author: Julien Moutinho -- bug-reports: build-type: Simple cabal-version: >= 1.10 category: Language -- data-dir: data -- data-files: description: Demonstration gathering important ideas from and trying to push them further to get a nice approach to EDSL (Embedded Domain-Specific Language). . Main improvements are related to: * Reading symantics expressions from a raw AST (Abstract Syntax Tree); including lambda abstractions. * Keeping this reading extensible to new symantics expressions; reusing previous readers without changing them. * Using those read symantics expressions with multiple interpreters. . Your comments, problem reports, questions are very welcome! extra-source-files: extra-tmp-files: -- homepage: license: GPL-3 license-file: COPYING maintainer: Julien Moutinho name: tfhoe stability: experimental synopsis: Tutorial and experiments regarding Tagless-Final Higher-Order Extensible EDSL tested-with: GHC==7.10.3 version: 1.20160916 -- Source-Repository head -- location: git:// -- type: git Flag dev Default: False Description: Turn on development settings. Manual: True Flag dump Default: False Description: Dump some intermediate files. Manual: True Flag prof Default: False Description: Turn on profiling settings. Manual: True Flag threaded Default: False Description: Enable threads. Manual: True Library default-extensions: ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-tabs if flag(dev) cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT ghc-options: -- -ddump-splices -- -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -- -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans if flag(dump) ghc-options: -ddump-simpl -ddump-stg -ddump-to-file if flag(prof) cpp-options: -DPROFILING ghc-options: -fprof-auto default-language: Haskell2010 exposed-modules: TFHOE.Lib.Control.Monad TFHOE.Expr TFHOE.Expr.Bool TFHOE.Expr.Common TFHOE.Expr.Fun TFHOE.Expr.Int TFHOE.Raw TFHOE.Repr TFHOE.Repr.Dup TFHOE.Repr.Host TFHOE.Repr.String TFHOE.Type TFHOE.Type.Bool TFHOE.Type.Common TFHOE.Type.Fun TFHOE.Type.Int build-depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5 , ghc-prim , monad-classes >= , transformers Test-Suite tfhoe-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-extensions: default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -main-is Test hs-source-dirs: TFHOE main-is: Test.hs other-modules: Expr.Bool.Test Expr.Fun.Test Expr.Test Raw.Test Repr.Host.Test Repr.String.Test Repr.Test Type.Test if flag(threaded) ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N if flag(dev) cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT ghc-options: if flag(prof) cpp-options: -DPROFILING ghc-options: -fprof-auto build-depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5 , transformers , tasty >= 0.11 , tasty-hunit , tfhoe