{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | Interpreter to compute a host-term. module Language.Symantic.Repr.Host where import Control.Applicative as Applicative import Control.Monad as Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..)) import Data.Foldable as Foldable import Data.Functor as Functor import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.IORef import Data.Monoid as Monoid import Data.Traversable as Traversable import qualified Data.Bool as Bool import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified System.IO as IO import Language.Symantic.Lib.Control.Monad import Language.Symantic.Type import Language.Symantic.Expr hiding (Sym_Monad(..), Sym_Monad_Lam(..)) import qualified Language.Symantic.Expr as Expr -- * Type 'Repr_Host' -- | Interpreter's data. -- -- NOTE: the host-type @h@ is wrapped inside @lam@ to let 'Sym_Lambda' -- control its callings (see 'inline', 'val', and 'lazy'). newtype Repr_Host lam h = Repr_Host { unRepr_Host :: lam h } deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO) -- | Interpreter. host_from_expr :: Repr_Host lam h -> lam h host_from_expr = unRepr_Host type instance Lambda_from_Repr (Repr_Host lam) = lam instance Monad lam => Sym_Lambda_App lam (Repr_Host lam) where app = liftM2Join $ \(Lambda f) a -> Repr_Host $ f $ return a instance Monad lam => Sym_Lambda_Inline lam (Repr_Host lam) where inline f = return $ Lambda $ unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host instance Monad lam => Sym_Lambda_Val lam (Repr_Host lam) where val f = return $ Lambda $ (>>= unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host . return) instance MonadIO lam => Sym_Lambda_Lazy lam (Repr_Host lam) where lazy f = return $ Lambda $ ((>>= unRepr_Host . f . Repr_Host) . lazy_share) instance Monad lam => Sym_Bool (Repr_Host lam) where bool = return not = Functor.fmap Bool.not (&&) = liftM2 (Prelude.&&) (||) = liftM2 (Prelude.||) instance Monad lam => Sym_Int (Repr_Host lam) where int = return abs = Functor.fmap Prelude.abs negate = Functor.fmap Prelude.negate (+) = liftM2 (Prelude.+) (-) = liftM2 (Prelude.-) (*) = liftM2 (Prelude.*) mod = liftM2 Prelude.mod instance Monad lam => Sym_Text (Repr_Host lam) where text = return instance Monad lam => Sym_Maybe (Repr_Host lam) where nothing = return Nothing just = liftMJoin $ return . Just instance Monad lam => Sym_Maybe_Lam lam (Repr_Host lam) where maybe n j m = do mm <- m Maybe.maybe n (\a -> j `app` return a) mm instance Monad lam => Sym_IO (Repr_Host lam) where io_hClose = (IO.hClose Functor.<$>) io_openFile = liftM2Join $ \f m -> return $ IO.openFile f m instance Monad lam => Sym_If (Repr_Host lam) where if_ m ok ko = do m' <- m if m' then ok else ko instance Monad lam => Sym_When (Repr_Host lam) where when m ok = do m' <- m Monad.when m' ok instance Monad lam => Sym_Eq (Repr_Host lam) where (==) = liftM2 (Prelude.==) instance Monad lam => Sym_Ord (Repr_Host lam) where compare = liftM2 Prelude.compare instance Monad lam => Sym_List (Repr_Host lam) where list_empty = return [] list_cons = liftM2 (:) list = sequence instance Monad lam => Sym_List_Lam lam (Repr_Host lam) where list_filter f = liftMJoin go where go [] = return [] go (x:xs) = do b <- f `app` return x (if b then ((x :) Prelude.<$>) else id) (go xs) instance Monad lam => Sym_Tuple2 (Repr_Host lam) where tuple2 = liftM2 (,) instance Monad lam => Sym_Map (Repr_Host lam) where map_from_list = Functor.fmap Map.fromList instance Monad lam => Sym_Map_Lam lam (Repr_Host lam) where map_map f = liftMJoin $ sequence . ((\a -> f `app` return a) Prelude.<$>) instance Sym_Functor Identity (Repr_Host Identity) where fmap f m = (a2b Functor.<$>) Functor.<$> m where a2b a = runIdentity $ unRepr_Host $ f `app` return a {- NOTE: need Traversable fmap f = liftMJoin $ sequence . ((\a -> f `app` return a) Functor.<$>) -} instance ( Sym_Applicative_Lam lam (Repr_Host lam) , Applicative lam ) => Sym_Applicative (Repr_Host lam) where pure = Functor.fmap Applicative.pure instance Sym_Applicative_Lam Identity (Repr_Host Identity) where (<*>) = liftM2Join $ \fg -> return . (Applicative.<*>) ((\(Lambda g) -> runIdentity . g . Identity) Functor.<$> fg) {- NOTE: need Traversable (<*>) = liftM2Join $ \fg fa -> Repr_Host $ sequence $ (unLambda Functor.<$> fg) Applicative.<*> (return Functor.<$> fa) -} instance Sym_Traversable Identity (Repr_Host Identity) where traverse ra2fb = liftMJoin $ return . Traversable.traverse a2fb where a2fb a = runIdentity $ unRepr_Host $ ra2fb `app` return a instance ( Expr.Sym_Monad_Lam lam (Repr_Host lam) , Monad lam ) => Expr.Sym_Monad (Repr_Host lam) where return = Functor.fmap Monad.return instance Expr.Sym_Monad_Lam Identity (Repr_Host Identity) where (>>=) rma ra2mb = do ma <- rma return $ (Monad.>>=) ma a2mb where a2mb a = runIdentity $ unRepr_Host $ ra2mb `app` return a instance Monad lam => Sym_Either (Repr_Host lam) where right = Functor.fmap Right left = Functor.fmap Left instance Sym_Monoid (Repr_Host Identity) where mempty = return Monoid.mempty mappend = liftM2Join $ \x y -> return $ Monoid.mappend x y instance Sym_Foldable (Repr_Host Identity) where null = (Foldable.null Functor.<$>) length = (Foldable.length Functor.<$>) minimum = (Foldable.minimum Functor.<$>) maximum = (Foldable.maximum Functor.<$>) elem = liftM2Join $ \a ta -> return $ Foldable.elem a ta instance Sym_Foldable_Lam Identity (Repr_Host Identity) where foldMap f = liftMJoin $ return . Foldable.foldMap a2m where a2m a = runIdentity $ unRepr_Host $ f `app` return a -- | Helper to store arguments of 'lazy' into an 'IORef'. lazy_share :: MonadIO m => m a -> m (m a) lazy_share m = do r <- liftIO $ newIORef (False, m) return $ do (already_evaluated, m') <- liftIO $ readIORef r if already_evaluated then m' else do v <- m' liftIO $ writeIORef r (True, return v) return v