldable f => repr (a -> Bool) -> repr (f a) -> repr Bool and :: Foldable f => repr (f Bool) -> repr Bool any :: Foldable f => repr (a -> Bool) -> repr (f a) -> repr Bool concat :: Foldable f => repr (f [a]) -> repr [a] concatMap :: Foldable f => repr (a -> [b]) -> repr (f a) -> repr [b] find :: Foldable f => repr (a -> Bool) -> repr (f a) -> repr (Maybe a) foldlM :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => repr (b -> a -> m b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr (m b) foldrM :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => repr (a -> b -> m b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr (m b) forM_ :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => repr (f a) -> repr (a -> m b) -> repr (m ()) for_ :: (Foldable f, Applicative p) => repr (f a) -> repr (a -> p b) -> repr (p ()) mapM_ :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => repr (a -> m b) -> repr (f a) -> repr (m ()) maximumBy :: Foldable f => repr (a -> a -> Ordering) -> repr (f a) -> repr a minimumBy :: Foldable f => repr (a -> a -> Ordering) -> repr (f a) -> repr a notElem :: (Foldable f, Eq a) => repr a -> repr (f a) -> repr Bool or :: Foldable f => repr (f Bool) -> repr Bool sequenceA_ :: (Foldable f, Applicative p) => repr (f (p a)) -> repr (p ()) sequence_ :: (Foldable f, Monad m) => repr (f (m a)) -> repr (m ()) traverse_ :: (Foldable f, Applicative p) => repr (a -> p b) -> repr (f a) -> repr (p ()) -- asum :: (Foldable t, GHC.Base.Alternative f) => t (f a) -> f a -- msum :: (Foldable t, GHC.Base.MonadPlus m) => t (m a) -> m a default foldMap :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monoid m) => t repr (a -> m) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr m default foldr :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> b -> b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr b default foldr' :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> b -> b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr b default foldl :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (b -> a -> b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr b default foldl' :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (b -> a -> b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr b default length :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f a) -> t repr Int default null :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f a) -> t repr Bool default minimum :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Ord a) => t repr (f a) -> t repr a default maximum :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Ord a) => t repr (f a) -> t repr a default elem :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Eq a) => t repr a -> t repr (f a) -> t repr Bool default sum :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Num a) => t repr (f a) -> t repr a default product :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Num a) => t repr (f a) -> t repr a default toList :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f a) -> t repr [a] default all :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> Bool) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr Bool default and :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f Bool) -> t repr Bool default any :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> Bool) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr Bool default concat :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f [a]) -> t repr [a] default concatMap :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> [b]) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr [b] default find :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> Bool) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr (Maybe a) default foldlM :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monad m) => t repr (b -> a -> m b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr (m b) default foldrM :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monad m) => t repr (a -> b -> m b) -> t repr b -> t repr (f a) -> t repr (m b) default forM_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monad m) => t repr (f a) -> t repr (a -> m b) -> t repr (m ()) default for_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Applicative p) => t repr (f a) -> t repr (a -> p b) -> t repr (p ()) default mapM_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monad m) => t repr (a -> m b) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr (m ()) default maximumBy :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr a default minimumBy :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (a -> a -> Ordering) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr a default notElem :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Eq a) => t repr a -> t repr (f a) -> t repr Bool default or :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f) => t repr (f Bool) -> t repr Bool default sequenceA_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Applicative p) => t repr (f (p a)) -> t repr (p ()) default sequence_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Monad m) => t repr (f (m a)) -> t repr (m ()) default traverse_ :: (Trans t repr, Foldable f, Applicative p) => t repr (a -> p b) -> t repr (f a) -> t repr (p ()) foldMap = trans_map2 foldMap foldr = trans_map3 foldr foldr' = trans_map3 foldr' foldl = trans_map3 foldl foldl' = trans_map3 foldl' length = trans_map1 length null = trans_map1 null minimum = trans_map1 minimum maximum = trans_map1 maximum elem = trans_map2 elem sum = trans_map1 sum product = trans_map1 product toList = trans_map1 toList all = trans_map2 all and = trans_map1 and any = trans_map2 any concat = trans_map1 concat concatMap = trans_map2 concatMap find = trans_map2 find foldlM = trans_map3 foldlM foldrM = trans_map3 foldrM forM_ = trans_map2 forM_ for_ = trans_map2 for_ mapM_ = trans_map2 mapM_ maximumBy = trans_map2 maximumBy minimumBy = trans_map2 minimumBy notElem = trans_map2 notElem or = trans_map1 or sequenceA_ = trans_map1 sequenceA_ sequence_ = trans_map1 sequence_ traverse_ = trans_map2 traverse_ instance Sym_Foldable Repr_Host where foldMap = liftM2 Foldable.foldMap foldr = liftM3 Foldable.foldr foldr' = liftM3 Foldable.foldr' foldl = liftM3 Foldable.foldl foldl' = liftM3 Foldable.foldl' null = liftM Foldable.null length = liftM Foldable.length minimum = liftM Foldable.minimum maximum = liftM Foldable.maximum elem = liftM2 Foldable.elem sum = liftM Foldable.sum product = liftM Foldable.product toList = liftM Foldable.toList all = liftM2 Foldable.all and = liftM Foldable.and any = liftM2 Foldable.any concat = liftM Foldable.concat concatMap = liftM2 Foldable.concatMap find = liftM2 Foldable.find foldlM = liftM3 Foldable.foldlM foldrM = liftM3 Foldable.foldrM forM_ = liftM2 Foldable.forM_ for_ = liftM2 Foldable.for_ mapM_ = liftM2 Foldable.mapM_ maximumBy = liftM2 Foldable.maximumBy minimumBy = liftM2 Foldable.minimumBy notElem = liftM2 Foldable.notElem or = liftM Foldable.or sequenceA_ = liftM Foldable.sequenceA_ sequence_ = liftM Foldable.sequence_ traverse_ = liftM2 Foldable.traverse_ instance Sym_Foldable Repr_Text where foldMap = repr_text_app2 "foldMap" foldr = repr_text_app3 "foldr" foldr' = repr_text_app3 "foldr'" foldl = repr_text_app3 "foldl" foldl' = repr_text_app3 "foldl'" null = repr_text_app1 "null" length = repr_text_app1 "length" minimum = repr_text_app1 "minimum" maximum = repr_text_app1 "maximum" elem = repr_text_app2 "elem" sum = repr_text_app1 "sum" product = repr_text_app1 "product" toList = repr_text_app1 "toList" all = repr_text_app2 "all" and = repr_text_app1 "and" any = repr_text_app2 "any" concat = repr_text_app1 "concat" concatMap = repr_text_app2 "concatMap" find = repr_text_app2 "find" foldlM = repr_text_app3 "foldlM" foldrM = repr_text_app3 "foldrM" forM_ = repr_text_app2 "forM_" for_ = repr_text_app2 "for_" mapM_ = repr_text_app2 "mapM_" maximumBy = repr_text_app2 "maximumBy" minimumBy = repr_text_app2 "minimumBy" notElem = repr_text_app2 "notElem" or = repr_text_app1 "or" sequenceA_ = repr_text_app1 "sequenceA_" sequence_ = repr_text_app1 "sequence_" traverse_ = repr_text_app2 "traverse_" instance (Sym_Foldable r1, Sym_Foldable r2) => Sym_Foldable (Repr_Dup r1 r2) where foldMap = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable foldMap foldr = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldr foldr' = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldr' foldl = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldl foldl' = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldl' null = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable null length = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable length minimum = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable minimum maximum = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable maximum elem = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable elem sum = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable sum product = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable product toList = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable toList all = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable all and = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable and any = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable any concat = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable concat concatMap = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable concatMap find = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable find foldlM = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldlM foldrM = repr_dup3 sym_Foldable foldrM forM_ = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable forM_ for_ = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable for_ mapM_ = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable mapM_ maximumBy = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable maximumBy minimumBy = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable minimumBy notElem = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable notElem or = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable or sequenceA_ = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable sequenceA_ sequence_ = repr_dup1 sym_Foldable sequence_ traverse_ = repr_dup2 sym_Foldable traverse_ sym_Foldable :: Proxy Sym_Foldable sym_Foldable = Proxy -- * Type 'Expr_Foldable' -- | Expression. data Expr_Foldable (root:: *) type instance Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) = root type instance Type_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) = No_Type type instance Sym_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) repr = (Sym_Foldable repr) type instance Error_of_Expr ast (Expr_Foldable root) = No_Error_Expr -- | Parse 'foldMap'. foldMap_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type0_Unlift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type0_Constraint Monoid ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret foldMap_from ast_f ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- foldMap :: (Foldable t, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> t a -> m expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_f ctx $ \(ty_f::ty h_f) (Forall_Repr_with_Context f) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type_fun ex ast ty_f $ \(Type2 Proxy ty_f_a ty_f_m) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _t (ty_t_a::ty h_t_a), Type1_Lift _ty_t) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_f_a ty_t_a $ \Refl -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Monoid) ast ty_f_m $ \Dict -> k ty_f_m $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> foldMap (f c) (ta c) -- | Parse 'foldr' or |foldr'|. foldr_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type0_Unlift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr f a b. (Sym_Foldable repr, Foldable f) => repr (a -> b -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b) -> ast -> ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret foldr_from fold ast_f ast_b ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_f ctx $ \(ty_f::ty h_f) (Forall_Repr_with_Context f) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_b ctx $ \(ty_b::ty h_b) (Forall_Repr_with_Context b) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type_fun ex ast ty_f $ \(Type2 Proxy ty_f_a ty_f_b2b) -> check_type_fun ex ast ty_f_b2b $ \(Type2 Proxy ty_f_b ty_f_b') -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_f_b ty_f_b' $ \Refl -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_b ty_f_b $ \Refl -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _t (ty_t_a::ty h_t_a), Type1_Lift _ty_t) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_f_a ty_t_a $ \Refl -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> k ty_b $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> fold (f c) (b c) (ta c) -- | Parse 'foldl' or |foldl'|. foldl_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type0_Unlift Type_Fun (Type_of_Expr root) , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => (forall repr f a b. (Sym_Foldable repr, Foldable f) => repr (b -> a -> b) -> repr b -> repr (f a) -> repr b) -> ast -> ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret foldl_from fold ast_f ast_b ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- foldl :: Foldable t => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> t a -> b expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_f ctx $ \(ty_f::ty h_f) (Forall_Repr_with_Context f) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_b ctx $ \(ty_b::ty h_b) (Forall_Repr_with_Context b) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type_fun ex ast ty_f $ \(Type2 Proxy ty_f_b ty_f_a2b) -> check_type_fun ex ast ty_f_a2b $ \(Type2 Proxy ty_f_a ty_f_b') -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_f_b ty_f_b' $ \Refl -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_b ty_f_b $ \Refl -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _t (ty_t_a::ty h_t_a), Type1_Lift _ty_t) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_f_a ty_t_a $ \Refl -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> k ty_b $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> fold (f c) (b c) (ta c) -- | Parse 'length'. length_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Int (Type_of_Expr root) , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret length_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- length :: Foldable t => t a -> Int expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1{}, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> k type_int $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> length (ta c) -- | Parse 'null'. null_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret null_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- null :: Foldable t => t a -> Bool expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1{}, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> k type_bool $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> null (ta c) -- | Parse 'minimum'. minimum_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint Ord ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret minimum_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- minimum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Ord) ast ty_t_a $ \Dict -> k ty_t_a $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> minimum (ta c) -- | Parse 'maximum'. maximum_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint Ord ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret maximum_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- maximum :: (Foldable t, Ord a) => t a -> a expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Ord) ast ty_t_a $ \Dict -> k ty_t_a $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> maximum (ta c) -- | Parse 'elem'. elem_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_Bool (Type_of_Expr root) , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret elem_from ast_a ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- elem :: (Foldable t, Eq a) => a -> t a -> Bool expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_a ctx $ \(ty_a::ty h_a) (Forall_Repr_with_Context a) -> expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type0_eq ex ast ty_a ty_t_a $ \Refl -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Eq) ast ty_a $ \Dict -> k type_bool $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> a c `elem` ta c -- | Parse 'sum'. sum_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint Num ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret sum_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- sum :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Num) ast ty_t_a $ \Dict -> k ty_t_a $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> sum (ta c) -- | Parse 'product'. product_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Constraint Num ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret product_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- product :: (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> check_type0_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Num) ast ty_t_a $ \Dict -> k ty_t_a $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> product (ta c) -- | Parse 'toList'. toList_from :: forall root ty ast hs ret. ( ty ~ Type_Root_of_Expr (Expr_Foldable root) , Expr_From ast root , Type0_Eq ty , Type0_Lift Type_List (Type_of_Expr root) , Type0_Constraint Num ty , Type1_Constraint Foldable ty , Type1_Unlift (Type_of_Expr root) , Error_Expr_Lift (Error_Expr (Error_of_Type ast ty) ty ast) (Error_of_Expr ast root) , Root_of_Expr root ~ root ) => ast -> ExprFrom ast (Expr_Foldable root) hs ret toList_from ast_ta ex ast ctx k = -- toList :: Foldable t => t a -> [a] expr_from (Proxy::Proxy root) ast_ta ctx $ \(ty_ta::ty h_ta) (Forall_Repr_with_Context ta) -> check_type1 ex ast ty_ta $ \(Type1 _ ty_t_a, _) -> check_type1_constraint ex (Proxy::Proxy Foldable) ast ty_ta $ \Dict -> k (type_list ty_t_a) $ Forall_Repr_with_Context $ \c -> toList (ta c)